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Greenhouse Effect 崇明國中洪偉修後甲國中陳奕男忠孝國中沈佳葳.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenhouse Effect 崇明國中洪偉修後甲國中陳奕男忠孝國中沈佳葳."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenhouse Effect 崇明國中洪偉修後甲國中陳奕男忠孝國中沈佳葳


3 Major Idea ► eenhouse.htm eenhouse.htmCauses

4 Other greenhouse gases GHGTemperature Increases (when CO2 is one) CO 2 1 CH 4 23 N2ON2O 310 CFCs 140~11700 PFCs 6500~9200 SF 6 23900 Causes CO255% CH415% CFCs6% N2O24%

5 Life Span CO250~200 years CH412~17 years CFCs120 years N2O102 years Causes

6 Global Temperature ► es/00000020.htm es/00000020.htm ► nt.aspx?id=256102 nt.aspx?id=256102Effects

7 Climate Changes ► 6091204 6091204 ► n.htm n.htmEffects

8 Measures to save energy & reduce carbon dioxide Measures to save energy & reduce carbon dioxide Dorcy Yang Kitty Shen Justin Tai

9 Measures to save energy & reduce carbon dioxide GovernmentCompaniesIndividuals

10 Government ► Promoting Green Consumption The use of the Green Mark eco-label for over ten years has been a great boon to the promotion of green consumption in Taiwan. By green consumption, we can decrease the pollution and pursue better life quality. The use of the Green Mark eco-label for over ten years has been a great boon to the promotion of green consumption in Taiwan. By green consumption, we can decrease the pollution and pursue better life quality.

11 Government ► Government in Taiwan has passed the draft “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act” The content is mainly regulate greenhouse gases(GHG) emissions based on emission efficiencies and new-source emissions, as well as penalties for non-compliance. The content is mainly regulate greenhouse gases(GHG) emissions based on emission efficiencies and new-source emissions, as well as penalties for non-compliance. ► Tighten vehicle exhaust standards The government in Taiwan has decided to tighten vehicle exhaust standards in compliance with world environmental trends and encourage industry to introduce and produce clean cars that use the latest pollution prevention technology. The new standards will be implemented on 1 January 2012. The government in Taiwan has decided to tighten vehicle exhaust standards in compliance with world environmental trends and encourage industry to introduce and produce clean cars that use the latest pollution prevention technology. The new standards will be implemented on 1 January 2012.

12 measures of each company ► ► B&Q Raise the temperature of air conditioners up to 26 degrees inside and decrease the use of electricity between 5 % and 10 %. ► ► Philips Electronics Stop selling T9 fluorescent lighting with higher mercury in order to reduce pollution. ► ► Tetra Pak (1) Signed “Global Cooperation Agreement ” with WWF (World Wildlife Fund for Nature) which focuses on the protection of global forestry. (2) promised to reduce 10% emission of CO2 before 2010 ► ► Wei Chuan Corporation (1) Ask employees to bring their tableware and handkerchief (2) Unplug computers can save 20% electricity when off duty

13 How should human beings do to improve the earth? Here is my ideas 1. We can grow many trees to change the air 2. Use low energy light bulbs 3. Switch off computers, stereos, DVDs when they're not in use 4. Take public transportation 5. To keep air conditioner’s temperature at 26 ℃ ~28 ℃ 6. Install faucet flow restrictors Faucet flow restrictors, including reduced-flow showerheads, reduce water use (and hot water use), save energy, and conserve water. Faucet flow restrictors, including reduced-flow showerheads, reduce water use (and hot water use), save energy, and conserve water. 7. Buy and use some products with saving energy the logo of saving energy in Taiwan the logo of saving energy in Taiwan

14 EQUIPMENTS OF OUR SCHOOL SOME FUNNY PRODUCTS SHOULD BE IMPORTED Rain saver water butt kit The triple- chamber fast composter - To reuse food scraps The Multi- functional field The solar panel & wind power generation

15 Interesting short films Don’t waste papersSave water

16 Conclusion If everyone can lend a hand with carbon reduction, the Earth will continue to nurture the lives living on it. Everyone’s help is big enough to affect the future of Earth. To protect the Earth is everyone’s responsibility.

17 References Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs ( 經濟部能源局 ) Eco Life Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan

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