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Russ Keglovits Nevada Department of Education DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY.

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1 Russ Keglovits Nevada Department of Education DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY



4 Nevada Ready! Nevada students who are College, Career and Community Ready will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are necessary to: – Complete entry-level, credit-bearing college courses; – Earn an industry recognized certificate or complete workplace training; – Exhibit signs of personal growth, respect towards diversity, professionalism, and responsibility; and – Enter high-skill, high-demand, and viable career pathways DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY


6  Knowledge  Course of study to include  Mathematics – 4 yrs, beyond Alg II or career specific mathematics  Foreign Language – 2 yrs  Science – 3 yrs, at least one course of Physics or career specific science  Computer Science/Literacy  Skills  Earns at least an ACT Composite score of 22, an ACT Math score of 22 and an ACT English score of 18  Earns CTE Endorsement or a Skill Certificate  WorkKeys/NCRC/ASVAB  CTE Technical Assessment  CTE Workplace Readiness  Dispositions  Employability Skills  Completes verified Internship, apprenticeship, or other work- based experience  Completes Career Pathway  Community Service  Dual Enrollment  Social awareness  Self-initiative  Respect for diversity DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY


8 Pathway Draft Definition – “Career pathway” is defined as the aligned education and training programs, student support services, and workforce preparation activities that help an individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or industry sector. Progress along the pathway is marked by indicators of completion, including but not limited to industry recognized diplomas, certificates, credentials, and degrees, as aligned with the skill needs of industries in the state’s historic and emerging economy. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY

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