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Presentation on theme: "CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM INTERACTIVE MEET WITH THE HEADS OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES ON Osmania University MAY 4, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 Academic Reforms – XI Plan New Initiatives Committee on Academic and Administrative reforms (Prof A Gnanam, Convenor) Under XI Plan - Academic Reforms in the universities (through UGC D.O. No. F.1-2/2008 (XI Plan), January 31, 2008; based on the recommendation of the National Conference of Vice-Chancellors, organised by the UGC during 10-11 October, 2007)

3 Admission procedures -to all courses: Past academic records and/or performance in the entrance examination -M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes: Combined merit of entrance exam and interview, and course work for Ph.D. Semester system Choice-Based Credit system (Curricular flexibility and students mobility) -Introduction of credit based courses -Credit accumulation Examination reforms -Continuous internal evaluation -Semester-end examination -Integration of continuous and End-of-semester evaluation -Grading system (on point scale) -Cumulative Grade point Score (CGPS) Curriculum development -Continuous updation and revision -Major revision in very three years Uniform academic calendar

4 Semester System Year wise System : -puts a grater demand on memory recall -Lack of comprehensive coverage of topic studied Semester System: -Less demand for memory recall -Can cover more topics -Ensure cohesive learning experience and academic momentum of shorter term Enlarges curricular space Accelerated learning opportunities Diverse choices

5 1.Interdisciplinary – cutting edge development in technologies occur at the interface of two or more disciplines 2.Bridging the gap between professional and liberal education – improve the employability 3.Promoting students’ mobility – horizontal as well as vertical 4.Collaboration with industry to foster innovation

6 It permits student to: Lean at their own pace Choose electives from a wide range of courses Undergo additional courses and acquire more than required number of credits Adopt an interdisciplinary approach in learning Inter college / university transfer of credits Accomplish a part of programme in the present institute and get enrolled in another institution for specialised courses Enhance skill/employability by taking up project work, entrepreneurship and vocational training Carry on and transfer if their credits Make best use of the expertise of available faculty

7 Steps involved for effective implementation of CBCS: -Semesterisation of curricula -Restructuring of syllabi in the form of modules -Standardisation of examinations -Switching-over from numerical marking system to grading system

8 Semester: Each semester will consist of 15-16 weeks of academic work equivalent to 90 actual teaching days. The odd semester may be scheduled from June to November and even semester from December to May. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS provides choice for students to select from the prescribed courses (core, elective or minor or soft skill courses). Basic Terminology

9 Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instructions required per week. One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (lecture or tutorial) or two hours of practical work/field work per week.

10 I.Core Course: A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement is termed as a Core course. 2.Elective Course: Generally a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be very specific or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline/ subject of study or which provides an extended scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline/subject/domain or nurtures the candidate's proficiency/skill is called an Elective Course. Types of Courses

11 Elective Course: 2.1Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Course: Elective courses may be offered by the main discipline/subject of study is referred to as Discipline Specific Elective, The University/Institute may also offer discipline related Elective courses of interdisciplinary nature (to be offered by main discipline/subject of study). 2.2Generic Elective (GE) Course: An elective course chosen generally from an unrelated discipline/subject, with an intention to seek exposure is called a Generic Elective. P.S.: A core course offered in a discipline/subject may be treated as an elective by other discipline/subject and vice versa and such electives may also be referred to as Generic Elective. Types of Courses

12 Elective Course: 2.3Dissertation/Project: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge, such as supplement study/support study to a project work, and a candidate studies such a course on his own with an advisory support by a teacher/faculty member is called dissertation/project. Project work/Dissertation is considered as a special course involving application of knowledge in solving / analyzing /exploring a real life situation / difficult problem. A Project/Dissertation work would be of 6 credits. A Project/Dissertation work may be given in lieu of a discipline specific elective paper. Types of Courses

13 3.Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC): The Ability Enhancement (AE) Courses may be of two kinds: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). "AECC" courses are the courses based upon the content Knowledge enhancement; i. Environmental Science and ii. English/MIL Communication. These are mandatory disciplines. SEC courses are value-based and/or skill-based and are aimed at providing hands-on-training, competencies, skills, etc Types of Courses

