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Early Life Bacterial (Prokaryotes) and their reproductive processes Unit 6 day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Life Bacterial (Prokaryotes) and their reproductive processes Unit 6 day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Life Bacterial (Prokaryotes) and their reproductive processes Unit 6 day 1

2 “Protocells” What do you absolutely have to do to be alive? – Reproduce – Have a metabolism

3 Structure of Bacterial chromsome Bacteria have one circular chromosome and it isn’t organized in the same manner that eukaryotic chromosomes are

4 4 This is a much more primitive, thus simpler mechanism of cell division! Prokaryotes Reproduce by Binary Fission All the daughter cells are clones and therefore genetically identical?

5 How does binary fission make prokaryotes different Quick reproduction Increased mutation rates What do you think this means for prokaryotic evolution? Open to page 467 read Figure 24.14 and answer the what if?

6 Live fast die in waste

7 7 Yeast cells and diatoms do not breakdown the nuclear membrane. Instead it pinches inward like the binary fission of prokaryotes. The microtubules are contained within in the nucleus. Dinoflagellates also do not breakdown the nuclear membrane but the spindle fibers penetrate the nuclear membrane and attach to the plasma membrane. Evolution of Mitosis

8 So why mitosis? Think about why mitosis may have evolved. Don’t forget about the endosymbiosis theory After the class discussion write some statement about the pros and cons of mitotic division.

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