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NEW ZEALAND Discover your ZEAL!. CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATIONS All of these immunizations are given to children with a few more added in as the child ages.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW ZEALAND Discover your ZEAL!. CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATIONS All of these immunizations are given to children with a few more added in as the child ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW ZEALAND Discover your ZEAL!

2 CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATIONS All of these immunizations are given to children with a few more added in as the child ages. The government does not consider them to be compulsory but it is highly recommended. Rotavirus Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Polio Hepatitis B Influenza Pneumonia "Health Targets: Increased Immunisation." Ministry of Health NZ. Ed. Pat H. Tuohy. Child and Youth Health, 21 Oct. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015. "New Zealand Immunisation Schedule." Ministry of Health NZ. Manat ū Hauora, 14 July 2014. Web. 13 May 2015.

3 INTERNET AND TECH The internet is almost fully unregulated with one main exception. Child pornography is blocked by an ISP side filter. It is voluntarily bought into by the individual ISP’s. The average telecom user has access to the internet in several ways. Cell phone use for internet browsing is common. 3.4 million people use the internet out of a total population of 4.5 million. That is 75 percent! "CIA World Factbook." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015.. "The Department of Internal Affairs." Censorship DCEFS Explanatory Statement. New Zealand, 16 July 2009. Web. 12 May 2015..

4 EXCHANGE RATE The exchange rate between the US dollar and the NZ dollar is $0.75 USD to $1 NZD. "NZD - New Zealand Dollar Rates, News, and Tools." NZD - New Zealand Dollar Rates, News, and Tools. XE, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015..

5 RELIGION As a modern society, New Zealand has the same freedom of religion as we do. The dominant religion is Christian, with the dominant sect being Angelican, Catholic, and Prebestryian. "2013 Census QuickStats about Culture and Identity." 2013 Census QuickStats about Culture and Identity. Tatauranga Aotearoa, 15 Apr. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015.

6 GOVERNMENT Democratically elected parliamentary system The government is split on a national level and a local level 111 for fire, police, and EMS 111 is dispatched by the national center but is located in the three main cities of New Zealand If 111 determines that there are no immediate life/property threats then they will give the caller a non-emergency number "Central Government." Central Government. New Zealand Now, 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 15 May 2015. "Calling Emergency 111." Calling Emergency 111. Ng ā Pirihimana Hou, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015.

7 WEATHER The sunniest areas receive over 2350 hours of sunshine a year. This is similar to Baltimore’s average of 2582 hours of sunsine per year. "World Weather & Climate Information." Weather and Climate: New Zealand, Average Monthly Rainfall, Sunshine, Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed. World Weather and Climate Information, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015.

8 EDUCATION Education is free to children in public schools and is utilized by 85% of students This education is required for children aged 6-16 years old Parents are asked to make a donation to the school in lieu of payment for activities beyond the actual studies Donations are typically NZ$250-500 per year. "The School System." School System. New Zealand Now, 05 Jan. 2015. Web. 16 May 2015..

9 GREETINGS AND CUSTOMS Local Kiwi’s are very open to explaining customs to outsiders Food is a universal connector Always bring wine or food to a dinner party Drinking age is 18 Smoke outside and even still asking if neighboring people mind "Customs & Communication." Life in New Zealand. New Zealand Now, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015..

10 ETIQUETTE Quick to make small talk Keep personal information personal Walk to the left Don’t like saying no "Customs & Communication." Life in New Zealand. New Zealand Now, 12 Nov. 20141. Web. 16 May 2015..

11 FOOD The students homeland has more than 14,000 kilometers of coastline Their diet is comprised largely of seafood A national favorite is fish and chips "Our Favourite New Zealand Food - Foods to Try New Zealand | TNZ." Our Favourite New Zealand Food - Foods to Try New Zealand | TNZ. 100% Pure New Zealand, n.d. Web. 16 May 2015..

12 WORKS CITED "New Zealand Immunisation Schedule." Ministry of Health NZ. Manat ū Hauora, 14 July 2014. Web. 13 May 2015. "Health Targets: Increased Immunisation." Ministry of Health NZ. Ed. Pat H. Tuohy. Child and Youth Health, 21 Oct. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015. "CIA World Factbook." Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015.. "The Department of Internal Affairs." Censorship DCEFS Explanatory Statement. New Zealand, 16 July 2009. Web. 12 May 2015..

13 WORKS CITED "NZD - New Zealand Dollar Rates, News, and Tools." NZD - New Zealand Dollar Rates, News, and Tools. XE, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015.. "2013 Census QuickStats about Culture and Identity." 2013 Census QuickStats about Culture and Identity. Tatauranga Aotearoa, 15 Apr. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015. "Central Government." Central Government. New Zealand Now, 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 15 May 2015. "World Weather & Climate Information." Weather and Climate: New Zealand, Average Monthly Rainfall, Sunshine, Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed. World Weather and Climate Information, n.d. Web. 15 May 2015.

14 WORKS CITED "The School System." School System. New Zealand Now, 05 Jan. 2015. Web. 16 May 2015.. "Customs & Communication." Life in New Zealand. New Zealand Now, 12 Nov. 2014. Web. 16 May 2015.. "Customs & Communication." Life in New Zealand. New Zealand Now, 12 Nov. 20141. Web. 16 May 2015.. "Our Favourite New Zealand Food - Foods to Try New Zealand | TNZ." Our Favourite New Zealand Food - Foods to Try New Zealand | TNZ. 100% Pure New Zealand, n.d. Web. 16 May 2015..

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