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Raise vs. Rise 1. Rise: something moves upward by itself 2. Raise: something moves something else upward PRESENTPASTPAST PARTICIPLE riseroserisen raiseraised.

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Presentation on theme: "Raise vs. Rise 1. Rise: something moves upward by itself 2. Raise: something moves something else upward PRESENTPASTPAST PARTICIPLE riseroserisen raiseraised."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raise vs. Rise 1. Rise: something moves upward by itself 2. Raise: something moves something else upward PRESENTPASTPAST PARTICIPLE riseroserisen raiseraised

2 Raise vs. Rise Examples Please (rise / raise) your hand if you know the answer. The sun (rises / raises) in the east and sets in the west.

3 Write about a time you conquered a fear. What was the fear? How did you overcome this fear? Properly use raise and rise. – Use and underline each word at least twice. past, present, or past participle. To prove each word is used correctly, write whether it is past, present, or past participle.

4 Effect vs. Affect 1. Effect: (noun) a result or outcome 2. Affect: (verb) to influence

5 Effect vs. Affect Examples 1. Carbon dioxide emissions (affect / effect) the environment. 2. The (affect / effect) of global warming is that glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise.

6 Write about a mentor from a book, movie, or T.V. show. How did this person affect the protagonist’s journey? – Use and underline each word at least twice. – To prove each word is used correctly, write whether it is a noun or verb above the word used.

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