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Formation of Malaysia Reasons Communist threat – 1950’s and 1960’s communist intensifying activities in SEA. Emergency declared over in Malaya in 1960.

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of Malaysia Reasons Communist threat – 1950’s and 1960’s communist intensifying activities in SEA. Emergency declared over in Malaya in 1960."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formation of Malaysia Reasons Communist threat – 1950’s and 1960’s communist intensifying activities in SEA. Emergency declared over in Malaya in 1960. Communist activities could not be eradicated. Communist hiding in jungles of Siam. Threat to peace and security of country. Communist activities in Singapore especially a worry to new Malayan government.

2 L.K.Yew brought some communist members into his government. Did not want a repeat of strikes and strikes of the mid 1950’s. Wanted to win their support but could not. They formed a new party, Barisan Sosialis.

3 -Communist infiltrated political parties and trade unions in Singapore. Government under Lee Kuan Yew and his party (People’s Action Party) considered not strong enough to curb communist influence. If Singapore comes under communist, security of Malaya in jeopardy. A merger with Federation of Malaya would check communist activities.

4 - Evidence of communist strength when pro communist candidates won in two by elections in Singapore. -Communist influence were also spreading to Sarawak main parties such as SUPP TAR decided to include Sabah and Sarawak. Merger with Singapore alone would not be favorable since there will be a racial imbalance.

5 Chinese would outnumber the Malays in Malaya. 80% of population in Singapore were Chinese. TAR wanted to include Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak in a wider Federation of Malaya. Bumiputera population in these Borneo states three times more than Singapore. A common Malay language as a unifying factor to ensure peace and stability.

6 For Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak merger would mean an end to British rule and a fast way of getting independence from British. British would not give freedom for fear of security reasons. Freedom possible through unification. Brunei under sultan but still had Br. High Comm to advise him. Br. in control of defence and F. policy. In terms of economy, Singapore closely related to Malaya. There would be greater economic development. Economic resources could be

7 utilized fully under one strong central government, Kuala Lumpur and under one experienced and independent country which can help to develop others. Singapore’s population nearly 1.7m. Had nearly 2.5 thousand manufacturing firms. Important port in SEA. Controlled the import export trade of Malaya. Economic resources from Borneo territories like timber, oil, pepper would make Malaya rich.

8 The incorporation of Malacca and Penang into Malaya was to Malaya’s advantage. Largely urban communities. Became a natural and integral part of Malaya. Would be the same with Singapore. Malaya experienced four years of independence. Steady development, improvement in standard of living. Internal problems during Emergency overcome. Independence brought changes to Malaya. Others would enjoy that too.

9 Suggestion for formation -Raised in 1955 by Chief Minister of Singapore, David Marshall. TAR rejected. Again proposed by Lee Kuan Yew but unfavorable response. -27/5/1961 at a function held by a Foreign Press Association, TAR suggested Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei be merged with Malaya in a wider federation.

10 - TAR suggestion welcomed by Lee. Strong opposition from left-wing leaders who felt this as a British strategy to preserve their influence in SEA. -In Sarawak SUPP, SNAP, PANAS opposed. Only Barisan Rakyat supported. -In Sabah community leaders opposed. -In Brunei Sultan accepted but Parti Rakyat under A.M. Azahari opposed.

11 Steps towards formation -July 1961 Commonwealth meeting also attended by leaders from three Borneo states. Malaysia plan was explained by officials from Singapore and Malaya. -A Malayan Solidarity Consultative Committee set up with members from Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei to explain concept to people, to gather information about people’s reactions and submit suggestions. A memorandum with several basic matters submitted for drafting a constitution for Malaysia. 1957 Federation of Malaya constitution accepted as basis

12 - October 1961 TAR in London to obtain approval for formation. British government wanted feedback from people of respective states. -Cobbold Commission set up to get views of the people in the Borneo states. Report submitted in June 1962. Only 20% in Sabah and Sarawak opposed formation.

13 - A referendum conducted in Singapore on 1/9/1962 showed 70% support for merger. -A large section of Borneo people opposed. -Landsdowne Commission, an inter-government committee set up to draw up a constitution for federation of Malaysia. Five sub-committee set up to look into matters concerning constitution, finance, law, public services and matters concerning forms of federal departments. Draft accepted as Constitution of Federation of Malaysia.

14 - Final negotiations 7 th – 9 th July 1963. An agreement signed. Brunei did not sign. Did not want to join Why -Strong opposition from Parti Rakyat (BPP)led by A.M. Azahari who was able to convince people to oppose the union. Wanted Sabah and Sarawak to merge with Brunei to form a North Kalimantan Government. -Feared loss of control of its oil revenue. -Several request of Brunei not acceded including allocation of parliamentary seats, financial autonomy, investments and low tax rates

15 -An armed revolt by Parti Rakyat on 8/12/1962 led by A.Azahari.Rebellion suppressed but fear of Brunei’s entry would cause political problems. -Brunei wanted the seniority of her sultan in the Council of Rulers to be considered from the time he was installed as Sultan and not when Brunei joined the Federation. Announcement of Malaysia on 31/8/63.

16 Opposition towards formation -Malaya condemned as a neocolonialist and tool of British to control SEA -Sukarno in Indonesia under influence of PKI considered formation an obstacle for the development of communist influence in SEA. -Philippines always considered Sabah as its territory. -A Foreign Ministerial Meeting held in July 1963 between Malaya, Indonesia and Phillippines. -Another conference held between TAR, Sukarno and Macapagal. Agreed to get advice from UN

17 - U Thant sent a mission under Michaelmore to study public opinion in Sabah and Sarawak. People in favour. -Officially proclaimed on 16/9/1963. Indonesia still opposed and launch a confrontation on Malaysia until 1965. -Sukarno was not happy because he was not consulted before hand as he was considered as a big brother at that time.

18 -He had intention of forming his own empire- Indonesia Raya. He feared British dominance in Malaysia Separation of Singapore -Parliamentary election Malaysia in 1964. PAP under Lee campaigned against MCA. PAP wanted to unite all Chinese in Malaysia under its leadership.

19 - PAP questioned special rights of Malays in constitution. It came out with a new slogan ‘Malaysia for Malaysians’. PAP’s action regarded a threat to political stability and unity of country. -Singapore separated 1965

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