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Perkins 2015-16 End of Year Evaluation Blue Ridge Community College.

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1 Perkins 2015-16 End of Year Evaluation Blue Ridge Community College

2 Perkins funding made a difference at our college by: Providing professional development opportunities for CTE instructors in Mechatronics and Automotive systems. Increased support for Skills USA. Provided travel for Skills USA instructor and student for the national competition. Provided support for automotive systems to participate in Today’s Class Salary for new program Brewing, Distillation and Fermentation. Established internships and job placement for growing industry in WNC.

3 Our college’s best practice using Perkins funds is: Providing support for professional development: Increased skill set for CTE instructors to provide training to industry standards Support for accreditation in ABET – required PD hours to complete process Mechatronics Siemens training for instructors Skills USA support for travel to competition. Increased awareness of Skills USA

4 Our College Perkins Team: NameTitleE-MailPhone Chris English Alan Stephenson Dean, Advanced Technology VP of Instruction 828-694-1728 828-694-1821 Cheryl Best Kathy Allen Administrative Assistant Dean, Business and Service 828-694-1822 828-694-1773 Rita Conner Debra Pressley Dean, Allied Health Instructor, Office Admin. 828-694-1825 828-694-1875 Elaine Thompson Joe Shook Instructor, Criminal Justice Instructor, Automotive 828-694-1870 828-694-1686 Gabe Mixon Maggie Faulkner Instructor, BDF Director of Disability Serv. 828-694-1674 828-694-1813

5 1. We strengthened the academic, career and technical skills of our students by: Implemented new Interpreter Education Lab space Improved early enrollment in required ACA course Support and promote Student Success Center Implemented new competencies for WBL Reviewed CTE programs through local Curriculum Review Committee

6 2. We linked career and technical education at the secondary level with career and technical education at the postsecondary level: Expand CJC CCP pathways offered at Balfour Education Center Lead Growing Greatness project to engage in discussions with NCCCS and high school articulation partners to ensure connections to Early Childhood Education Degree opportunities. Camp Tech Head Continue to increase articulation from HS to CC Continue to increase articulation from HS to CC through regional collaboration

7 3. We provided students with strong experience in, and understanding of all aspects of an industry by: Hold Deaf Awareness Day activities Enrolled 30 students in CTE WBL Career Day in October for Advance Manufacturing Transportation Shadow Events First LEGO league (Robotics Event) Skills USA Student Leadership Academy Experience Blue Ridge – Manufacturing Day SkillsUSA (state level)

8 4. We developed, improved, or expanded the use of technology in career and technical education by: Implement new Automotive courses and sections for high school in Transylvania County Implement new Automotive courses and sections for high school in Henderson County – Balfour location

9 5. We provided professional development by: ABET certification training for faculty ASE/NATEF training for faculty Criminal Justice In-service training Training and implementation of web accessibility standards for 508 compliance Utilize Growing Greatness grant to enable Early Childhood faculty to attend professional development activities. Provide funds to send three EMS instructors to NAEMSE workshop to become Level I instructors. Siemens training for high school instructor in Mechatronics Provide funding for PD for Early Childhood Educators to attend NAEYC activities Interpreter Education faculty training for credentialing Accounting credentialing and PD

10 6. We developed and implemented evaluations of our career and technical education programs by: Continue NIMS credentialing evaluation Begin ABET accreditation process Curriculum Review Collision Repair and Refinishing Mechatronics Surgical Technology Criminal Justice and Latent Evidence EMS

11 7. We Initiated, improved, expanded, and modernized quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology by: Continue to expand mechatronics to Brevard HS Continue to expand mechatronics and Automotive to Balfour HS Initiate Automotive courses and new sections for alternative high school in Transylvania County

12 8. We provided services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective as evidenced by: Young Engineers Camp Camp Tech Head LEGO Robotics League Middle School Career Day for Advanced Manufacturing Experience Blue Ridge – CTE programs

13 9. We provided activities to prepare special populations students who are enrolled in CTE courses by: Deaf Awareness Day Expand offerings to alternative schools Hold special recruiting sessions for under-represented populations in allied health - Monthly College Access Day for Hispanic/Latino population Girl Scouts recruiting Allied health day Career Day for alternative school – focus on advanced manufacturing

14 Closing Thoughts

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