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ECCLESIOLOGYESCHATOLOGY DOCTRINE CORRELATION Cru Statement of Faith “At physical death the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship.

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3 Cru Statement of Faith “At physical death the believer enters immediately into eternal, conscious fellowship with the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting glory and blessing. At physical death the unbeliever enters immediately into eternal, conscious separation from the Lord and awaits the resurrection of his body to everlasting judgment and condemnation. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth - personally, visibly and bodily - to consummate history and the eternal plan of God.”

4 What do Evangelical Christians generally agree on concerning the End Times? DEATH: A reality for everyone. The body dies but the soul lives on. HEAVEN AND HELL: Every human and angel is headed for one of two destinies. CHRIST’S RETURN: It will be a literal, physical event.

5 What do Evangelical Christians generally agree on concerning the End Times? FINAL RESURRECTION: All will be raised. FINAL JUDGMENTS: Great White Throne, Judgment Seat of Christ and Judgment of the Accuser (Satan/Beast/False Prophet cast into lake of fire) ETERNAL STATE: Souls of every person will live in a resurrected body either in heaven or in hell.

6 Appreciate Other Believers' Persuasions About The Future Crux of disagreement: views on the Millennium (Rev. 20:2-10). POST-MILLENNIAL A-MILLENNIAL PRE-MILLENNIAL

7 Post-Millennial Increasing Righteousness “1000” Year Kingdom Brought in through preaching the Gospel 2 nd Coming to Judge Eternal State

8 POST-MILLENNIAL Christ will return after a literal Millennium. God will gradually become supreme in human affairs. The nations will be converted to faith in Christ (resulting in an increasingly Christian society).

9 A-Millennial (Increasing Wickedness?) 2 nd Coming to Judge Eternal State

10 A-MILLENNIAL 1000 years is figurative The kingdom is Christ's reign in heaven or in the hearts of believers. –1000 years is symbolic, not literal. Represents the absolute completeness of Christ's reign. 1000 is Biblical symbol for fullness.

11 A-MILLENNIAL 1000 years is figurative –The promises to Abraham are inherited by the Church. Gal. 3:26-29. God does not view nation of Israel as a separate people anymore. –Traditional position of Calvinists (Presbyterian and Reformed).

12 Pre-Millennial Church Age Increasing Wickedness 2 nd Coming to Reign Eternal State Final Judgment 1000 Years

13 PRE-MILLENNIAL Christ will return before a literal 1000 years. –Conditions will get worse on earth ending with a great battle (Armageddon). Christ will return from heaven, defeat forces of Satan and set up 1000 year reign. Christ will rule from Jerusalem. Perfect peace and justice. No sickness or death. Satan will be bound.

14 PRE-MILLENNIAL At end of Millennium: –Satan will be temporarily loosed. –A final battle will take place. –All dead will be judged. –Christ will usher in eternal state.

15 Three Subdivisions Of The Premillennial View –Pre-tribulation Rapture –Mid-tribulation Rapture –Post-tribulation Rapture

16 4 Pre-Millennial Views 1.Pre-Tribulation Rapture: 2.Mid-Tribulation Rapture: Church Age Rapture of all believers 7 year Tribulation Return of Christ 1000 year Millennium Church Age Rapture of all believers 3.5 Years Return of Christ 1000 year Millennium3.5 Years Tribulation

17 4 Pre-Millennial Views (continued) 3.Post-Tribulation Rapture 7 year Tribulation Rapture and Return of Christ 1000 year MillenniumChurch Age

18 Proper Perspectives Pertaining to Prophecy Prophetic passages are nearly always linked to exhortation. Examples: Stay alert –1 Thess. 5:6-8. –Matt. 24:42-44. Live holy lives: –2 Pet. 3:10-11. –2 Tim. 3:1-14.


20 Proper Perspectives Pertaining to Prophecy Warnings: –Avoid becoming a “prophecy freak”. –Distinguish between the clear teaching of Scripture and your speculation.

21 SOON!

22 Proper Perspectives Pertaining to Prophecy What can we hold at the conviction level? All who take the Bible seriously agree Jesus is literally coming again to judge and reward!

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