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Occupational Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants: Views on Present Status and Future Challenges Ingemar Lund et al. Department of Occupational.

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Presentation on theme: "Occupational Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants: Views on Present Status and Future Challenges Ingemar Lund et al. Department of Occupational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Occupational Radiation Protection at Swedish Nuclear Power Plants: Views on Present Status and Future Challenges Ingemar Lund et al. Department of Occupational and Medical Exposure Swedish Radiation Protection Authority

2 Contents of Presentation oThe Swedish nuclear programme oExternal factors oRP status at Swedish NPPs in the early 90’s oActions to reduce radiation doses & levels oPresent situation oThe future – an outlook o Conclusion and catchwords


4 External Factors Influence Radiation Protection at NPPs National laws and regulations (safety and RP) International influence De-regulated electricity market (1996) –Cost-effectiveness, investments, organizations –Taxes, fees Phase-out of nuclear energy Protection of the environment –Best available technique (BAT) –New optimisation technique needed, risk transfer

5 Doses and Dose Rates at the NPPs in the Beginning of the 90’s Higher radiation doses at BWRs –Increase in collective and individual radiation doses –More workers with ”high” doses (> 15 mSv) Main reasons & drivers –Non-destructive testing –Refurbishment activities …Improvement of emergency core cooling systems …Modernization of Oskarshamn 1 –(Fuel damages, operation parameters, etc.)

6 BWR: Collective Dose Per Reactor (manSv)

7 PWR: Collective Dose Per Reactor (manSv) SG Exchange

8 Average Individual Doses for some Work Categories

9 Actions to Reduce Doses and Radiation Levels - I Research and development –Laser based alternatives to Stellite 6, fuel damages, oxide layers build-up, zinc & iron injection, decontamination, operation parameters SSI regulations, June 1994 –Dose limit: max. 20 mSv as an average under five consecutive years –Extended RP training –ALARA-programmes

10 Actions to Reduce Doses and Radiation Levels - II Exchange of information –Benchmarking (WANO, INPO, OSART) –Experience feedback (ISOE, national and regional meetings) Improved planning –Health physicians involved in the pre- planning and planning –Improve: communication and work planning with external firms

11 Actions to Reduce Doses and Radiation Levels - III Technical issues Reactor systems (construction, position) Material (Stellite) Fuel damage strategies (cleanness, identification) Water chemistry & flow Moisture content of steam Outage work

12 Present Situation at Swedish NPPs SPRINT-R1 MOD-O1

13 Present: Swedish NPPs in 1999 - 2003 Collective dose: ~ 10 manSv/year Average individual dose: ~ 2,5 mSv Maximum individual dose 20 – 35 mSv # persons with eff. dose > 20 mSv: ~10 Intakes, Committed eff. dose > 0,25 mSv: ~ 2 / year

14 Recent and Future Work at the NPPs Barsebäck: Primary systems of B2 (2002) Forsmark: Moderator vessels, core grid, water clean-up systems (2000 – 2001) F1 – F3  Change of low-pressure turbines (2004 – 2006) Oskarshamn: Large project MOD 01 (2002), Refurbishment of O2 (2003 – ) Ringhals: R1 – Moderator vessel lid (2003), ”Safe End” reparations (R3/R4, 2002 – 03)  Reactor pressure vessel lids of R4/R3 (2004 – 2005)

15 Outlook for the Future Safety first! Refurbishment activities Organization (staff and contractors) Competence and education Maintenance vs. economy & dose load Political factors (close the brackets…..?)

16 Conclusion and Catchwords Considerable improvements  Halved collective doses & Lower radiation levels Conditions are good but should be maintained! – And improved? Competence Experience feedback Preventive measures Long-term planning

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