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Viruses, Bacteria & Protists…oh MY! Disease causing agents that activate the immune system.

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Presentation on theme: "Viruses, Bacteria & Protists…oh MY! Disease causing agents that activate the immune system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Viruses, Bacteria & Protists…oh MY! Disease causing agents that activate the immune system

2 Vaccinations  Activate our acquired immune system  Cause creation of memory cells  Prevent us from showing symptoms of disease even if we are exposed to it  Prevent us from transmitting disease to others  Can eradicate disease causing agents from the face of the earth!

3 Smallpox virus  wiped off the face of the earth, except for samples held in labs in the U. S. & Russia  Smallpox was an entirely human disease -- it didn't infect any other animal or insect on the planet. Thus, once vaccination eliminated the chances of the virus spreading among the human population, the disease disappeared; in fact, the United States hasn't vaccinated for smallpox since 1972.  Although smallpox was one of the most devastating illnesses in human history, killing more than 300 million people worldwide during the 20th century alone, scientists declared the world free of smallpox in 1979. The naturally occurring disease has been eradicated, but fears remain about the smallpox samples being used as bioweapons.  1 OR 2 PEOPLE IN 1 MILLION WHO RECEIVE THE VACCINE MAY DIE AS A RESULT BECAUSE THIS IS A LIVE VACCINE OF A POX VACCINE SIMILAR TO SMALL POX (.000000002 %)

4 How we make vaccinations  Viruses are identified & isolated from host  Host cells must be found in which viruses can reproduce ( eggs, tissue culture)  Viruses are injected into host cells, millions of viruses are produced.  Viruses are isolated from host cells/purified  Viruses are either killed or weakened ,3206 8,60312463001_1951560,00.html,3206 8,60312463001_1951560,00.html

5 Live Attenuated vaccinations  living microbes weakened = no symptoms.  closest thing to a natural infection, so elicit strong cellular & antibody responses  often confer lifelong immunity  The remote possibility that an attenuated microbe could mutate back to a virulent form  Viruses attenuated by growing them in cells in which they do not reproduce very well.  As they evolve to adapt to the new environment, they become weaker with respect to their natural host, human beings.

6 Inactivated Vaccinations  Produced by killing the microbe with chemicals, heat, or radiation.  More stable  Dead microbes can’t mutate back to disease- causing state  Most stimulate a weaker immune system response  So need booster shots

7 Subunit Vaccines  include only antigen parts of microbe  Some only epitopes.  Much lower chances of adverse reactions  Scientists ID antigens that activate immunity  They grow microbes & use chemicals to break them apart and gather the important antigens.  Antigens multiplies by recombinant DNA tech.  Scientists inserted hepatitis B antigen genes into common baker’s yeast. The yeast then produced the antigens, which scientists purified for use in the vaccine.

8 Toxoid Vaccines  For bacteria that secrete toxins as the main cause of illness.  Scientists inactivate toxins by treating them with formalin  Such “detoxified” toxins, called toxoids, are in vaccines.  The immune system produces antibodies that lock onto and block the toxin.  Vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus are toxoid vaccines.

9 Flue shot:  Inactivated flue virus

10 Different infectious agents 

11 Overview of humoral immune response 

12  Between 1990 and 1995 in the UK, there were 5433 suspected adverse reactions to all the vaccines given to children under 15 years of age - out of around 80 million doses of vaccine - that's 0.00008% of cases. Only a tiny number of those were serious.

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