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Stations activity.  “Is it really possible to wear seven hats at the same time?”  Bellringer: ◦ Think of at least one example where the roles of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Stations activity.  “Is it really possible to wear seven hats at the same time?”  Bellringer: ◦ Think of at least one example where the roles of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stations activity

2  “Is it really possible to wear seven hats at the same time?”  Bellringer: ◦ Think of at least one example where the roles of the president might conflict…or ◦ Why would ANYONE want to be president? ◦ Be PREPARED to share your thoughts!  (visit with a classmate for ideas if you are having trouble thinking of something!)

3  What’s the difference between “Head of State” and “Chief Executive”?  Draw a picture/cartoon/symbol of the president as the head of state

4  Give an example of the president's role as the chief executive:

5  Name the 4 tools-which one is most important?  Reprieve=postponement  Pardon=release from punishment  Amnesty=group pardon/release from punishment

6  Where does the president set the legislative agenda?  How can the president influence legislation (list at least 3 ways) 1. 2. 3.

7  Describe how the president prepares the federal budget:

8  Explain how being the leader of the party can conflict with the president's other roles.

9  How does access to CIA and NSC information give the president the "upper hand" in the direction of foreign policy?  What’s the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?

10  List 3 different examples when a president exercised his power as commander in chief. 1. 2. 3.  List at least 3 presidents with past military experience: 1. 2. 3.

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