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Building a model for the management of innovation TknikaINNOVA Model Samuel TRIGUERO Coordinator of the Innovation Management area

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Presentation on theme: "Building a model for the management of innovation TknikaINNOVA Model Samuel TRIGUERO Coordinator of the Innovation Management area"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a model for the management of innovation TknikaINNOVA Model Samuel TRIGUERO Coordinator of the Innovation Management area

2 Index 1.Presentation of Tknika 2.Introduction of the Management Model 3.Summary of contents 4.Questions and answers

3 “The isolated use of techniques, tools and systems for innovation, is not enough to create a continuous innovation activity. ” Juan Cano-Arribi Company

4 1. Presentation of Tknika

5 “A project to the service of Vocational Training centres ” Foto de todo el personal

6 What is Tknika? Tknika is the Basque Country`s centre for innovation for Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning. Established in 2005 by the Viceministry of Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning of the department of education of the Basque Country. Tknika is an innovation tool for Vocational Schools and Lifelong Learning

7 Some figures about Tknika ConceptNº PERSONNEL of Tknika 26 Number of INNOVATION PROJECTS 24 Number of COLLABORATORS 200 Number of VT CENTRES: –State Schools –Private Schools 46 29 17 Number of VT STUDENTS 30.000 Number of LLL STUDENTS 15.000


9 How are we organized? Collaborators (VT school Teachers) Motivators / Facilitators Coordinators Director Areas Managent Team T K N I K A Project Teams VT Centres Companies

10 Networking Work Teams Motivators Collaborator s Project Teams Teachers

11 What do we do? Develop innovation projects in close collaboration with the Vocational Training Centres Work on projects related with technological, training and management areas In respect of Project management, we rely on stakeholders who can offer value We work according to our way of understanding innovation management : TknikaINNOVA Model = SYSTEMATICS + CULTURE

12 Vision “To be a European reference in the application of ADVANCED PRACTICES of KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER to the BUSINESS SECTOR through the Vocational Training centres”

13 Mission  To make of innovation the axis of the Vocational Training of the Basque Country, to advance in new learning environments and processes and to reduce the competential gap between the creation of an idea or a technology and the moment the society profits from it.  By means of technological awareness, design, development, implementation and transfer of innovative products and services in training, technology, ICT/ e- learning and management areas, to the vocational training centres and to the business sector.  By means of activities open to collaboration and alliances with companies, university research departments and technological centres, encouraging the creation of nets, team work and creativity.

14 The Values we share  Responsability  Organizational commitment  Proactive attitude and initiative  Team work  Customer focus  Creativity

15 Our “travel partners” International and National Centres and Companies Vocational training High level polytechnics UNIVERSITIES INTERNATIONAL REFERENTIAL CENTRES VOCATIONAL POLYTECHNICS TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRES DIFFERENT AGENTS OF THE SYSTEM LEADING COMPANIES Innovation in excellence High level training Exploitation and transference of knowledge

16 2. Introduction of the Management Model


18 What do we understand by “Management Model”?  A Management Model is a simplified description of a reality (organization) that intends to understand, analyse and where appropriate, modify.

19 What do we understand by “Systematics”? Set of processes / routines that make up the way things must be done in an organization. Has to do with the “repetitive” part of the management model.

20 What do we understand by “Culture”? A culture of innovation has to do with a way of thinking and acting that generates, develops and establishes values and attitudes designed to promote, assume and foster ideas and changes that mean improvements in the working and efficiency of the organization, even if this means breaking with what is conventional and traditional.

21 What do we understand by “Culture”? (II) “The total range of behaviours, ethics and values which are transmitted, practised and reinforced by members of the organization” (Source: The EFQM Framework for Innovation)

22 Our SYSTEMATICS contemplates the following processes: OPERATIVE processes :  Awareness  Collection, analysis, selection and development of ideas and pre-projects  Management of innovation projects  Transfer of results SUPPORT processes:  Training of personnel  Internal communication  Planning and balance scorecard  Purchases  Financial management  Maintenance  Internal audits  Improvements  System revision  Documental management

23 AWARENESS COLLECTION, ANALYSIS, SELECTION and DEVELOPMENT of ideas and pre-projects PROJECT MANAGEMENT TRANSFER OPERATING processes A procces designed to collect internal and external information so as to select, analyse and disseminate in order to turn it into knowledge aimed at being able to take lower risks and anticipate changes. Process by which ideas and pre-projects are collected, analysed, selected and developed, with the aim of including them into the innovation project portfolio. Process that comprises: Planning, execution, follow up, verification, validation and evaluation of a project. Process that seeks the maximum use of the initial value (result) generated by a project.