14 3.1Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC): Environmental Science, English Communication/MIL Communication. 3.2Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC): These courses may be chosen from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based knowledge. Types of Courses


16 B.A. PROGRAMME FIRST YEAR SEMESTER-I CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BA101CommunicationAECC-122 BA102EnglishCC-1A55 BA103Second LanguageCC –2A55 BA104Optional -IDSC-1A55 BA105Optional - IIDSC-2A55 BA106Optional – IIIDSC-3A55 27 SEMESTER-II BA201Environmental StudiesAECC-222 BA202EnglishCC-1B55 BA203Second LanguageCC –2B55 BA204Optional -IDSC-1B55 BA205Optional - IIDSC-2B55 BA206Optional – IIIDSC-3B55 27

17 SECOND YEAR SEMESTER-III BA301A/BSEC-122 BA302EnglishCC-1C55 BA303Second LanguageCC-2C55 BA304Optional -IDSC-1C55 BA305Optional - IIDSC-2C55 BA306Optional – IIIDSC-3C55 27 SEMESTER-IV BA401C/DSEC-222 BA402EnglishCC -1D55 BA403Second LanguageCC-2D55 BA404Optional -IDSC-1D55 BA405Optional - IIDSC-2D55 BA406Optional – IIIDSC-3D55 27 B.A. PROGRAMME

18 THIRD YEAR SEMESTER-V CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BA501E/FSEC-322 BA502 GE-122 BA503Optional -IDSC-1E44 BA504Optional –IIDSC-2E44 BA505Optional –IIIDSC-3E44 BA506Optional –I A/B/CDSE- 1E44 BA507Optional – II A/B/CDSE-2E44 BA508Optional – III A/B/CDSE-3E44 28 SEMESTER-VI BC601G/HSEC-422 BC602 GE-222 BA603Optional -IDSC-1F44 BA604Optional –IIDSC-2F44 BA605Optional –IIIDSC-3F44 BA606Optional –I A/B/CDSE- 1F44 BA607Optional – II A/B/CDSE-2F44 BA608Optional – III A/B/CDSE-3F44 28 TOTAL Credits 164 B.A. PROGRAMME

19 SUMMARY OF CREDITS Sl. No. Course Category No. of Courses Credits Per Course Credits 1AECC224 2SEC428 3 CC Language DSC 8 12 6 554554 40 60 24 4DSE6424 5GE224 TOTAL40 164 Optionals Total24 108 B.A. PROGRAMME

20 FIRST YEAR SEMESTER-I CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BC101AB/C/DAECC-122 BC102EnglishCC-1A55 BC103Second LanguageCC-2A55 BC104Financial Accounting - IDSC-1A55 BC105Business EconomicsDSC-2A55 BC106Business OrganizationDSC-3A44 BC107Information TechnologyDSC-4A3T + 2P4 3130 SEMESTER-II BC201AB/C/DAECC-222 BC202EnglishCC-1B55 BC203Second LanguageCC-2B55 BC204Financial Accounting - IIDSC-1B55 BC205Managerial EconomicsDSC-2B55 BC206Principles of ManagementDSC-3B44 BC207Foreign TradeDSC-4B44 30 B.Com. PROGRAMME

21 SECOND YEAR SEMESTER-III BC301A/BSEC-122 BC302EnglishCC-1C55 BC303Second LanguageCC-2C55 BC304Advanced AccountingDSC-1C55 BC305Income Tax-IDSC-2C55 BC306Business Statistics-IDSC-3C44 BC307 Entrepreneurial Development & Business Ethics/Programming with C (CA)/ Web Technologies (ecom) DSC-4C44 30 SEMESTER-IV BC401C/DSEC-222 BC402EnglishCC -1D55 BC403Second LanguageCC-2D55 BC404Corporate AccountingDSC-1D55 BC405Income Tax-IIDSC-2D55 BC406Business Statistics-IIDSC-3D44 BC407AuditingDSC-4D44 30 B.Com. PROGRAMME

