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GCSE Film Studies. Rationale Build on Student experience Recognition of their relationship with film Explore attitudes, ideas and Cultural beliefs Three.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Film Studies. Rationale Build on Student experience Recognition of their relationship with film Explore attitudes, ideas and Cultural beliefs Three."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Film Studies

2 Rationale Build on Student experience Recognition of their relationship with film Explore attitudes, ideas and Cultural beliefs Three inter-related study areas: FILM LANGUAGE EXPLORING FILM COURSE WORK

3 Course Overview 50% Researching Exploring Creating 20% Films made outside Hollywood Exam: 1 Hour 30% Exploring Film Exam: 1.5 Hour Coursework

4 Exploring Film - Exam Develop film analysis skills Study of film Language Study one set genre The set genre for first examination in Summer 2012 and last examination in 2015 will be Superhero films. Gain an awareness of the contemporary film industry (mainly Hollywood) and of the audiences for film.

5 Films made outside Hollywood – Exam 2 Candidates study one non- Hollywood film from a prescribed list in terms of: Characters Narrative Representation Issues raised by the film Film language Studied films include Bend It Like Beckham and The Devils Backbone.

6 Other Non Hollywood Films Amelie Tsotsi Ghosts Ratcatcher Whale Rider Yasmin Goodbye Lenin Spirited Away The Wave

7 Researching & Exploring & Creating - Coursework Five components: Exploration Written exploration of ‘micro’ features in a film extract of candidates choice (350 -750 words) Pitching A Pitch for an imaginary film. This should form the basis of the pre-production task. Pre-production A choice of options including writing a screenplay, creating merchandise, designing a storyboard and creating two posters. Film Production A choice of options available including a short film, making merchandise, creating a web page and creating a poster campaign. Reflection A brief written reflection on the learning made from doing the exploration, pitch, pre- production and production.

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