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Moving People, Changing Expectations Robustness of the Strategic Road Asset Ginny Clarke Network Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving People, Changing Expectations Robustness of the Strategic Road Asset Ginny Clarke Network Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving People, Changing Expectations Robustness of the Strategic Road Asset Ginny Clarke Network Services

2 Sustainability Development Action Plan Climate Change Mitigation Adaptation Agenda

3 3% of roads in England About 33% of traffic About 60% of all freight HA maintain, improve and operate 7100km of road network Strategic Road Network

4 Sustainability is part of our business Focussing on priorities Sustainable consumption and production Climate change and energy Protecting our natural resources and enhancing our environment Helping to create sustainable communities Clearer direction for the supply chain SDAP 2008-09

5 Climate Change and the Highways Agency Mitigation: reduce the contribution to the causes of climate change Adaptation: adapt to continue to provide a robust strategic road network in a changing climate

6 Mitigation: manage traffic flows to reduce congestion Enhance capacity at points of most congestion Use technology to help traffic flow more smoothly Deploy demand management measures: - High Occupancy Vehicle lanes -Ramp Metering -Integrated Demand Management Influence land use development – including travel planning

7 Mitigation: Provide better information to improve user decisions Encourage journey planning Better information about options and route condition Internet tools Traffic Radio Telephone enquiry On road electronic message signs

8 Mitigation: CO 2 production from our own operations Reduction in need for motorway lighting Renewable energy sources Better processes - lean construction Recycling and reuse in construction Changing Standards and advice Working with supply chain Office and administrative efficiency

9 Adaptation: Climate change is a risk issue Network Integrity Changes from the historic norms Network resilience Increasingly prone to extreme weather Network demand More car travel, more UK holidays

10 Adaptation: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Defining climatic changes Assessing and prioritising risks Examining adaptation options Cost benefit analysis Timescales for adaptation Adaptation plans Implement adaptation measures

11 Adaptation: Options Future proof designs Retro fit solutions Develop contingency plans Update operating procedures Research Monitor

12 Robustness of the Strategic Road Asset Ginny Clarke Network Services

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