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Great Gatsby Questions Chapter Eight. What does Gatsby tell Nick the night of the accident? Answer: Gatsby tells Nick the story of his origins and his.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Gatsby Questions Chapter Eight. What does Gatsby tell Nick the night of the accident? Answer: Gatsby tells Nick the story of his origins and his."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Gatsby Questions Chapter Eight

2 What does Gatsby tell Nick the night of the accident? Answer: Gatsby tells Nick the story of his origins and his love for Daisy.

3 Did Gatsby want to go to Oxford? Answer: No, he wanted to get back to Daisy.

4 How does George Wilson spend the night after the accident? Answer: He spends the night talking with a neighbor, Michaelis, about his relationship with Myrtle.

5 What evidence had Wilson spend the night after the accident? Answer: He found a dog’s leash.

6 What is the principal reason for Daisy’s appeal to Gatsby? Answer: His wealth and mystery.

7 What do the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg symbolize to George Wilson? Answer: The eyes symbolize the eyes of God.

8 What is significant about the symbol of Eckleburg’s eyes? Answer: They are looking over the valley of ashes, or the wasteland that modern life has become.

9 How does Nick characterize Gatsby’s state of mind before he is killed? Answer: Nick imagines that Gatsby has discovered a grotesque and frightening new world, “material without being real.”

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