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Life Processes All living organisms carry out the following life processes to maintain homeostasis.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Processes All living organisms carry out the following life processes to maintain homeostasis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Processes All living organisms carry out the following life processes to maintain homeostasis.

2 Nutrition The obtaining and processing of food and materials.
There are three parts to nutrition Ingestion- taking in food Digestion- breaking food down Egestion- getting rid of solid waste

3 Transport The intake and distribution of materials throughout the organism Ex: Circulatory System Two organelles used for cell transport are: Cell Membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum

4 Respiration Organisms obtain their energy by releasing the chemical energy stored in certain nutrients. Ex: Mitochondria C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATP

5 Excretion The removal of metabolic wastes Ex: Sweating, salts, urea
Ex: Water and Carbon Dioxide

6 Synthesis The combining of simple substances to form more complex ones. Putting two things together Ex: Enzymes

7 Assimilation The incorporation of materials into an organism’s body.
Ex: Absorption,Phagocytosis, Pinocytosis

8 Regulation The response of an organism to a changing environment in order to maintain homeostasis. Ex: Diffusion Osmosis Active/Passive Transport

9 Growth The increase in size of a cell or organism Ex: Mitosis

10 Reproduction The ability of living things to produce more of their own kind Ex Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

11 Metabolism All the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism Ex: Cell respiration Photosynthesis- Plants

12 Key Words for Life Processes
Life Function Key Word! Nutrition, Ingestion, Egestion, Digestion: Obtaining, Processing, Food Transport Intake, Distribution Respiration Obtain energy Synthesis Combine Assimilation Incorporation Growth Change in size, Bigger, Smaller Excretion Removal, Metabolic Wastes Regulation Maintain, Homeostasis, Coordinated Response Reproduction Produce more organisms Metabolism Chemical reactions in cells Locomotion Movement

13 1. Stained yeast were added to a paramecium culture, and some of the yeast were ingested by the paramecia. This activity is most closely associated with which life function? A. synthesis B. regulation C. nutrition D. growth

14 2. The life function of transport in an organism directly involves those activities used to
A. absorb and distribute materials B. obtain and hydrolyze materials C. release energy from food D. produce cellular waste products

15 3. Which term includes all the activities required to keep an organism alive?
A. growth B. excretion C. metabolism D. nutrition

16 4. Small molecules are combined to form large molecules by the life function of
A. regulation B. excretion C. transport D. synthesis

17 5. Excretion is best described as the removal of
A. metabolic wastes from a cell B. toxic wastes by the process of cyclosis C. water molecules from dipeptide hydrolysis D. undigested material from the digestive tract

18 What is the lowest possible magnification that can be obtained using the microscope shown?
A. 20x B. 200x C. 40x D. 800x

19 2. A student views some cheek cells under low power
2. A student views some cheek cells under low power. Before switching to high power, the student should A. adjust the eyepiece B. center the image being viewed C. remove the slide from the stage D. remove the coverslip

20 3. A student changes the objective of a microscope from 10x to 50x
3. A student changes the objective of a microscope from 10x to 50x. If this is the only change made, what will happen to the field of view? A. Its diameter will decrease. B. Its diameter will increase. C. Its brightness will increase. D. Its brightness will remain the same.

21 6. Base your answer on the diagram of a microscope and on your knowledge of biology. While viewing a specimen under high power, a student noticed that the specimen was out of focus. Which part of the microscope should the student use to obtain a clearer image? A B C D

22 7. Base your answer on the diagram of a microscope and on your knowledge of biology. The highest possible magnification that can be obtained when using this microscope is A. 40x B. 100x C. 400x D. 4,000x

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