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To review passive voice in simple future tense / in present perfect tense To review vocabulary related to charities To review passive voice with modal.

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3 To review passive voice in simple future tense / in present perfect tense To review vocabulary related to charities To review passive voice with modal verbs

4 Make a list of what we learned in this unit.

5 Project Hope It helps schools and students in poor areas.

6 Save China’s Tigers It protects tigers and other big cats in China.

7 Spring Bud Project It helps poor young girls return to school.

8 Project Green Hope It helps protect rivers and lakes in China.

9 We can advertise on the Internet. (on TV, in the newspaper …) What can we do to raise money for charities?

10 We can sell books or other things.

11 We can give out leaflets.

12 We can organize a charity show.

13 Ricky is the h___ of the show. Look! He is standing on the s_____ and i__________ each pop star to the audience. Many students take photos with their c_______. Then the p_________ give us a wonderful performance. Everyone was very g_______. I’m sure the show is a great s_______ because lots of money was r______ from the l_____ businesses. ost tagentroducing ameras erformers uccess aised ocal enerous

14 1. We held a show in a big hall last week. There were a lot of _____ ( 座位 ) in it. 2. We invited some people to come to watch our charity show. We called them ___________. 根据首字母,中英文释义或上下文, 填出正确的词。 seats audience

15 3. The host came on the s______ with a ___________ (it can make your voice sound louder) in his hand. 4. His job was to introduce the _________ (perform) in the show. 5. When the show was over, the _______ (it hangs in front of the stage) came down and the people went out of the hall through the e_____. tage microphone performers curtain xit

16 翻译下列词组 : 多多练习 在白天少睡点觉 为希望工程募集钱 在网上登广告 分发传单 practise a lot give out leaflets advertise on the Internet raise money for Project Hope sleep less during the day

17 开始致力于这场表演 在恰当的时候 在开始的时候 不停的问我自己 发出许多噪音 捐 …… 给 …… start working on the show at the right time in the beginning keep asking myself make a lot of noise donate … to …

18 从当地的企业那里得到许多支持 有更多的像这样的活动 做一些决定 写下, 记下 搭建舞台 由 …… 组成,构成 have a lot of support from local businesses have more events like this make some decisions write down set up the stage make up of

19 If we want a lot of people to come to our show, before the show we can make a ________ to let people know about our show. poster

20 name of the show place date time purpose price programme which charity you are raising money for and why Information to be included in a poster:

21 To preview the topic in Unit 5 To find some information about international charities To think about how can you involve in an international charity activity

22 Finish the exercises on P75. Homework

23 Answer key: A 1 was held 2 have passed 3 were invited 4 has been raised 5 will be held B 1 tickets 2 charity 3 theatre 4 curtain 5 host 6 stage 7 introduce 8 break 9 audience 10 performers


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