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5-2: Inequalities and Triangles. Compare Angle Measures Compare m<3 to m<1 and m<2. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem: The measure of any exterior angle.

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Presentation on theme: "5-2: Inequalities and Triangles. Compare Angle Measures Compare m<3 to m<1 and m<2. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem: The measure of any exterior angle."— Presentation transcript:

1 5-2: Inequalities and Triangles

2 Compare Angle Measures Compare m<3 to m<1 and m<2. Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem: The measure of any exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the measures of its two corresponding remote interior angles.

3 EX 1: Find all angles whose measures are less than m<8. EX 2: Find all angles whose measures are greater than m<2.

4 Geometer’s Sketchpad Demonstration: What are some other ways that we can tell which angle has the greatest measure? What do the lengths of the sides have to do with the angles?

5 Sides and Angles The biggest side is across from the biggest angle, and the smallest side is across from the smallest angle.

6 EX 3: m<DAB_____ m<ABD EX 4: m<CDB _____ m<CBD EX 5: m<CDA _____ m<CBA

7 EX 6: Name the longest side. If one angle of a triangle has a greater measure than another angle, then the side opposite the greater angle is longer.

8 Practice: p. 251; 1-15 1)Never 2)Varies 3)Grace 4)<2 5)<3 6)<3 7)<4, <5, <6 8)<1, <7 9)<2, <3, <4, <5 10)m m<XYW 11)m<XZY < m<XYZ 12)m<WX < m<XWY 13)AE<EB 14)CE>CD 15)BC=EC

9 Assignment: Honors: –P. 252; 17-34, 37-42 Regular: Workbook 5-2

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