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Take out a piece of paper and something to write with… I will give you instructions after you have all taken out a piece of paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out a piece of paper and something to write with… I will give you instructions after you have all taken out a piece of paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out a piece of paper and something to write with… I will give you instructions after you have all taken out a piece of paper

2 Part of the definition of culture includes art, which is an expression of human creativity: Label each box with the following- Theater/drama Painting Sculpture Poetry literature Multimedia/Film Label the middle part of your sheet- “Deaf Experience and the Arts”

3 The Major Forms of Literature of American Sign Language

4 Deaf Literature The literary type of most cultures is called oral literature, meaning stories are preserved and passed down only by the act of storytelling. Deaf culture is part of this tradition since it relies on the act of live or recorded storytelling for transmission

5 Poetry, ABC stories, classifier stories, handshape rhymes, number stories, narratives and humor form a highly- regarded body of signed, visual literature passed down from generation to generation. SIGN-PASS-DOWN…generation to generation

6 ASL Poetry Covers a broad spectrum of genres and topics, performed by a Deaf poet. Deaf poets such as Clayton Valli and Ella Mae Lentz are cherished for their poetry reflecting the shared Deaf experience.Clayton Valli

7 ASL poetry 7qw 7qw JAa8 JAa8

8 Classifier Stories Works that use only one or more specific classifiers to tell a complete, plot-driven story. Ben Bahan

9 Handshape Rhymes Works in which the signer tells an entire story using only one handshape, often incorporating meter, or rhythm, based on the story’s plot.

10 ABC Stories Using only the letters of the alphabet in sequence (either A – Z or Z – A), the signer tells a complete story. ABC stories combine elements of classifier stories and handshape rhymes.

11 Number Stories Similar to ABC stories, the signer uses specific number signs to tell a story. Number signs can be made in sequence like ABC stories (number 1 – 10, for example), in a challenging pattern (numbers 7, 5, 7, 5, for example), or in reverse order. Example

12 American Sign Language Don’t confuse the signed literature of American Sign Language with the plays, poetry, and novels written in English (or other languages) by Deaf individuals. In addition to ASL literature, which is always performed in ASL, there is a rich contribution by Deaf authors to the field of written literature in many languages.

13 Narratives Signed in formal ASL, narratives often relate events and aspects of the shared Deaf experience, especially humorous tales of being Deaf in a hearing world. ASL narratives often highlight Deaf history, famous Deaf persons, and Deaf accomplishments or triumphs over adversity.

14 Deaf Sculpture: Douglas Tilden 5&submitted=TRUE&srch_text=&submitted2=&topic=The%2 0Arts

15 Deaf artist: Chuck Baird and Betty Miller


17 Ameslan Prohibited, 1972 Dr. Betty Miller artist

18 Your assignment: You can write the due date in one of your boxes DUE-March 5, 2013

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