24 TRANSFER Project Porfolio Derived from the STRATEGY Portfolio BALANCE Portfolio COMPLEMENTARY Set of PRELIMINARY PROJECTS (P1, P2, P3,…, Pn) P1 year 1year 2year 3 Result It is valuable for the customer? Expenses year 1 : Personnel Equipment Materials External services + % of general chargeable expenses X3= Total Project Investment (TPI) Opportunity Cost Result Transfer (Breadth + Depth) (RESULT MULTIPLIER! = VALUE) Transfer Expenses (TE) Maximise UTILITY = Global result / (TPI + TE) (Result / TPI) = Initial value MULTIPLY!


26 Our CULTURE of innovation contemplates the following factors: people organisation + + ++ Fidelity to reality Shared ambitions Creative tension Training Contribution Heterodoxy Systemic thinking Anticipation Talent Management Risk Management Failure Management Systematics Inner reference and focusing Adaptability and flexibility Reciprocity Organisation structure Confidenciality and discretion Speed and diligence Long term vision

27 Where are we in the construction of the TknikaINNOVA Model? CULTURE SYSTEMATICS under construction! = learn by doing + sharing

28 SYSTEMATICS (1):  14 process teams already under way  2 internal audits a year  1 external audit a year  Annually, the management performs a general revision of the whole system. SYSTEMATICS

29 SYSTEMATICS (2):  We are currently developing a process to strengthen the TRANSFER phase of the results of the innovation projects:  Transfer plan  Continuous transfer cycles  Learning cycles towards the origins  Impact of the results of the transfer  Transfer Units/Teams (organization) SYSTEMATICS

30 CULTURE (1):  We have had meetings with all the personnel to discuss the culture for innovation:  “KulturMeetings”  We have prepared and distributed, by means of our intranet, brief summaries explaining the content of the different cultural factors:  “ Culture pills” CULTURE

31 “KulturPills” Fidelity to reality Shared ambitions Creative tension Training Contribution Heterodoxy Systemic thinking Anticipation Talent Management Risk Management Failure Management Systematics Inner reference and focusing Adaptability and flexibility Reciprocity Organisation structure Confidenciality and discretion Speed and diligence Long term vision

32 “KulturPills”


34 Meter foto KulturMeeting “KulturMeetings”

35 Meter foto KulturMeeting “KulturMeetings”

36 Meter foto KulturMeeting “KulturMeetings”

37 CULTURE (2):  We are in the process of developing the Cultural Plan for Innovation (CPI):  The CPI consists of numerous specific actions that develop the factors of the culture for innovation  The CPI is a two year plan.  All our interest groups are involved in the CPI:  Personnel of Tknika  VT school collaborators (Teachers)  Allies, etc. CULTURE

38 “Culture Plan”

39 CULTURE(3):  In short, The Cultural Plan for Innovation (CPI), means a mid term transformation plan that must allow us to generate a sustainable organizational context that fosters the creation of innovations. CULTURE

40 3. Summary of contents

41 IN SHORT 1.Tknika is the innovation centre for the Vocational Training schools in the Basque Country. 2.We develop innovation projects and transfer the results to the VT teachers. 3.The teachers use these results to train their students. 4.The students transfer this knowledge to their work places. 5.We network with VT teachers (ensuring the transfer of knowledge to the whole system) 6.We collaborate with organizations and individuals who can offer value to the global process. 7.We guarantee excellence in our performance by means of our management model: TknikaINNOVA Model = SYSTEMATICS + CULTURE

42 “The isolated use of techniques, tools and systems for innovation, is not enough to create a continuous innovation activity. ” Juan Cano-Arribi Company

43 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Samuel TRIGUERO Coordinator of the Innovation Management Area

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