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The Joy of Fellowship Fellowship, all who believed were together, had all things in common, with one accord, singleness of heart (Acts 2:42-46)

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2 The Joy of Fellowship Fellowship, all who believed were together, had all things in common, with one accord, singleness of heart (Acts 2:42-46)

3  Koinonia – fellowship, joint participation Partners in the Lord Communicate, communion, contribution  A “community of Christ”  A “unity in diversity” to be enjoyed. Tax collectors and zealots (political) Sellers of purple and jailors (economic) Hellenists and Hebrews (ethnic) Jews and Gentiles (racial) Kentucky and Indiana Kentucky and Indiana

4  Saved people ready to live and tell it! (Phil. 1:5; 4:14-16) And to support evangelists. (Phil. 1:5; 4:14-16)  Enjoyed worshiping together Fellowship around the Supper table  Loved and cared for one another Ate together – hospitality (Acts 4:32-37) Willing to share (Acts 4:32-37)


6 (Acts 5)  Sin (Acts 5) Withdraw from the unrepentant. Does this include sins of neglect? (Acts 6)  Neglect and complaining (Acts 6) What is the proper response? Practical biblical organization (Acts 15)  False teaching (Acts 15) We are to continue in the apostle’s teaching. We will have to deal with false teaching.



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