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My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is.

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Presentation on theme: "My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is."— Presentation transcript:

1 My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources My name is Felipe......... Let´s talk about care of natural resources Hello Andres this is a beautiful day Yes, we are surround by the natural resources They include air, water and land. The people need these for survive And the nonrenewable resources can’t be repplased quickly. there are two types of resources: renewable and nonrenewable. yeah I had learn that the renewable resources can be cycled over and over.

2 Also an important resource is the soil yeahI remember something, the soil is a renewable resource, the soil is who give us the food for survive Let look for soil in the top of this mountain we can found soil Come on¡¡¡ Look I can see some plants there They are near a river Andres you see the plants, need an other important resource that is the water You look all the animal that live in the water Yeah I see a crab Sara you know that everyone need the water it also have many uses let look for some usees.

3 One of that uses is recreational Yeah, because we can found the water in three forms solid, liquid, and gas One form of recreation with water is snow skiing Yes¡¡ I like the snow Wow¡¡ I like this yes me too

4 Also you can swim in the water and play with it I’M GOING TO JUMP you can ride a boat, swim in a lake, make water- ski and so many things thats why we need to take care of the water This is awesome I think the same

5 Another use is the household cooking Taking a shower Washing the clothes We need to reserve water because we need it to continue livinng Also we use it for watering the plants Look this beautiful lants Also there is another natural resource, It is called the electricitty

6 You know that the water and the energy are related Yea I hnow that, because the by the water the people can produce energy But how the people produce enrgy with water? Ho, it’s easy because the had make something called dam like that the produce energywith the water It produce energy because the water felt with so much force so when it touch the floor it make the energy it make like waves of energy We wait you learn many thing of the natural resource. Rmember somethin all the time reduce, reuse and recycle¡ So take care of the natural resource Bi guys

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