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Medicine Through Time Sections B and C – Sections based on own Knowledge.

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1 Medicine Through Time Sections B and C – Sections based on own Knowledge

2 Disease and Infection

3 Medicine Through Time – Disease and infection. Examination Section B a) Choose one of the medical pioneers below. Robert Koch Louis Pasteur What did he do? (4 marks)

4 Robert Koch Louis Pasteur (b) Which of these medical pioneers contributed most to improved medical knowledge during the 19 th Century? Explain your answer. (8 marks)

5 Mark Scheme (a)Target: Understanding of the key features of the period (AO 1) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question0 –Level 1:Answers that show recognition and simple understanding of the key feature mentioned in the question. Answers will show simple recognition of either Koch or Pasteur. e.g. Pasteur conducted many experiments to find out about what caused disease.1-2 –Level 2:Answers that explain and show understanding in a broader context of the period. Answers will show knowledge of some distinctive features of the achievements or methods of either Koch or Pasteur e.g. Pasteur discovered Germ Theory in 1861. He proved the theory of spontaneous generation wrong. His work led him to find the cure to diseases such as chicken cholera.3-4

6 Mark Scheme (b)Target: Evaluation and understanding of the key features of the period (AO 1/2) Candidates either submit no evidence or fail to address the question0 –Level 1:Describes the work of Koch and/or Pasteur e.g. Pasteur discovered Germ Theory in 1861. The answer demonstrates simple understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is generally coherent but basic in development.1-2 –Level 2:Answers that comment briefly on both people in a simple comparison e.g. Pasteur discovered Germ Theory but Koch developed the theory to find cures to diseases that affected humans. They both made an important contribution. –OR

7 Mark Scheme –OR –Answers that consider one person’s contribution to the 19 th Century in depth e.g. Koch was very important as he discovered the causes of diseases that affected humans. He encouraged meticulous scientific research. Through the process of staining he discovered the causes of diseases such as Tuberculosis and Cholera. –The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is reasonably well organised and presented in a clear and effective manner.3-5

8 Mark Scheme Level 3:Answers that explain and evaluate both people’s contribution to the 19 th Century in a comparison that is detailed. E.g. Louis Pasteur made a massive contribution as he discovered Germ theory in 1861. This proved the link between germs and disease. This disproved previous theories such as spontaneous generation. However Pasteur’s findings did not improve the health of humans. Koch was more important as he developed Pasteur’s theories and discovered the causes of diseases that affected humans. Through the process of staining he discovered the bacteria that caused diseases such as Tuberculosis and Cholera. It is Koch’s work that would eventually lead to the cures to dangerous diseases. The answer demonstrates developed understanding of the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. It is well organised with an appropriate form and style of writing. Some specialist vocabulary is used. (6-8 marks)

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