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o Diary/journal o Photographs/film footage o Auto-biography o Letters o Official records (census, logs) o Documents (treaty, constitution, etc.)

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2 o Diary/journal o Photographs/film footage o Auto-biography o Letters o Official records (census, logs) o Documents (treaty, constitution, etc.)

3 o Textbook o Novel o Magazine article o Biography o Encyclopedia o Timeline

4 o Ex: George Washington was born in February o Ex: Humans are mammals o Ex: (Create your own)

5 o Ex: If you have a cold you should stay home from school o Ex: Gandhi was the greatest leader in India o Ex: (Create your own)

6 300200 0 100 200 300 BC (Before Christ) or BCE (Before Common Era) AD (Anno Domini) or CE (Common Era)

7 300200 0 100 200 300

8 Try your best to put the following words where they belong on your note sheet: Archeologist Historian Economist Anthropologist Geographer

9  Historians- Study written records of past events  Economists- Study how societies use available resources. They try to answer the following 3 questions about civilizations: o What goods and services are produced? o How are goods and services produced? o How are goods and services distributed? $

10  Anthropologist- Study past and present human cultures  Archeologist- A type of anthropologist that studies cultures by analyzing physical remains (artifacts)

11  Geographers- Study the Earth’s surface and its impact on humans. Geographers often examine: o Topography (physical land features) o Climate o Human migrations (movement) o The ways in which people adapt to their environments

12 What are some different types of maps used to interpret Geography? Different maps can be used to show different things about the earth’s geography Different maps work together with history to explain culture in different areas

13 Political Map: Used to show man-made boundaries such as countries, states, counties, towns, etc.

14 Physical Map: Used to show the physical features (mtns, rivers, lakes, etc.) of an area

15 Climate Map: Used to show how average temperatures vary across the globe

16 Population Map: Used to show how many people live in certain areas of the world

17 Resource Map: Used to show what/the amount of natural resources available in an area

18 Anytime you see a map, make sure to read the:  Title  Key  Labels  Scale  Additional notes (see review book for practice)

19 Latitude and Longitude



22 Democracy Definition: –Type of government in which the people have the power Examples: –Ancient Athens (First democracy) –USA

23 Republic Definition: A type of democracy in which people elect representatives Example: USA

24 Monarchy Definition: –Type of government in which one person rules as a King or Queen Examples: –Great Britain in the 1700’s

25 Dictatorship/ Totalitarian/ Absolute Definition: –Type of government in which one person has absolute control and makes all of the decisions Examples: –China under Mao Zedong –Germany under Hitler –Soviet Union under Stalin

26 Theocracy Definition: –Type of government based on religion Examples: –Iran –Vatican City –Mali under Mansa Musa

27 Anarchy Definition: –No government/ lawlessness Examples: –Periods of time during the Middle Ages

28 Types of Economies What should be produced? How should it be produced? Should individuals have control? Should the government ever step in?

29 Traditional Economy People trade goods and services with each other Don’t use money Examples: Early civilizations Tribal groups

30 Market Economy/ Free- market/ Capitalism Economic decisions are made by individuals based on supply and demand Good: individual choice, competition motivates people to work harder, people try to make a profit Bad: bigger gap between rich and poor

31 Geographic features such as mountains, deserts, oceans (before sea travel was improved, & rainforests:  act as barriers from other civilizations  protect civilizations from invasion  experience cultural diversity: civilizations live near each other but do not share ideas/beliefs

32 Geographic features such as river valleys and plainsincrease interaction between culturesexperience cultural diffusion: when civilizations interact, trade, and share ideas and beliefs with each other

33 Social Hierarchy A system in which people are divided by social class (usually a few people have a lot of wealth and power and the majority of the population his little)

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