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Material redesign of a lower leg sports prosthesis By: Alex Hendricks Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering Loyola Marymount University Mentored.

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Presentation on theme: "Material redesign of a lower leg sports prosthesis By: Alex Hendricks Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering Loyola Marymount University Mentored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Material redesign of a lower leg sports prosthesis By: Alex Hendricks Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering Loyola Marymount University Mentored by: Dr. Matthew Siniawski

2 Adidas Impetus

3 Is carbon fiber a viable alternative to grade 5 titanium as the main structural material for a lower leg sports prosthesis?

4 Grade 5 Titanium Density (weight per volume): 4.43 g/cm 3 Cost per kg: $30 Strength to mass ratio: 288 kN*m/kg Carbon Fiber Density (weight per volume): 1.6 g/cm 3 Cost per kg: $11.92 Strength to mass ratio: 355.56 kN*m/kg

5 Figure 1: Leg reactions to running on surfaces (Kerdok)Figure 2: Mechanical output work of biological leg (Neptune) Figure 3: Elastic response of carbon fiber to stresses (Lee)Figure 4: Elastic response of titanium to stresses (Rao)

6 Expected Results Immediate result: determination of if carbon fiber can replace titanium Intermediary result: Potential to apply carbon fiber to a prototype for a sports prosthesis Long term result: Improvement of all sports prosthesis through the usage of carbon fiber

7 Conclusion Furthering the development of sports prosthesis can be accomplished through the exploration of carbon fiber as a replacement material for grade 5 titanium in sports prosthesis.

8 References "Adidas Impetus – Soccer Prosthetic Concept by Aurélien Dantin." ConceptKicks. Adidas, 23 Sept. 2013. Web. Date accessed: 21 Oct. 2015. Dresselhaus, M.S. "Future Directions in Carbon Science." Annual Review of Materials Science 27 (1997): 1-34. LMU Hannon Library. Web. Date accessed: 14 Oct. 2015.. Kerdok, Amy, Andrew Biewener, Thomas McMahon, Peter Weyand, and Hugh Herr. "Energetics and Mechanics of Human Running on Surfaces of Different Stiffnesses." Journal of Applied Physiology 92.2 (2002): 469-78. The Journal of Applied Physiology. American Physiological Society. Web. Date accessed: 13 Oct. 2015.. Lee, Changgu, Xiaoding Wei, Jeffrey Kysar, and James Hone. "Measurement of the Elastic Properties and Intrinsic Strength of Monolayer Graphene." AAAS Science Journals 321 (2008): 385-88. AAAS Online. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Web. Date accessed: 14 Oct. 2015.. Neptune, Richard, Craig McGowan, and John Fiandt. "The Influence of Muscle Physiology and Advanced Technology on Sports Performance." Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 11 (2009): 81-107. LMU Hannon Library. Web. Date accessed: 13 Oct. 2015.. "Oscar Pistorius Biography." A&E Networks Television, 23 Aug. 2015. Web. Date accessed: 21 Oct. 2015. Rao, N., T.G. Simha, K.P. Rao, and G.V. Ravikumar. "Carbon Composites Are Becoming Competitive and Cost Effective." WhitePaper (2015): 4-10. WhitePaper. InfoSys. Web. Date accessed: 14 Oct. 2015.. Tiplady, Rachel. "Advanced Prosthetics Are about to Transform Sport." Fortune. Time Inc. Network, 29 Aug. 2012. Web. Date accessed: 14 Oct. 2015.. "Titanium." Mining, Oil and Gas Jobs and Information. 12 Mar. 2012. Web. Date accessed: 22 Oct. 2015.. Wang, Q., M. Whittle, J. Cunningham, and J. Kenwright. "Fibula and Its Ligaments in Load Transmission and Ankle Joint Stability." National Center for Biotechnology Information (1996): 261-70. The National Center for Biotechnology Information. US National Library of Medicine. Web. Date accessed: 10 Oct. 2015..

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