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DO THIS: 1. Write down HW in your agenda 2. Take Off: a) Moon Phase and Tides b) Copy the following onto your “Climate Take Away” Paper: GG lobal Warming:

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Presentation on theme: "DO THIS: 1. Write down HW in your agenda 2. Take Off: a) Moon Phase and Tides b) Copy the following onto your “Climate Take Away” Paper: GG lobal Warming:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO THIS: 1. Write down HW in your agenda 2. Take Off: a) Moon Phase and Tides b) Copy the following onto your “Climate Take Away” Paper: GG lobal Warming: 11. Global Temperatures go through heating and cooling cycles 22. Periods between Ice Ages are called interglacials if warm and glacials if cold   3.1860 – 2000 global temperature change has gone up 0.8 degrees C   4. 10,000 years ago, temperatures on Earth were 10 degrees F cooler   5. 10 – 15 million years ago, global temperatures were 10 to 11 degrees warm   Greenhouse Effect: CCarbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Water Vapor trap heat in atmosphere VVostok Ice Core Samples show carbon dioxide levels going up and down over 800,000 year period (peaking at 300 parts per million) 115 million years ago, Miocene Epoch, carbon dioxide levels, thought to be over 400 parts per million OOceans up 100 feet higher (first humans 1 – 2 million yrs ago) NNatural Climate Influences: AAtmosphere: EEl Nino and La Nina GGeology: VVolcanic Eruptions CContinents Moving GGeography:   Polar Regions (reflecting radiation) PPhysics of Earth:   Orbital changes of the Earth EExtraterrestrial:   Solar Variation   PPotential Human Influences on Climate: FFarming: Deforestation and more livestock IIndustrial Processes (Industrial Revolution late 1700s to early 1900s) FFactory effluents FFossil Fuel burning AAutomobile exhaust LLandfills release carbon dioxide and methane MMethods we can use to reduce greenhouse gases: RRecycle CConserve Water CConserve Energy AAlternative Energy   Electricity (though much is still made by coal burning) BBiofuels (energy from animal and plant products, but can be costly and lead to more farming) SSolar (but still expensive, doesn’t produce speed or power of fossil fuels, and not as efficient when sun is blocked) IIce Cores: SScientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep) IIce cores have air bubbles frozen inside PProxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past: TTree rings FFossils IIce Cores LLake Sediments

2 DO THIS:   10 – 15 million years ago, global temperatures were 10 to 11 degrees F   warmer than today.   Greenhouse Effect:   1. Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Water Vapor trap heat in atmosphere   2. Vostok Ice Core Samples show carbon dioxide levels going up and down over 800,000 year period (peaking at 300 parts per million)   3. 15 million years ago, Miocene Epoch, carbon dioxide levels, thought to be over 400 parts per million   Oceans up 100 feet higher (first humans 1 – 2 million yrs ago)   Natural Climate Influences:   Atmosphere:   El Nino and La Nina   Geology:   Volcanic Eruptions   Continents Moving   Geography:   Polar Regions (reflecting radiation)   Physics of Earth:   Orbital changes of the Earth   Extraterrestrial:   Solar Variation     Potential Human Influences on Climate:   Farming: Deforestation and more livestock   Industrial Processes (Industrial Revolution late 1700s to early 1900s)   Factory effluents   Fossil Fuel burning   Automobile exhaust   Landfills release carbon dioxide and methane   Methods we can use to reduce greenhouse gases:   Recycle   Conserve Water   Conserve Energy   Alternative Energy   Electricity (though much is still made by coal burning)   Biofuels (energy from animal and plant products, but can be costly and lead to more farming)   Solar (but still expensive, doesn’t produce speed or power of fossil fuels, and not as efficient when sun is blocked)   Ice Cores:   Scientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep)   Ice cores have air bubbles frozen inside   Proxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past:   Tree rings   Fossils   Ice Cores   Lake Sediments

3 DO THIS   4. Oceans up 100 feet higher (first humans 1 – 2 million yrs ago)   Natural Climate Influences   1. Atmosphere:   El Nino and La Nina   2. Geology:   Volcanic Eruptions   Continents Moving   3. Geography:   Polar Regions (reflecting radiation)   4. Physics of Earth:   Orbital changes of the Earth   Extraterrestrial:   Solar Variation     Potential Human Influences on Climate:   Farming: Deforestation and more livestock   Industrial Processes (Industrial Revolution late 1700s to early 1900s)   Factory effluents   Fossil Fuel burning   Automobile exhaust   Landfills release carbon dioxide and methane   Methods we can use to reduce greenhouse gases:   Recycle   Conserve Water   Conserve Energy   Alternative Energy   Electricity (though much is still made by coal burning)   Biofuels (energy from animal and plant products, but can be costly and lead to more farming)   Solar (but still expensive, doesn’t produce speed or power of fossil fuels, and not as efficient when sun is blocked)   Ice Cores:   Scientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep)   Ice cores have air bubbles frozen inside   Proxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past:   Tree rings   Fossils   Ice Cores   Lake Sediments

4 DO THIS:   5. Extraterrestrial:   Solar Variation     Potential Human Influences on Climate:   1. Farming: Deforestation and more livestock   2. Industrial Processes (Industrial Revolution late 1700s to early 1900s) Factory effluents   Fossil Fuel burning   Automobile exhaust   3. Landfills release carbon dioxide and methane   4. Methods we can use to reduce greenhouse gases:   Recycle   Conserve Water   Conserve Energy   Alternative Energy   Electricity (though much is still made by coal burning)   Biofuels (energy from animal and plant products, but can be costly and lead to more farming)   Solar (but still expensive, doesn’t produce speed or power of fossil fuels, and not as efficient when sun is blocked)   Ice Cores:   Scientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep)   Ice cores have air bubbles frozen inside   Proxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past:   Tree rings   Fossils   Ice Cores   Lake

5 DO THIS: gases:   Recycle   Conserve Water   Conserve Energy   5. Alternative Energy   Electricity (though much is still made by coal burning)   Biofuels (energy from animal and plant products, but can be costly and lead to more farming)   Solar (but still expensive, doesn’t produce speed or power of fossil fuels, and not as efficient when sun is blocked)   Ice Cores:   Scientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep)   Ice cores have air bubbles frozen inside   Proxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past:   Tree rings   Fossils   Ice Cores   Lake

6 DO THIS:   Ice Cores:   1. Scientists drill into ice for ice cores (cylinder of ice, some almost 2 miles deep)   2. Ice cores have air bubbles frozen inside   3. Proxy: things (indirect measures for research) that give us clues about the past:   Tree rings   Fossils   Ice Cores   Lake

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