22 THIRD YEAR SEMESTER-V CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BC501E/FSEC-322 BC502 GE-122 BC503Cost AccountingDSC-1E55 BC504Business LawDSC-2E55 BC505Banking Theory & PracticeDSC-3E44 BC506Computerised AccountingDSC-4E44 BC507 Financial Statements Analysis(A) Direct Tax-I (T) Financial Management (BS/F) E-Commerce (CA/ecom) DSE-1A44 BC508 Indian Accounting Standards (A) Indirect Taxes (T) Principles of Marketing (BS/ecom) Objective Oriented Programming with C++ (CA) Financial Services (F) DSE-2A44 30 B.Com. PROGRAMME

23 SEMESTER-VI BC601G/HSEC-422 BC602 GE-222 BC603Managerial AccountingDSC-1F55 BC604Company LawDSC-2F44 BC605Financial Institutions & MarketsDSC-3F44 BC606Commerce LabDSC-4F33 BC607 Advanced Managerial Accounting (A) Direct Tax-II (T) Human Resources Management (BS) Web Technologies (CA) Supply Chain Management Logistics (ecom) Investment Management (F) DSE-1B55 BC608 Advanced Corporate Accounting (A) Tax Planning & Management (T/BS) Relational Database Management Systems (CA) Retail Marketing (ecom) International Finance (F) DSE-2B55 30 TOTAL181180 B.Com. PROGRAMME

24 SUMMARY OF CREDITS Sl. No.Course Category No. of Courses Credits Per Course Credits 1AECC224 2SEC428 3CC Language DSC 8 11 12 1 55435543 40 55 48 3 4DSE2222 5454 10 8 5GE224 TOTAL46 180 Commerce Total28 124 B.Com. PROGRAMME

25 FIRST YEAR SEMESTER-I CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BS101CommunicationAECC-122 BS102EnglishCC-1A55 BS103Second LanguageCC –2A55 BS104Optional - IDSC-1A4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS105Optional - IIDSC-2A4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS106Optional – IIIDSC-3A4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 3027 SEMESTER-II BS201Environmental StudiesAECC-222 BS202EnglishCC-1B55 BS203Second LanguageCC –2B55 BS204Optional - IDSC-1B4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS205Optional - IIDSC-2B4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS206Optional – IIIDSC-3B4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 3027 B.Sc. PROGRAMME

26 SECOND YEAR SEMESTER-III BS301A/BSEC-122 BS302EnglishCC-1C55 BS303Second LanguageCC-2C55 BS304Optional - IDSC-1C4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS305Optional - IIDSC-2C4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS306Optional – IIIDSC-3C4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 3027 SEMESTER-IV BS401C/DSEC-222 BS402EnglishCC -1D55 BS403Second LanguageCC-2D55 BS404Optional - IDSC-1D4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS405Optional - IIDSC-2D4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 BS406Optional – IIIDSC-3D4 T + 2P = 64+1=5 3027 B.Sc. PROGRAMME

27 THIRD YEAR SEMESTER-V CodeCourse TitleCourse TypeHPWCredits BS501E/FSEC-322 BS502 GE-12 T2 BS503Optional - IDSC-1E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS504Optional –IIDSC-2E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS505Optional –IIIDSC-3E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS506Optional –I A/B/CDSE- 1E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS507Optional – II A/B/CDSE-2E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS508Optional – III A/B/CDSE-3E3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 3428 SEMESTER-VI BS601G/HSEC-422 BS602 GE-22 T2 BS603Optional - IDSC-1F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS604Optional –IIDSC-2F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS605Optional –IIIDSC-3F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS606Optional –I A/B/CDSE- 1F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS607Optional – II A/B/CDSE-2F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 BS608Optional – III A/B/CDSE-3F3 T + 2P = 53+1=4 3428 TOTAL Credits 164 B.Sc. PROGRAMME

28 SUMMARY OF CREDITS Sl. No. Course Category No. of Courses Credits Per Course Credits 1AECC224 2SEC428 3CC Language DSC 8 12 6 554554 40 60 24 4DSE6424 5GE224 TOTAL40 164 Optionals Total24 108 B.Sc. PROGRAMME


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