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Sample / practice versions of the research methods section of the Semester Exam Also, based on the amount of time spent on the IA this semester, this section.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample / practice versions of the research methods section of the Semester Exam Also, based on the amount of time spent on the IA this semester, this section."— Presentation transcript:

1 sample / practice versions of the research methods section of the Semester Exam Also, based on the amount of time spent on the IA this semester, this section will have an equal weight to the LAQ (40% LAQ /40% Research Methods /20% SAQ) so it should be simple points for you on the semester exam! Be sure to use the examples and STUDY!!! If you have any doubts, first consult your friends and classmates, and then email me with any remaining issues!

2 From the exam overview Types of questions that will be asked include but are not limited to: 1) Identify the following: – Independent Variable – Dependent Variable – Target Population – Sample Method – Experimental Method (Example: lab experiment, interview…etc) – Experimental Design (Example: repeated measures) – Types of Data (qualitative and quantitative) 2) Suggest an operationalized hypothesis. 3) State ___ possible extraneous variables and suggest a solution for each. 4) Identify ___ ethical guidelines that might be breached with this experiment and explain ways to ensure that these are respected –OR…Consider HOW a researcher may avoid breeching (what steps should be taken) There will also be an open ended / analytical type question that asks you to consider different types of bias and how the effect the results. These responses may be written in any format, your job will be to simply define the bias and give at least two examples of its impact/implications related to the case study. – Types of bias/topics you should know are: Researcher biasReporting biasTypes of Data (Qual and Quant)Demand Characteristics Culture, Gender, Class BiasTemporal ValidityConfirmation BiasHawthorne Effect

3 Sample 1 1)Identify the IV and DV for the experiment above. 2)Identify the target population. 3)List 2 potential ethical guidelines that may be breached as a result of the experiment and offer suggestions for each 4) Explain how culture OR gender bias may impact this experiment Will middle school students who eat breakfast perform better on a math test than students who have not eaten a morning meal? Question: 5 participants in 6 who ate breakfast performed better on the math test Results: Two groups, one group ate breakfast, the other didn’t. Both sat in the same room to complete the math test under same conditions. Procedure:

4 Answers (may vary in ?s 2-4, but the concept is the same) 1)IV = Math Test DV = Breakfast eaten 2)Middle school students. 3)One possible example: Randomized groups of students who normally eat breakfast, but are asked to skip that day may be placed under considerable stress. Measures should consider pre interview to help with selection of groupings. 4)Cultural bias may impact the experiment based on how and when breakfast is administered. For example religious beliefs and the time/date of the experiment could interfere with religious traditions (for example fasting). Furthermore, dietary restrictions and types of food intake cannot be considered in this experiment. It is possible that not only food intake, but the control of such a factor should be considered culturally. Therefore more research should be done to examine a variety of cultures in their setting.

5 Sample 2 1)Suggest an operationalized hypothesis. 2)State the experimental method used. 3)Suggest a Sampling Method and list its strengths and weaknesses. 4)Is the type of data collected in this experiment qualitative or quantitative and why? (state which and briefly explain the advantages/disadvantages of this type of data) Question: There was no difference between both groups. Results: Two groups, one with colored paper, the other with white. Both groups were tested simultaneously and asked to read a text and answer some comprehension questions. Procedure: Does using colored paper increase reading comprehension?

6 Sample 3 1)What sampling method was apparently used? 2)What was the experimental design? 3)State 2 possible extraneous variables that may impact this study and suggest a possible solution to each. 4)Explain how the Hawthorne Effect may have impacted the results of this experiment. Question: The top types were classical and jazz music. Results: Questionnaires were passed to various artists (painters, musicians, actors) and asked their top three types of music. Procedure: Are people who prefer more complex musical styles such as classical and jazz more creative?

7 Sample 4 1)Suggest an operationalized hypothesis for this experiment. 2)What is the target population? 3)List two ethical guidelines that my have been breached and suggest a possible solution to each. 4)How might researcher bias impact the findings of this study? Question: After omitting outliers, students in the control group scored significantly higher on the comprehension test. Results: Two groups of 60 each participants were placed in different rooms and given a short story to read and answer 10 comprehension questions. A controlled environment was completely quiet, while the other was forced to listen to a randomized audio file of death metal, construction work, and loud children’s songs. Procedure: Does noise impact memory?

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