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About how fast were the cars going when they hit each other? collided smashed bumped contacted.

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5 About how fast were the cars going when they hit each other? collided smashed bumped contacted

6 But why? 1. Response-bias The critical word influences or biases response 2. Altered memory representation The critical word changes a person’s memory Affects perception of the accident 1.Identify the IV and DV 2.Write an operationalized hypothesis 3.Identify the design used in this study 4.Outline some of the strengths of this design 5.Why were 10 questions asked, not just the critical question? 6.Each group was shown the videos in a different order. Why? 7.Outline one finding from this experiment and one conclusion that can be made.


8 Part 1: Same as in experiment 1. ‘Smashed’ had an average of 10.46mph, ‘hit’ 8.00mph Part 2 Participants in the ‘smashed’ condition were more likely to think they had seen broken glass. The probability of saying ‘yes’ to broken glass was also calculated – 0.32 for ‘smashed’, compared to 0.14 for ‘hit’. 1.Was a control group necessary? Why/why not? 2.State a hypothesis for this study. Is yours one or two tailed? 3.State your null hypothesis. 4.Outline 2 findings from experiment 2. 5.How do the aims differ for experiment 1 and 2?

9 Lab experiment Sample of American students Generalisable? Quantitative data Reliability Replicable? Ecological Validity Artificiality? Applications



12 Do you think that eyewitness testimony should be sufficient evidence upon which to convict someone?

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