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Key Ideas Foundation of social and modern sciences. Modern Christian Church under attack. Realism and Literature Modern art. Morality, philosophy and science.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Ideas Foundation of social and modern sciences. Modern Christian Church under attack. Realism and Literature Modern art. Morality, philosophy and science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Ideas Foundation of social and modern sciences. Modern Christian Church under attack. Realism and Literature Modern art. Morality, philosophy and science. Supremacy and racism Feminism

2 Auguste Comte (1798-1857) Positivism All true knowledge is based on science. The foundation of Modern Sociology. Comte’s Three Stages of development 1.Theological-All the phenomena of nature are the creation of the Divine, or spiritual. 2.Metaphysical-Extended the theological-An abstract belief in God or divinity with explanation. 3.Positive/Scientific stage- explanation based on observation and experimentation. Results: positive laws of social behavior could be discovered.


4 Darwin (1809-1882) Science vs Religion Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871) Origin of Species – Did not originate the theory of evolution. – His theory proposed the mechanical process to explain how evolution took place by the principle of natural selection. – Simply adaptation to the environment and successful reproduction passing along the traits of that adaptation. – Theory questioned the purpose and existence of God and society’s values, customs, and beliefs. The Descent of Man – Human conscience including religious intuition evolved in the same manner. Scientists did not support the theories until the 1920s and 1930s when genetic research began to provide some evidence.

5 The Obligation of the “White man” to teach cleanliness to those other races. “History shows me one way only, in which a state of civilisation has been produced, namely the struggle of race with race and the survival of the physicallly and mentally fitter race” T.H. Huxley

6 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Society, Politics, Religion, Economics Theory of Social Darwinism – Advocated individualism – Competition was essential if society was to progress. – The strong had the duty (ethical imperative) to subdue the weak, sparing the weak would only allow the weakness to continue and inferior traits would persist undermining humanity. Theory was used to neglect the poor and the working class, exploit weaker nations through colonialism and increased aggressive competition among nations.

7 Kulturkampf

8 Germany Unified in 1870 Bismarck content with Germany’s success. Electoral system in place-Riechstag-universal male suffrage (1871) Revisionist (R) or Social Democratic Party (SPD). – Opposed by Bismarck – Two sides-Revolution or democracy. – Bismarck enacts social welfare movement to combat socialist ideas. Health insurance, state pensions and social security. Kulturkampf 1873 Bismarck forced into retirement – Alliance system failed – Socialist influence grew in the Reichstag 1891-Erfurt Program-Socialist program designed to crush capitalism by gaining seats within the Reichstag to gain political influence (Eduard Bernstein (R), August Bebel,Karl Kautsky) Trade Unions allowed after 1890

9 Intellectualism-Revolt against Reason, Psychoanalysis, Nietszche “God is dead” “War and courage have accomplished more great things than love of neighbor” Freud-Dreams and Psychoanalysis

10 Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Society and Intellectualism Based much of his theories on human sexuality. Founder of Psychoanalysis-study of treating mental disorders by analyzing the way the conscious and subconscious mind interact through the analysis of dreams and the process of free-association. – Id-innate instinct and impulses (sometimes may be socially unacceptable)-subconscious mind. – Ego-Mediates the conscious and subconscious mind. – Superego-Reflects what is learned as socially acceptable-conscious mind. The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)-Dreams (irrational phenomena) must have rational and scientific explanations. Freud’s contribution-tremendous impact on intellectualism describing human behavior and the development of the human mind

11 Nietzsche (1844-1900) Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual Radical thinker. Wanted to dissect human society – Discover what we think of morality since morality was created by humanity. – The Birth of Tragedy (1872)-nonrational aspects of humanity were as important as the rational. Subjecting humanity to what we believe is rational diminishes man. – Superman (ubermensch) Overman-The man who is strong enough to recognize the dogmas created by man (religion) will rise above others to restructure the world, not to improve it, but because he can and wants to. – Religion blinded man to reality-man used God to glorify his own image leading to his famous quote, “God is dead”. Proclaims the importance of humanity or the one human being who can rise above the others. Nietzsche was not a racist or anti-Semite. Other works: – Thus Spake Zarasthustra (1883) – Beyond Good and Evil (1886) – The Genealogy of Morals (1887)

12 Marie and Pierre Curie “A twentieth century frame of mind”

13 Einstein (1879-1955) Theory of Relativity (1905) Observers (scientists) could not make any statements about the world that were absolutely true, because such statements depended on where the observer was standing. If you changed your observation point, what you saw and your measurements of it changed as well. Therefore, the world was never fully knowable in the sense that no two people might see the world in exactly the same way because they observed it from different positions, and each was right from his own perspective. – Challenged the natural laws discovered by Newton.

14 Realist in literature-Emile Zola (above) Writers and artists wrote and depicted the “real world” of the bourgeoisie.

15 Modern Art-Impressionism, Postimpressionism and Cubism Seurat-pointillism Postimpressionism Cubism-Picasso Édouard Manet- Luncheon on the Grass-New directions in Art

16 Racism, Anti Semitism, Feminism

17 Women’s Right to Vote England-1918 (restrictions) 1928-(No restrictions). France-1944 Germany-1919 Austria-1919

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