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Monitoring Progress vs. Progress Monitoring. Quiz Time Either write your answers on paper or just remember what your response was to the following questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Progress vs. Progress Monitoring. Quiz Time Either write your answers on paper or just remember what your response was to the following questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Progress vs. Progress Monitoring

2 Quiz Time Either write your answers on paper or just remember what your response was to the following questions.

3 Question #1 Who in your class should you monitor the progress of?

4 Question #2 Who in your class should you progress monitor?

5 Question #3 How do you use the information from monitoring progress?

6 Question #4 How do you use the information from progress monitoring?

7 Question #5 Which should students have ownership in? Progress monitoring or monitoring progress?

8 Let’s discover our answers!

9 Question #1 Who in your class should you monitor the progress of?

10 Monitoring Progress

11 Why monitor progress?

12 When students know what it is they need to do, specifically, to improve and grow, the more targeted and accelerated their growth will be.

13 What does monitoring progress look like? should be completed 6-10 times a year can be anything from sight words inventory, fact fluency, reading fluency passage, etc. (What works in your classroom? What are we currently doing this week?) it takes time out of your schedule YOU have to buy into the idea and have ownership.

14 Where can I get materials to monitor progress? (over 100 fluency passages for free) (free)

15 Question #3 How do you use the information from monitoring progress?

16 What do I do with the data? Graph it! Display it! Brag on it! Show it to the student! Set goals by it! Share with the parent! Create a mini-book with it!

17 Graph it, set goal, and draw an aim line. Find a way of graphing the data on a form that works best for you! Set a goal with the student for the next time you monitor their progress. Let them color in their graph. Draw an aim line for where you want the student to end the year.


19 What should I do with the results? Look at your class results. If more than 20% fall below the cut score (evaluate your Tier 1 instruction) Analyze and compare across grade level. Set up your groups based on this current information.

20 How can the students “buy into” this process? Use mini-books or graphs for them to see and track their own progress. Let them set their own goals before you assess them. Show them where they have been. After assessing, encourage them to reflect on their growth or lack of growth.

21 What is progress monitoring? formal intervention/documentation to assess a student’s CBM (curriculum based measurements) for RTI to determine if the student is making adequate progress with the interventions he/she is currently receiving. It answers the question…”Is my intervention working for this student?”

22 Question #2 Who in your class should you progress monitor?

23 Who needs progress monitoring? Students who are receiving any RTI services in Tier 2 or 3.

24 Question #4 How do you use the information from progress monitoring?

25 How do I use progress monitoring data? To reflect upon your interventions, the progress of the student receiving the intervention, and how to move forward with RTI

26 Question #5 Which should students have ownership in? Progress monitoring or monitoring progress?


28 Great blog for inspiration and resources… Hello Literacy by Jen Jones gress-monitoring-vs-progress.html

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