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Answer the Wednesday question on your bellwork page. Bellwork 2-3-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Answer the Wednesday question on your bellwork page. Bellwork 2-3-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer the Wednesday question on your bellwork page. Bellwork 2-3-2016

2 Objectives How do I classify methods of reproduction as sexual and asexual? Students will be able to describe the principal mechnisms by which living things reproduce and transmit information between parents and offspring.

3 Living Things Reproduce 2 Types of Reproduction: Asexual- a single parent produces an offspring identical to the parent Sexual- two parents produce an offspring with traits of both parents

4 Challenge Question 1.What type of reproduction is happening when a flower undergoes cross-pollination? 2.What type of reproduction happens when a plant undergoes self-pollination?

5 Determining the Sex or Gender of Offspring Sex chromosomes carry genes that determine the sex or gender of offspring. In humans, females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. During meiosis, one of each of the chromosome pairs ends up in a sex cell. Baby boy= XY Baby girl= XX Set up a Punnett square to figure out the probability of the gender of the offspring.

6 Sex Chromosome Probability

7 Sex Chromosome: Chromosome 23 (XX or XY) xx

8 Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals Budding: happens when a part of the parent organism pinches off and forms a new organism. Budding: happens when a part of the parent organism pinches off and forms a new organism. The new organism separates from the parent and lives independently. The new organism separates from the parent and lives independently. Jellyfish & hydra Jellyfish & hydra

9 Group Scenario Discussion Which words "stand out" to help us understand the type of reproduction that is be described? A yeast cell stretches its outer shell until a bump of "bud" appears. The genetic material divides in half and part of this material goes into the bud. The bud becomes and exact copy of the original yeast cell.

10 Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals Fragmentation: parts of the organism break off (which may or may not be intentional) and a new organism grows identical to the parent. Fragmentation: parts of the organism break off (which may or may not be intentional) and a new organism grows identical to the parent. Worms & starfish Worms & starfish

11 Group Scenario Discussion Which words "stand out" to help us understand the type of reproduction that is be described? A California mudworm reaches the end of it's life cycle and break into two fragments. From each fragment, a new worm forms with the same DNA as the parent worm.

12 Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals Regeneration: organism loses a body part and that part may develop into a new organism, or that part that was lost may re-develop on the organism. Regeneration: organism loses a body part and that part may develop into a new organism, or that part that was lost may re-develop on the organism. Sea star Sea star

13 Group Scenario Discussion Which words "stand out" to help us understand the type of reproduction that is be described? When attacked by a predator, a salamander's tail will fall off. After a little while, the tail will regrow, or regenerate, itself.

14 Asexual Reproduction in Other Organisms Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction in which an organism splits into two. Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction in which an organism splits into two. This occurs in bacteria and other single- celled organisms This occurs in bacteria and other single- celled organisms

15 Group Scenario Discussion Which words "stand out" to help us understand the type of reproduction that is be described? A medical researcher is studying a quick spreading type of bacteria. The researcher notices that the bacteria seem to grow a little larger and then split into two different bacteria. After testing the DNA on two bacteria, the researches notices that they have the same DNA.

16 Asexual Reproduction in Plants Some plants can reproduce asexually when they are cut or damaged. These plants can sprout new growth from their roots, stems, and leaves. Some plants can reproduce asexually when they are cut or damaged. These plants can sprout new growth from their roots, stems, and leaves. In wild strawberry plants, stems are capable of arching downward and taking root in the ground, resulting in the formation of a new plant. This is an example of asexual reproduction. In wild strawberry plants, stems are capable of arching downward and taking root in the ground, resulting in the formation of a new plant. This is an example of asexual reproduction.

17 BrainPop- Jot down the words that stand out to you. Asexual Reproduction


19 The diagrams represent the way that three different organisms reproduce. Which of these classifies the reproductive method of all the organisms shown above? Asegmentation Bbudding Casexual reproduction Dsexual reproduction

20 Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of asexual reproduction: Ainvolves one parent organism Boffspring are identical Coffspring are the product of a sperm and egg Dinvolves the process of budding, binary fission, or regeneration

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