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Skype session with a school in Indonesia Ms Ruth From Sekolah Trimulia in Bandung, Indonesia.

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Presentation on theme: "Skype session with a school in Indonesia Ms Ruth From Sekolah Trimulia in Bandung, Indonesia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skype session with a school in Indonesia Ms Ruth From Sekolah Trimulia in Bandung, Indonesia

2 Session 9 Technology use across the world

3 Sugatha Mitra Hole in the wall project

4 What does the video show about technology and children’s learning?

5 Nicholas Negroponte One laptop per child

6 What does this video show about the potential of technology in education?

7 What were some of the key points you learnt from the PBS documentary ‘Digital Nation’

8 Performing Arts Collaboration Now download any free piano playing app Eg. IPAD : Virtuoso Android : My Piano Teach each other how to play a ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’ Now think of how you can perform it as a group.

9 Digital orchestra Use your phone. Teach each other a simple song. Do this as a group of 6.

10 Assignment 2 Group Assignment: Integrated Digital Storytelling Project (40% Due Session 11 ) Students are to work in groups of 4 or 5. Apply your content knowledge from the Children’s Literature module to create a digital story using IMovie, Movie Maker. Windows Photo Story or Powerpoint. It should be submitted with a learning booklet on how the story can be used in the classroom for integrated activities in the classroom and extension ideas for home use. This will be presented in class on 22nd/ 23rd September 2015.

11 Devise a game for a preschoolers which may employ the use of hand held devices, computer or any technology related equipment. Conduct it with a group of minimum 3 /max 5 children. Write a 1200-1500 word analytical report based on the following: 1.Describe the features of your digital learning activity and why it is appropriate for children’s learning. ( 400 words) 2.Evaluate the children’s response and discuss any challenges faced during its implementation.(400 words) 3.Suggest improvements to enhance the application of your tool. (400 words) 4.References 5.Attach a softcopy of your game in your submission.

12 ExcellentVery goodGoodFair Description and documentation of activity using technology is provided (10 marks) Theories and concepts are included to explain appropriateness to children’s learning (5 marks) Evaluation of the activity shows critical thinking and analysis. Challenges are identified and an analysis is provided. (10 marks) Suggestions for improvement are proposed. A consideration for its applicability to classroom use in Singapore context is discussed. (5 marks)

13 Essay writing tips

14 Tips for essay writing Answer the question Use a header before you write your answer Paragraph your answers Do not use questions Think of a paragraph as a complete point Cite purposefully

15 Avoid colloquial style of writing( writing the way you speak) Avoid fancy designs, only word format Edit!

16 Better scripts Clear writing Organised answers Use a range of references Critique, show opinion and give evidence Answer should be ‘complete’

17 Example Participants have suggested that government should play a role in financing of preschool services, as it would lead to greater accessibility. I agree that the funding would ensure that low- income families are not excluded by their inability to pay. Parents should base their choice of preschool on their quality, instead of affordability. In a parliamentary reply, the then MCYS has disclosed that EtonHouse, a high-end preschool chain whose monthly fee is $1,500, only charges $728 at its Hampton Preschool (Parliament Of Singapore, 2012). Hampton Preschool is a collaboration with PCF, an anchor operator. Hampton Preschool could deliver high quality programmes at almost half of EtonHouse’s usual fees because it operates in a void deck that enjoys subsidised rents and grants. This has demonstrated that funding ensures that quality education is accessible to all children.

18 Variable quality has impact educators as it require them to rethink their approach to teaching and learning. For instance, under the Montessori approach, educators have to prepare an environment which supports learning. On the other hand, under the Reggio Emilia approach, curriculum is project-oriented and it should be based on children’s interests and experiences. Hence, teachers must have the skills and knowledge to deliver the curriculum and striking a balance between their philosophy, parents’ expectation and children’s needs. According to Vygotsky, with the assistance of a more knowledgeable other, children can be brought to a deeper level of understanding, exceeding what they would be able to attain on their own (Hart & Rollins, 2011).

19 When writing a paragraph Use a short header ( to guide reader) Explain what. Explain how/ why and support with citation. Explain SO WHAT?i.e. the implication

20 Roles for Debate Proposition (5) Researcher (5) Opposition (5) Researcher (5) Moderator (2) Parent advocacy group(6) Teacher Union(6) Technology start up(6) Ministry of Education Officials (6) ECDA officials (6) Primary school educators and principals(6) Early childhood business owners/ principals (6)

21 A successful early childhood curriculum of the future must feature the dominant use of technology for teaching and learning.

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