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Imperialism Imperialism occurs when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation and dominates its economic, political, or cultural life In the short-term,

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2 Imperialism Imperialism occurs when a strong nation takes over a weaker nation and dominates its economic, political, or cultural life In the short-term, imperialism was a very profitable foreign policy which came at the expense of the exploited people that were conquered. – Cultural diffusion was one benefit that occurred, leading to an exchange of ideas between the West and the East.

3 Beginnings of Imperialism Event that sparked Early Imperialism Holy Crusades from the 1100-1250 C.E. (AD) Exposed Europeans to spices such as Ginger, Pepper, Cinnamon –Europeans had to pay through the nose for these goods because the land trade routes were controlled by Muslims. –To Avoid the middle man, European countries established water trade routes and colonies. (1492 Ring a Bell) Early European colonists were motivated by the 3 G’s (Gold, Glory and God) In that order.

4 Slave Trade Many early European settlements were the starting point of the African Slave Trade Sugar and Tobacco Plantations in the Caribbean needed large #’s of workers to be profitable. –Needed cheap labor Europeans planned to use native population But most natives died from disease and war. Very profitable: 1500-1600…300,000 Africans imported to the Americas By 1870 over 9.5 million Africans were brought to the new world Most went to Spanish and Portuguese controlled colonies in Caribbean and Brazil 40% of all slaves were imported by Portuguese to Brazil

5 Slave Trade Many Coastal African rulers played a willing role in the Atlantic slave trade. –By selling captives from rival tribes Triangle Trade Raw Materials form New world to Europe to make final product which was traded for more slaves to work the Plantations. Middle Passage Slaves were packed tight into ships –Many died of disease –Nowhere to go to bathroom –Only 20% would survive the trip

6 Causes of Imperialism 1.Economic Motives: (Gold) The Industrial Revolution created a never ending demand for raw materials and new markets to sell goods. Africa had many valuable resources such as Diamond and Gold, Tin, and Copper, and Rubber 2.Political Motives: (Glory) Nationalism- European nations wanted to demonstrate their power and prestige to the world. 3.Social/Religious Motives: (God)White Man's Burden- The Europeans sense of superiority made them feel obligated to civilize the heathen savages they encountered. “Bring Civilization to their little Brown Brothers” Hundreds of Christian Missionaries flooded into these newly conquered regions. Social Darwinism: was a theory that applied (survival of the fittest) to Human Society>>>Non-Europeans were considered inferior

7 Obstacles to colonizing Africa As late as 1880 European countries controlled only 10% of the African Land Mass >>> Why? Harsh terrain such as Rainforests and Deserts also unpredictable African Rivers currents made it impossible to navigate in to the interior of the continent. Disease was also was a major factor in preventing expansion into the African interior>>> Unlike the natives, European colonists were highly susceptible to Malaria a disease carried by mosquitoes, that if infected often resulted in death Inventions like the Steamboat and Maxim Machine Gun allowed European to defeat Africans


9 Berlin Conference in the 1870s, the Belgian King Leopold established trade with native Africans in the Congo, This single act began an explosion of imperialistic activity as the other nations of Europe, including: France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy. To avoid conflict with one another in Africa, European leaders met in Berlin, Germany, To set up the rules for carving up Africa, with little regard or representation for native Africans,

10 Cecil Rhodes After becoming prime minister of the Cape Colony. he used his influence to strengthen British control over the region. His master plan was to establish a Cape to Cairo railroad line that would link British colonial interests in Africa between Egypt and the Cape Colony in southern Africa. Problems facing the railroad: Rival countries such as Germany blocked the path of the railroad. Dense rainforests and rough terrain such as Mountains were a huge barrier

11 European Impact European colonial rule forever altered Africans’ lives Positive impact –Colonialism reduced local warfare –Improved sanitation, health care and education –Introduced railroads telephones and other modern luxuries Negative Impact –Africans lost their land and Independence –Many died of new diseases such as smallpox –European boundaries enclosed tribal rivals, causing intense hatred/Competition

12 Review What are the 3 g’s in order Gold, Glory and God (if time) What was the social justification Europeans gave for colonizing areas like Africa? White man Burden or Social Darwinism What was Cecil Rhodes Master plan in Africa? To build a railroad from Cairo(N) to Cape town(S) What were the first colonies in Africa used for? African Slave trade What two factors made it difficult to colonize Africa? Harsh terrain and Diseases What inventions made it easier to colonize Africa Steam Boat and Machine Gun

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