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UNICEF Social Protection Work an overview and update Show and Tell on Social Protection Bonn, 5 May 2011 Gabriele Köhler Isabel Ortiz Jennifer Yablonski.

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Presentation on theme: "UNICEF Social Protection Work an overview and update Show and Tell on Social Protection Bonn, 5 May 2011 Gabriele Köhler Isabel Ortiz Jennifer Yablonski."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNICEF Social Protection Work an overview and update Show and Tell on Social Protection Bonn, 5 May 2011 Gabriele Köhler Isabel Ortiz Jennifer Yablonski

2 1.Global level policy work 2.Partnerships and international advocacy 3.Social protection: crisis response 4.Program guidance and global framework 5.Regional and country level support Presentation Outline

3 UNICEF work in Social Protection: Circa 125 programmes in 88 countries

4 Costing tool: Exploring financing options for social protection interventions and systems E-learning course in the public domain: Socio-Economic Policies for Children Rights with Equity with module on social protection Social and Economic Policy Community of Practice Conference collaborations, e.g. – OHCHR: human rights-based approach to recovery from the global economic and financial crises (Jan 2011) – IDS Sussex: Social Protection for Social Justice (April 2011) – World Bank Social Protection South-South Learning Forum (May-June 2011) 1. Global level policy work: Recent developments

5 Key advocacy areas  Expansion of social protection coverage  Promoting social protection which better addresses the needs of children and women (Joint Statement on Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection)  Protecting social protection and social spending within context of continued crisis shocks – Recovery for All  UN Social Protection Floor Initiative – International advocacy in UN context – Support at national level, e.g. Haiti, Mozambique, Thailand – Supporting improved communication materials, e.g. creating SPF website Partnerships  ILO, World Bank, OHCHR, UN-DESA, country level: IMF and regional development banks  HelpAge International, Save the Children and many others  IDS, EPRI, ODI and many others 2. Partnerships & International advocacy

6 2008-09: International calls for social protection leading to UN Chief Executives Board statement (Paris April 2009) Additional angle in social protection: as a counter-cyclical measure –Social protection component of fiscal stimulus plans (25% average) 2010 developments: fiscal consolidation/adjustment: –Need to keep the momentum on expanding social protection –Need a recovery for all  1929 crisis led to the New Deal – efforts to learn from 2008/9 for a comprehensive global approach to social protection 3. Social Protection and the Crisis

7 Contraction of social expenditures Social protection: Targeting - reducing coverage Reducing benefits Eliminating subsidies (eg food) Wage bill – Salaries of teachers, health and social workers While social protection expanded during the crisis - now contraction? A social protection floor needed to achieve the MDGs and as a mechanism to mitigate future crises. See: Ortiz, Chai, Cummins and Vergara 2010: Prioritizing expenditures for a Recovery for All. UNICEF. Social Protection and Crisis

8 Social Protection in Fiscal Stimulus Plans Source: UNICEF, based on Zhang, Thelen & Rao, 2010

9 2010-11: Governments Contracting Public Expenditures

10 MDG Summit: Keeping the Promise How to achieve MDGs for everyone, everywhere Making commitments work in the aftermath of global crisis

11 UNICEF is currently developing two strategic documents to guide UNICEF’s work in social protection: Program Guidance: –internal document; provides overall guidance to UNICEF staff on the organization’s approach Status: Final draft scheduled for final comments and finalization: May 2011 Policy Global Framework: –external to define UNICEF’s position on key issues and outline policy agenda Status: Draft sections scheduled for internal consultation: May -June 2011 External consultation: Fall 2011 4. Program Guidance and Global Framework

12 What is social protection?: “set of public and private policies and programs aimed at reducing and eliminating economic and social vulnerabilities of children, women and families, in order to ensure their rights to a decent standard of ling and essential services”. Rationale for UNICEF work in social protection : SP as a tool to help UNICEF realize mandate and goals: – realization of children’s rights and – greater equity in child outcomes. UNICEF Objectives: (i) support governments in the creation, expansion and consolidation of national social protection policies; (ii) increase gender and child-sensitive social protection interventions; (iii) collaborate and support the participation of partners in national and international policy harmonization Principles: (i) progressive realization of universal coverage; (ii) inclusive social protection; (iii) context specificity; (iv) government-led systems, accountable to program participants Program Guidance: Contents

