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6/13/20161 South Seattle Community College College-wide Meeting Budget Planning for 2008-09 FY March 10, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "6/13/20161 South Seattle Community College College-wide Meeting Budget Planning for 2008-09 FY March 10, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/13/20161 South Seattle Community College College-wide Meeting Budget Planning for 2008-09 FY March 10, 2008

2 6/13/20162 How South Measures Success  Strategic Planning Institutional Goals College-wide Priorities Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies  Budget Development Concurrent with development/update of Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies  College Council Budget hearing Recommendations to President Cabinet

3 6/13/20163 Collaborative Discussion  South is dedicated to continuous improvement of the strategic planning process  On-going, meaningful discussion throughout the campus community led to the current process Institutional Effectiveness Committee Cabinet College Council Cross-constituency representation Units and Departments

4 6/13/20164 Cycle Establish Institutional Goals & College-wide Priorities Complete Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies related to the Institutional Goals & Priorities Complete Budget Requests based on Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies Present Requests to College Council Budget approval by Cabinet

5 2007-08 Budget Review  49 new FTEs in various programs  35 new Apprenticeship FTEs  Opportunity Grant  Student Persistence  Deferred re-allocation for NSCC  Maintenance & Operations  Tuition increase/inflationary funding 6/13/20165

6 2006-07 College Council Recommendations Staffing  Promotes Title III transition from Grant.  Recommends growth of performance incentives for effective staff retention. Accreditation  The accreditation process supports retention and staffing themes. Council recommends the full funding for accreditation. Recruitment and Retention  Recommends on-going funding and increased investment in programs and services that provide direct support to retaining SSCC students. Faculty and Program Needs  Recommends new faculty hires be based on actual FTE demand rather than expected growth.  Council stresses the importance of recruiting and retaining quality staff. Infrastructure  Compliance increases  Custodial  Emergency Preparedness  Information Technology Hardware  Security and Transportation  Utilities 6/13/20166

7 7 2007-09 College-wide Priorities 1. Promote student learning and success 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future 3. Ensure the financial health of the college

8 6/13/20168 2007-08 Initiatives Funded Based on the College-wide Priorities 1. Promote student learning and success Increase PT Faculty budget 3 New FTF positions (Foreign Language, Science, Winemaker) New Associate Dean position in Academic Studies Increase in Instructional equipment funding Increase in coordination funding in various programs Increase in Tutoring, Childcare, & Student Services hourly funding Title III transition to operating state budget Increase in goods & services for Diversity & Retention BAS Library Materials

9 2007-08 Initiatives Funded Based on the College-wide Priorities 2. Prepare the college for its preferred future. Increase in safety and security supplies funding Increase in Professional Development funds Transition of Executive Dean to Director of Contract Training Increase funding for Hazardous Waste Accreditation Computer Hardware/Media Services 6/13/20169

10 10 2007-08 Initiatives Funded Based on the College-wide Priorities 3. Ensure the financial health of the college Budget actual amounts for utilities Transition fiscal position form grant consolidation to operating budget Operating Contingency Faculty contract cost Small (<$1K) miscellaneous increases in travel and goods/services budgets to reflect effects of inflation Transition IT Support position from Lab Fee budget to Operating budget Classified staff increments COLA/ Health/Pension/Faculty Increments

11 6/13/201611 2008-09 Fiscal Highlights  Preliminary Data only at this point 2 nd year of the biennium The information we have now will change District FTE re-allocation Tuition increase (2%) Cosmetology budget re-allocation  State Impacts Health Care Advancement Program Contract /Aerospace Apprenticeships Child Care Matching Grant Security –mapping/warning COLA increase (additional 1% for faculty)  Federal Impacts – DOL Nursing

12 6/13/201612 Calendar  March Communicate goals & priorities Complete UPDATES to Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies  April Budget Development workshop Complete Budget worksheets Align with goals and priorities Submit to department Vice-Presidents Due April 22

13 6/13/201613 Calendar  May Vice-Presidents review budgets Budget planning sheets are due to Business Office May 6 Prioritized list of requests is due to College Council May 6 College Council Hearing May 13 & 14  June College-wide Budget Hearing Final budget approved

14 6/13/201614 Summary  South’s planning and budgeting processes are efficient and worthwhile  No major cuts  Tie requests to campus wide priority  Focus on Retention and Completion  Prioritize new initiatives  Reallocation of Cosmetology budget  Plan ahead Accreditation cost PFT Budget and Allocation DOL Nursing

15 Questions 6/13/201615

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