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David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair Sustainability NMSU Coordinator, Greening the NMSU Distress Call SOS SOS.

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Presentation on theme: "David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair Sustainability NMSU Coordinator, Greening the NMSU Distress Call SOS SOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair Sustainability Council @ NMSU Coordinator, Greening the Curriculum @ NMSU Distress Call SOS SOS

2 Morse Code signal of Extreme Distress & Call for Help SOS SOS 2




6 meaning ‘SAVE OUR SOULS’ Ngram of books using terms ‘SOS’ SOS SOS 6

7 Club of Rome question on my Ph.D. exam in 1977 7

8 WHAT is a CARBON FOOTPRINT? ANSWER: Total greenhouse gases produced by human activities, expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Natural CO2 cycle  CO2 gets re- absorbed by plants and trees 8

9 What are Greenhouse Gases? 9

10 FACTS FOOTPRINTS: The carbon footprint (CF) and ecological footprint (EF) of USA person are the highest in world. Average USA person’s carbon footprint is 20 tons carbon dioxide per year compared to 1.1 tons for average person in India. CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSION: 5% of the world’s population living in the USA contributes 20% of carbon dioxide emissions and consumes 30% of the world’s resources. SOS SOS 10

11 11 TEMP Trends Population CO2, Temp

12 12 POPULATION 11 BILLION In year 2100 REVENGE of GAIA Temperature Trend

13 Should David Boje take car to work? 13

14 Should Boje bike to work? 14


16 What is the reality? Every year we produce 34 billion tons C02 14% is from motorized vehicles My car a Prius still has 1.77 CO2 tons a year If I bike to NMSU, its one less car on the road 16

17 Which produces more CO2? TRANSPORTATION or COWS 17

18 Who consumes more WATER & FOOD? HUMANS or COWS 18

19 What is the Reality? It takes MASSIVE amounts of Land, Water, Fertilizer, & Oil to grow Food for COWS to make meat for Big Mac Diet. 19

20 Would you CHANGE your FOODPRINT? 20

21 Would you turn VEGAN? 21

22 How to have less of a FOOTPRINT on Earth? 1. Walk and Bike more 2. Change your Diet 3. Scale down Energy Use 4. All of the above 22

23 Thank you Please support SOS: School of Sustainability at NM State University My email Sustainability Council meets first Tuesday 8:30 – 9:30AM in Milton Room 50 Http:// has Sustainability Minors for Undergrads and Grads Http:// 23

24 What causes DEFORESTATION? 24

25 25

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