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Introduction to Hinduism. The vast majority of Hindus live in India and Nepal.

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1 Introduction to Hinduism

2 The vast majority of Hindus live in India and Nepal


4 Goal of Hinduism Moksha: release or liberation from reincarnation United forever with the divine in a state of joy

5 Reincarnation  Samsara is the wheel of rebirth which means the soul is reborn from one life form to another.  People may be reincarnated at a higher or lower level of existence depending on their karma.  People may be reborn as plants or animals or they may be elevated to a higher caste as a human.

6 Karma & Dharma  Karma: “action” or “deeds”  Every action produces a justified effect.  Karma determines all the particular circumstances and situations of one’s life.  Dharma: ethical duty based on the divine order of reality.

7 3 major texts of Hinduism The Vedas The oldest and most important The Bhagavad Gītā most famous text. The Upanishads Focus on meditation and religious instruction with a guru

8 Brahman The Vedas depict Brahman as the Universal Soul

9 Shiva Shiva is the Destroyer Even though he represents destruction, Shiva is viewed as a positive force

10 Brahma Brahma is the Hindu God of Creation Brahma is traditionally depicted with four heads, four faces and four arms.

11 Vishnu Vishnu is the Preserver, he is most famously identified with his human and animal incarnations (AKA, avatars) Incarnates as ten avatars (descents) including: Rama (featured in the Ramayana epic) Krishna (featured in the Mahabharata)

12 Ganesha Ganesha is one of the most well-known and venerated representations of God The Lord of Good Fortune

13 How does Hinduism direct life in this world? Respect for all life – vegetarian Human life as supreme: Four “stations” of life (Caste) - priests & teachers, nobles & warriors, merchant class, servant class Four stages of life – student, householder, retired, renunciant Four duties of life – pleasure, success, social responsibilities, religious responsibilities (moksha)

14 What are the spiritual practices of Hinduism? The Four Yogas - seeking union with the divine: Karma Yoga – the path of action through selfless service (releases built up karma without building up new karma) Jnana Yoga – the path of knowledge (understanding the true nature of reality and the self) Raja Yoga – the path of meditation Bhakti Yoga – the path of devotion

15 Kali  wife of Shiva  black in color & wearing a necklace of skulls.  She is a bloodthirsty goddess.  A violent destroyer of her enemies  affectionate and caring for her devotees..

16 The Ganges River Falling from Its source of Vishnu’s feet onto Shiva’s head and out from his hair, the water of the Ganges is sacred enough to purify all sins.

17 Banaras - Hindu’s Holy City  Pilgrims come from all over to bathe in the Ganges.  Countless Hindus come to Banaras to die.  It has 1500 temples, most of them devoted to Shiva.  It is a gathering place for the religiously learned and their disciples.

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