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Dr.Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi School of nursing and Midwifery An-Najah National University.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr.Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi School of nursing and Midwifery An-Najah National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr.Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi School of nursing and Midwifery An-Najah National University

2 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Aden/o: gland Adenoma OMA: tumor or mass Adenitis-ITIS means inflammation Arthr/o: joint Arthritis Bi/o: life Biology- Logy: means study of Biobsy: opsy: to view:living tissue is removed and viewed under a microscope Carcin/o :cancer, cancerous:carcinoma Cardi/o: heart- Cardiology Cephal/o: cephalic- ic:means pertaining to. If an infant is born with the head delivered is a cephalic presentation

3 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Cerebro/o: cerebrum, largest part of the brain:cerebral-Al,means pertaining to Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)-Vascular means pertaining to blood vessel; a CVA is commonly known as a stroke Cyst/o: urinary bladder Cystoscope Scope means instrument to visually examine

4 See the textbook Functions of the cerebrum

5 See the textbook The male Urinary Tract

6 See the textbook Location of the small and large intestines in the abdominal cavity

7 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Cyt/oCell Cytology Derm/oskinDermal Dermat/oDermatitis Electr/oelectricityelectrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), Gram means record Encephal/obrainelectroencephalogram (EEG) This record is helpful in determining whether a patient has a seizure disorder, such as epilepsy

8 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Enter/ointestines (often the small intestines) enteritis Erythr/orederythrocyte-cyte means cell Gastr/ostomachgastroscopy- scopy means process of visual examination using an instrument, or scope Gnos/oknowledge diagnosis-sis meams state of; DIA-means complete.

9 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes A diagnosis is the complete knowledge gained after testing and examining the patient.the plural of diagnosis is diagnoses Prognosis pro- means before. Aprognosis is a prediction (before knowledge) that is actually made after the diagnosis. It forcasts the outcome of treatment.

10 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Gynec/o : woman, female- gynecology A gynecologist specializes in diseases of the female reproductive organs Hem/o, hemat/o: hemoglobin- globin means protein Hemoglobin: is the protein in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that helps carry oxygen in the blood.

11 Blood Cells Erythrocyte Leukocytes Eosinophil Basophil Neutrophil Lymphocyte Monocyte Thrombocytes (platelets)

12 Formation of plurals Singularpluralmeaning 1.Words ending in a, retain the a and add e vertebravertebraebackbones bursabursaeSacs of fluid near a joint 2.Words ending in is, drop the is and add es diagnosisdiagnosesDetermination of the nature and causes of diseases psychosispsychosesAbnormal conditions of the mind 3. Words ending in ex or ix, drop the ex or ix, and add ices: apexapicesPointed ends of organs cortexcorticesOuter parts of organs varixvaricesEnlarged, swollen veins

13 Formation of plurals Singularpluralmeaning 4. Word ending in on, drop the on and add a gangliongangliaGroups of nerve cells 5. Words ending in um,drop the um and add a BacteriumbacteriaTypes one – celled organisms ovumovaEgg cells 6. Words ending in us, drop the us and add i* bronchusbronchiTubes leading from the windpipe to the lungs calculuscalculistones

14 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Hepat/oliverhepatitis hematomaOMA means mass or tumor Oma indicates a mass or swelling containing blood Lapar/oAbdomen (area between the chest and hip) Laparotomy- TOMY means incision (cutting inte) An exploratory laparotomy is a large incision of the abdominal wall made to inspect abdominal organs for evidence of disease Leuk/owhiteleukocyte Nephr/okidneynephrectomy

15 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Neur/onerveneurology Onc/otumorOncologist Ist means a specialist Opthalm/oeyeOpthalmoscope Opthalmologist examining a patient´s eyes with an opthalmoscope Oste/oboneOsteoarthritis Path/odiseasePathologist A pathologist is a medical doctor who views biobsy samples to make a diagnosis and examines dead bodies (in an autopsy) to determine the cause of death AUT means self, and OPSY means to view, An autopsy is an opportunity to see for oneself what happened to the patient to cause his or her death

16 Combining forms, suffixes and prefixes Psych/omindPsychosis OSIS means abnormal condition. This is a serious mental condition in which the patient loses touch with reality. Psychotic symtoms include hallucinations (unreal sensory perceptions, such as hearing voices when none are present) and delusions (fixed, false beliefs that can´t be changed by logical reasoning). Ren/okidneyrenal Rhin/onoserhinitis Sarc/ofleshSarcoma (cancerous tumor) Thromb/oclottingThrombocyte Is a small cell that helps blood to clott Thrombosis: formation of a thrombus (blood clot) occurs when thrombocytes and other clotting factors combine Thrombosis describes the condition of forming a clot (thrombosis)

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