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Daily Introduction January 4 & January 5 January 4 & January 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Introduction January 4 & January 5 January 4 & January 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Introduction January 4 & January 5 January 4 & January 5

2 Homework ALL work must be submitted by January 15 @ 2pm. – 8 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher – Formal Writing Assignment – Tweet Sheets from The Crucible – All forum posts ALL work must be submitted by January 15 @ 2pm. –8–8 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher –F–Formal Writing Assignment –T–Tweet Sheets from The Crucible –A–All forum posts


4 Period 1: 21% Period 3: 40% Period 4: 17% Period 5: 32% Period 7: 15% Period 8: 63% Period 1: 21% Period 3: 40% Period 4: 17% Period 5: 32% Period 7: 15% Period 8: 63% A-day: 26% B-day: 37% Collective: 31% A-day: 26% B-day: 37% Collective: 31% Rationale:

5 A. NO CHANGE B. their great cost C. it’s great cost D. its great cost However, no action was ever taken on the project. In the 1920s, an assembly ordered resumption of ferry service between the peninsulas, but within five years, Governor Fred Green felt there great cost warranted investigation of the bridge idea once again. The State Highway Authority concluded that a bridge could be built for around $30 million.

6 Explanation

7 There generally refers to a location, while their generally refers to possession The possessive form of “it” is “its,” without the apostrophe. Here, “its” refers to “ferry service between peninsulas,” not a person. There generally refers to a location, while their generally refers to possession The possessive form of “it” is “its,” without the apostrophe. Here, “its” refers to “ferry service between peninsulas,” not a person. This is why your correct answer is…


9 Synonyms: Absurd Silly Stupid Vapid Synonyms: Absurd Silly Stupid Vapid Definition: Lacking significance due to stupidity. Definition: Lacking significance due to stupidity.

10 Objective: SWBAT interpret differing American Dreams between individuals. If time allows after presentations, students will create a working definition of the term. SWBAT interpret differing American Dreams between individuals. If time allows after presentations, students will create a working definition of the term.

11 Next Class: Notes: Pre-Reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Notes: Pre-Reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”

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