13 Goals: Provide clear framework for UNICEF’s work on social protection Argue case for social protection and children; articulate UNICEF’s position on key issues Outline Policy Agenda for social protection and children for engagement with partners Programmatic and Policy Agenda Main instruments:(i) social transfers; (ii) programs to ensure access to services; (iii) social support services and (iv) legislation and policies to ensure non-discrimination and access to services Integrated social protection systems Sectoral Approach: how does social protection help realize targets and goals in key sectors (health, education, water and sanitation, nutrition, child protection, etc.) Global Framework: Contents

14 Integrated approach to social protection: Comprehensive conceptual framework: address structural social and economic vulnerabilities Multi-sector approach for UNICEF – SP as right in itself, and as a tool to achieve greater equity in sectors; Interrelated and integrated interventions Support governments to develop integrated systems Transformative social protection – empowering children, women and vulnerable in social protection programs Exploring financing options for social protection interventions (new and expanded) Increased support to learning and exchange across countries and regions – with external partners and internally UNICEF Global Framework: Emerging issues

15  Informed by child poverty and vulnerability studies  Support government development of national social protection systems  Supporting national dialogue on policy priorities and options  Supporting design, scale-up, implementation and monitoring cash and non-cash transfers  Facilitating access to services, e.g. removal of user fees for schooling or health services  Strengthening social protection systems & capacity, including social welfare services  Strong programmatic links to child protection and HIV/AIDS 5. Technical Support at country level

16 Latin America and the Caribbean: Haiti Support new government in defining a social protection agenda feasibility study for an integrated set of social protection interventions with internally displaced populations in: Plateau Central and North Departments and Camp Accra, building on post-earthquake work nation-wide consultation meeting planned on social protection: discuss state of affairs of social protection and potential options, in view of transition to post-emergency development Provide support and guidance in the most appropriate institutional arrangement to manage social protection interventions given country’s context Close collaboration with major partners such as ILO, World Bank, IADB and others. Recent work: Regional and Country Examples

17 Middle East and Northern Africa Increased interest for social protection interventions given recent political and economic developments in the region Main issues: Persistent inequities Youth unemployment Limited social protection responses Impacts of economic and food crises Accelerated in-country support for selected countries Advocacy and technical support to governments in development of social protection schemes Development of a regional mapping of social protection systems and interventions Advocacy and dialogue with partners – child-sensitive social protection interventions Staff training: social protection policy and design Recent work: Regional and Country Examples

18 East and South Africa: Mozambique Pilot country in Social Protection Floor Initiative National Policy Dialogue on multi-sectoral National Strategy for Basic Social Security: gradually expand social protection Supporting jointly with key partners: ILO, IMF, WFP, WB Review of SP Programmes and expenditure and assessment on programme costs, financing mechanisms and policy options Looking at comprehensive programme with 4 key elements: cash transfer for ultra-poor and labour constrained households public works for urban unemployed youth national productive safety net programme for rural poor with labour capacity in-kind transfer programme Recent work: Regional and Country Examples

19 Transfer Project: Africa regional research & learning initiative Creating mechanisms for regional learning & exchange among regional policy makers, implementers, researchers and civil society Supports national longitudinal quantitative & qualitative impact evaluation Regional evidence and lessons – not only what impact, but how and why Example: GHANA LEAP Program (In cooperation with DFID and 3ie) Evaluation will assess and compare the effect of the intervention households receiving both health insurance and a cash transfer; those receiving only health insurance; and those receiving neither. Example: Supports Community of Practice for Implementers, and Research Network Forthcoming Special Issue of Journal of Development Effectiveness Partners: national governments and researchers, University of Chapel Hill at North Carolina, Save the Children UK, FAO Recent work: Regional and Country Examples

20 South Asia: NEPAL Supporting government to implement and scale-up unconditional child grant introduced in 2009 Grant linked to improving nutrition and birth registration In tandem, strengthening overall SP systems –distribution mechanisms, M&E Supporting interministerial committee to draft National SP Policy Framework, and to identify priority actions Recent work: Regional and Country Examples

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