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Starter Define: Define: Nationalism Nationalism Imperialism Imperialism Militarism Militarism Love of one’s country rather than native region One nation.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Define: Define: Nationalism Nationalism Imperialism Imperialism Militarism Militarism Love of one’s country rather than native region One nation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Define: Define: Nationalism Nationalism Imperialism Imperialism Militarism Militarism Love of one’s country rather than native region One nation taking control of another nation Glorification of armed strength

2 What might turn a small war into a world war?

3  Lesson overview Historians have several theories about what caused the start of WWI, which they often group into 3 categories: trigger events, short-term & long-term causes. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Alliance system Military build-up

4 Why was the Archduke assassinated?

5 Who was the Archduke? What problems might an emperor have in controlling his empire?

6 What happened on 28 June 1914? On a bright summer’s day, 28 June 1914, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, heirs to one of the wealthiest empires in Europe got into their car and drove through the elegant streets of Sarajevo in Bosnia. The couple were extremely happy that day – it was their wedding anniversary.

7 Artist’s impression of the moment when Gavrilo Princip stepped forward to the car and shots the Archduke in the chest, and Sophie in the stomach.

8 Both died within minutes from their wounds. Two bullets were about to lead to the deaths of a further 20 million men! Archduke’s bloodstained jacket Gavrilo Princip, Serbian terrorist

9 Find other people that have the exact same piece of paper as you do!!!

10 How did the Alliance system lead to war? Triple Entente Triple Alliance Britain Russia France & Serbia Germany Austria- Hungary Italy Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia mobilizes its army & declares war on Austria-Hungary Germany helps its ally, Austria-Hungary & declares war on Russia France & Britain help their allies and declare war on Germany & Austria-Hungary ….


12 Germany wanted to prevent France from making allies with Russia? Why?

13 Triple Entente

14 How did military build-up cause war? Some historians think the causes of World War One go back even further, to the late nineteenth century when countries like Germany & Britain were building up their empires and their armies and were determined to show the world who was boss!

15 With a partner- Discuss this cartoon

16 Why did the U.S. Enter the War?

17 American Remains Neutral President Wilson wanted to stay out of the European war President Wilson wanted to stay out of the European war American citizens were split- many immigrants supported their native lands American citizens were split- many immigrants supported their native lands For two years the U.S. officially remained neutral in the war For two years the U.S. officially remained neutral in the war

18 Government Officials Back Britain Wilson’s cabinet were very pro-British Wilson’s cabinet were very pro-British Believed that an Allied victory was the only way to preserve the international balance of power Believed that an Allied victory was the only way to preserve the international balance of power Propaganda- used to gain support Propaganda- used to gain support Only reported news based on the British reports Only reported news based on the British reports

19 Look Familiar

20 Lusitania Lusitania was a British passenger ship Lusitania was a British passenger ship May 7, 1915- entered war zone and sunk but German U-boats May 7, 1915- entered war zone and sunk but German U-boats Killing 1200 passengers- including 128 Americans Killing 1200 passengers- including 128 Americans

21 Zimmerman Telegram Jan 1917 German official sent telegram to Mexico Jan 1917 German official sent telegram to Mexico Trying to convince Mexico to join sides with Germany Trying to convince Mexico to join sides with Germany Germany would then help Mexico regain lost lands Germany would then help Mexico regain lost lands April 2, 1917 U.S. declares war on Germany April 2, 1917 U.S. declares war on Germany “the world must be made safe for democracy” “the world must be made safe for democracy”

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