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New School Year Preview HISD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Tools & Resources TEAM HISD Literacy Support Network/Job Alike August 17, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "New School Year Preview HISD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Tools & Resources TEAM HISD Literacy Support Network/Job Alike August 17, 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 New School Year Preview HISD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Tools & Resources TEAM HISD Literacy Support Network/Job Alike August 17, 2010

3 Presentation Team: Tina Angelo Paula Pierre

4 Session Goals To introduce school leaders to new HISD Curriculum tools, including the Scope and Sequence documents and the Numeracy and Literacy Blueprints. To communicate the district assessment plan for 2010-2011.

5 What HISD Curriculum resources are readily available to all teachers and administrators to support aligned, rigorous, and engaging instruction for all PK-12 students? HISD Scope and Sequence  HISD Scope and Sequence Horizontal Alignment Planning Guides Horizontal Alignment Planning Guides Vertical Alignment Matrix Vertical Alignment Matrix TEKS/TAKS Correlation TEKS/TAKS Correlation Year-at-a-Glance Year-at-a-Glance HISD Literacy and Numeracy Blueprints  HISD Literacy and Numeracy Blueprints District Assessment Plan  District Assessment Plan HISD Curriculum Developments for 2010-2011 …

6  The HISD Curriculum – Scope and Sequence Documents

7 What is a … ? Scope and Sequence Document Brief course/grade-level outline or syllabus Provides for each cycle a recommended:   bundle of objectives   order for teaching content and skills   number of lessons, amount of time for instruction Tailored for a specific year Mirrors selected information in the corresponding Horizontal Alignment Planning Guide


9 What are the benefits of … ? Scope and Sequence Documents How might these documents help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of these documents? Scope and Sequence Documents

10 What are the benefits of … ? Scope and Sequence Documents Directly aligned to the Horizontal Alignment Planning Guides Available for all core and most enrichment areas Timely support for focused planning and instruction Useful tool for guiding classroom observations Increased student growth and achievement!

11  The HISD Curriculum – Grade-Level Literacy and Numeracy Blueprints

12 Literacy Example Students will be able to: Teacher will support by: Parents can support by: Grade Six Literacy

13 Grade Six Numeracy Numeracy Example Students will be able to: Teacher will support by: Parents can support by:

14 Literacy and Numeracy Blueprint Standards Alignment Common Core Standards TEKS/HISD Objectives Stanford National Organizations (NCTM/IRA/NCTE) NAEP College/Career Readiness Standards Other

15 Think – Record – Share How might these documents help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of these documents? Literacy and Numeracy Blueprints

16 Existing HISD Curriculum Tools Vertical Alignment Matrix TEKS/TAKS Correlation Year-at-a- Glance Horizontal Alignment Planning Guide (HAPG)

17  The HISD Curriculum – Vertical Alignment Matrix

18 What is a … ? Vertical Alignment Matrix

19 Provides a developmental map of student objectives by content area and grade span Each row indicates the progression of a set of related content or skill objectives from one grade level to the next Each column reflects one course or grade-level content area Highlights HISD “Power Objectives”


21  The HISD Curriculum – TEKS/TAKS Correlation

22 What is a … ? TEKS/TAKS Correlation

23 Charts the alignment between the HISD Curriculum and state standards (TEKS) Indicates objectives that are assessed on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)


25  The HISD Curriculum – Year-at-a-Glance

26 What is a … ? Year-at-a-Glance

27 Quick overview of a course or grade level Outlines recommended instructional topics and pacing for a grading period Tailored for a specific school year


29  The HISD Curriculum – Horizontal Alignment Planning Guide (HAPG)

30 What is a … ? Horizontal Alignment Planning Guide

31 Tool for daily instructional planning Provides for each cycle a recommended:   bundle of objectives   order for teaching content and skills   number of lessons, amount of time for instruction Includes comprehensive, best-practice set of:   key concepts and skills   assessment connections   instructional considerations, strategies, and resources


33 What are the benefits of using … ? The HISD Curriculum components

34 Navigating the 2010-2011 HISD Curriculum Live Demonstration (HISD portal) (CIA Dept. web page)

35 2010-2011 HISD District Assessment Plan Beginning-of-Year Assessments (Reading/Language Arts and Math) Two- to Four-week Interim Assessments based on HAPG / Scope and Sequence (to inform instruction) HAPG Learning Focus (unit) Performance Expectations Mid-Year Spiraled Benchmark Assessments End-of Year Assessments

36 Beginning-of-Year Assessments Who? Pre-Kindergarten; K-8 Math and Reading/Language Arts; 6-8 Science; Selected High School Math, Science, and ELA Courses Why? Administered during the first two weeks of school to diagnose student prerequisite skills to inform future instruction How accessed? Via a secure link provided in an e-mail to campuses

37 Think – Record – Share How might these assessments help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of these assessments? Beginning-of-Year Diagnostic Assessments

38 2- to 4-Week Interim Assessments Sequenced to the HAPG aligned to each content area Contains a limited number of items Scored using Campus Online Intended to inform instruction to meet individual needs

39 Think – Record – Share How might these assessments help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of these assessments? Two- to Four-Week HAPG Assessments

40 HAPG Instructional Considerations Performance Expectations Performance Expectation Example The student will roll a number cube twice to generate a two-digit number. The student will use Unifix cubes of one color to create the number generated (remember a single Unifix cube should represent a unit not a ten). The student will next write a sentence stating how many more cubes are needed to make the next ten. Then the teacher will give the student 18 (ten connected and 8 not connected) Unifix cubes, of another color, to the student, who will add to the first number and find the sum. Students will pictorially express their process on a Place Value Mat.

41 Think – Record – Share How might this tool help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of this tool? HAPG Performance Expectations

42 Mid-Year Spiraled Review Who? K-5 Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies; 6-Alg II Math; 6-Eng III ELA; 6-8 Science, Physics; 8 Soc. Studies, Geog, World History, US History What? Cumulative mid-year assessment addressing objectives taught during the semester, to be administered in December. TAKS practice in March Why? To evaluate student mastery of 1st semester content and skills to inform future instruction How accessed? Via a secure link provided in an e-mail to campuses

43 Think – Record – Share How might this assessment help you support and monitor effective instruction? What questions or feedback do you have regarding implementation of this assessment? Mid-Year Spiraled Review

44 End-of-Year Assessment Who? K-5 Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies; 6-Alg II Math; 6-Eng III ELA; 6-8 Science, Physics; 8 Soc. Studies, Geog, World History, US History What? Cumulative end-of-year assessment addressing objectives taught during the school year, to be administered in May Why? To evaluate student mastery of course/grade-level content and skills to inform future instruction How accessed? Via a secure link provided in an e-mail to campuses

45 HISD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Tools & Resources Questions? Comments? Please use the “parking lot”



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