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Teaching-Family Model Certification and the Overall Program Review (OPR) In-Service Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching-Family Model Certification and the Overall Program Review (OPR) In-Service Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching-Family Model Certification and the Overall Program Review (OPR) In-Service Workshop

2 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Goals of Treatment Parent Evaluations  Provide feedback on current level of development and areas for improvement  Provide conceptual information & rationales  Train Treatment Parents on the mechanics of the model  Develop rapport & open channels of communication

3 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Skills Based Evaluation Checklist Skills Based Evaluation Review Point Card Reviews In-Home Observations Consultation Overall Program Reviews Consumers Preparing for an Evaluation

4 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Reduces Treatment Parent and evaluator anxiety Builds rapport & opens communication Develops Treatment Parent’s investment in process Reduces resistance to & increases usefulness of feedback Sets clear expectations Identifies areas for improvement Improves program implementation & evaluation performance Promotes consistency & uniformity in procedures Rationales

5 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Treatment Parent Education Process Preservice Training: establish a positive mindset about the process Pre-Evaluation Training : in-depth evaluation training Post Evaluation Conference: debriefing & planning

6 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Training Year Pre-Service Workshop Pre-Evaluation Training (6-8 weeks after Preservice) Consultation and In-service Training (ongoing) First OPR (3 months) Evaluation Consumers (by 5 months) Second OPR (6 months) Initial Evaluation (5-7 months) Certification Evaluation (11-13 months) Re-Certification (annually)

7 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Pre-Evaluation Training Occurs 6-8 weeks from the Treatment Parents date of implementation Comprehensive description of the evaluation areas, process, and activities Review of Program Consumers Consultant is responsible for the training Both Treatment Parents must attend Document training on Treatment Parent transcripts and evaluation schedule

8 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Initiating and Developing Consumer Relationships u Introduce Yourself –Personal and Professional Background u Introduce the Program –Don’t Confuse –Set Expectations u Contact Each Consumer Once During the First 30 Days. –Face to Face Meeting if Possible u Request Feedback for Suggestions

9 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Maintaining Positive Consumer Relationships u Regular Attention u Continued Communication –Weekly-Especially any Progress or Good News u Express Appreciation u Solicit Feedback u Professionalism u Keep Commitments u Follow-Up / Return Phone Calls

10 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Troubleshooting Consumer Issues u Consumers Unhappy = Unsuccessful Program u Consult Supervisor / Ask for Support u Hold a Meeting u Make a Plan of Action u Advocacy w/ Professionalism u Follow-Up

11 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education General Advice Keep atmosphere comfortable yet professional Encourage questions and discussion Emphasize evaluation as a training and program development tool Important for the ongoing growth and development of the Treatment Parents and the youth Use rationales and examples Avoid pass/fail terminology Treatment Parents should develop a positive mindset about the process and activities

12 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Overall Program Review

13 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Social Skills of Youth u Greeting / Departure Skills –Handshake, Eye Contact, Names u Naturalness of Welcome u Youth’s Appearance –Clothing, Cleanliness, Hair, Make-Up u Youth’s Conversation Skills –Guest Oriented, Activities, Relationships u General Social Behavior –Flow / Appropriateness of Conversation –Interaction Together –Topic –Posture / Non-Verbal Behaviors –Offer Drink u Tour

14 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Teaching Skills u Teaching Interval –Completeness –Skill Identification –Order –Quality Components u Perceiving and Acting –Act on Opportunities to Teach –Flag Points –Consequences Instead of Prompts –Individualized According To Behaviors u Modeling –Present –Model Skills –Prompt Youth as Needed –Participate in Conversations

15 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Self Government u Youth Participation –Offer Ideas / Suggestions –Show Interest in Topic –Weekly Youth Lead Meeting u Perceiving and Acting –Use of Teaching Interactions –Attend to On-Going Behavior –Flag Points –Individualize Teaching u Critical Concepts –Fairness, Pleasantness, Effectiveness, Concern u Atmosphere –Length –Youth Decision Making

16 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Family-Style Living u Relaxed / Comfortable Atmosphere –Tolerances vs. Relationships u Warm Personal Relationships –Proximity –Inclusion in Conversation / Topics –Positive Statements –Activities –Natural Families u Physical Atmosphere –“Lived-In” –Youth Rooms / Space / Personalization –Cleanliness and Condition u Atmosphere –Length –Youth Decision Making

17 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Administrative u Youth Allowance / Documentation –Monthly Log, Receipts, Description –Balance Forward, $61.00, Signatures u Protection of Files / Medication –MUST BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES u Paperwork Timeliness –Monthly Reports, Point Cards, Deadlines u Documentation –Family Meeting: Weekly –Fire Drills: Monthly –Medication Logs: Daily –In-Service Training Hours u Youth Files –Treatment Plans, Intake Papers

18 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Card Reviews u Frequency of Teaching –Balance Between Treatment Parents –Based on Motivation Level u Effectiveness of Interactions –Ratio –Target Teaching –SAIL u Quality of Interactions –Positive Correction –Specificity –Skill Identification u General Condition of Card –Neat / Legible –In Youth’s Hand Writing –Accuracy in Coding / Completion

19 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education OPR Feedback u Give immediate verbal feedback. Focus on positive. u 3-4 Days after OPR –Written Feedback Completed –Follow-Up Meeting ASAP u Identify strengths first u Identify areas to develop u Maintain low tolerances

20 Treatment Parent Evaluation Education Post Evaluation Conference Opportunity to review results of the evaluation as a team, ask and answer any questions, and develop a plan that will allow Treatment Parents to grow professionally

21 Teaching-Family Model Certification and the Overall Program Review (OPR) In-Service Workshop This training presentation is available for download at: © 2007 Utah Youth Village.

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