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A challenge of maintaining current academic programming (core subjects and exploratory courses) with an increasing student enrollment. Increasing Student.

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2 A challenge of maintaining current academic programming (core subjects and exploratory courses) with an increasing student enrollment. Increasing Student Population at BMS: 2009-2010561 students 2010-2011594 students 2011-2012657 students 2012-2013685 students 2013-2014715 students 2014-2015732 students (as of 1/28/15)

3 Students enter BMS from five different SBPS feeder schools, and one private school. Sixty-two percent of BMS students qualify for free and reduced meals, which is up 2% from the previous year. In 2013-2014, 45% of Nebraska students qualified for free and reduced meals.

4 Quality Teaching and Instructional Programming Sound instructional practices, a commitment to following learning guides and design maps with fidelity, ongoing data analysis, and re-teaching critical content and skills when needed. Place students needing additional support into an intervention course, i.e., Focus Math, Focus Reading, Focus Writing, Focus Science, or Guided Study.

5 Quality Teaching and Instructional Programming Introduce a new 8 th grade exploratory class, Advanced Spanish, which is a full year course and is the equivalent of Spanish 1 offered at SHS. Increase opportunities for students to learn Chinese through the addition of a teacher assigned solely to BMS. All 8 th graders will participate in Career Exploration, which will aid in students’ preparation for the Career Pathway opportunities afforded to them at the high school level.

6 Safety, Efficiency and Effectiveness Provide and maintain an orderly environment through the use of Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) and All Children Experience Success (ACES). Follow the AdvancED School Improvement process. Utilize The Learning Center for students on an IEP displaying severe emotional and behavior needs. Year two of providing students support and services through the integration of a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner into our daily structure.

7 Strong Relationships and Equitable Schools Continue to offer a wide array of after school clubs and enrichment activities. Clubs/activities offered or going to be offered include; Kung Fu, Cupcake Wars, Speed & Agility, Math Counts, Poetry, Strategy Games, Sign Language, Builders, Girl Talk, Art, Student Council, Show Choir, and band groups. Provide a HAL program aimed at meeting the needs of students identified as high ability learners. The program will consist of a minimum of two student meetings per month, one annual field trip, and participation in academic competitions (as available).

8 Strong Relationships and Equitable Schools Year two of our “Positive Phone Call Competition” amongst teams of teachers as a way of fostering positive relationships with families of BMS students. Introduce a National Junior Honor Society chapter at BMS. In partnership with community businesses, offer a school wide incentive program during Quarter 3. Expanded our Cat Pride program to include staff. Students are able to recognize the efforts of staff. Students and staff names are drawn each Friday for above and beyond exploits. Prizes and recognition are awarded.

9 NeSA Reading Program Data Grade 6 Reading saw an 11% increase. Grade 7 Reading saw a 5% increase. Cohort Data Grade 6 Reading saw a 3% increase. Grade 7 Reading saw an 8% increase. NeSA Math Program Data Grade 6 Math saw a 23% increase. Grade 7 Math saw a 7% increase. Cohort Data Grade 6 Math saw a 6% increase. Grade 7 Math saw a 9% increase. Grade 8 Math saw a 1% increase.

10 NEPAS Rankings Grades 6-8 Reading – Students’ average NeSA scale score increased from 107.71 in 2013 to 114.76 in 2014 (7.05 points). This increase moved BMS NePAS Ranking from 205 to 168 (out of 249 schools). Grades 6-8 Reading – In terms of cohort data (same students), Grades 6-8 saw a 5.71 scale score improvement. This increase ranked BMS 60 out of 249 schools in the Growth category. Grades 6-8 Math – Students’ average NeSA scale score increased from 90.42 in 2013 to 100.13 in 2014 (9.71 points). Grades 6-8 Math – In terms of cohort data (same students), BMS saw a 5.48 scale score improvement. This increase ranked BMS 50 out of 249 schools in the Growth category.

11 Thirty-three students successfully completed an Honors Project in Social Studies or Science during the first semester. Four students were selected to the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association 8 th Grade All-State Band this year. We have had students selected to this honor band for the past 13 years and these four students continue the tradition. In the first semester, 586 students participated in one or more of the many extracurricular activities and wide array of after school clubs at BMS. Classified and Certified Staff – BMS has a tremendous staff of dedicated, professional, and highly talented educators.


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