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Structures and Forces Types of Structures Describing Structures Mass and Forces Loads and Stresses Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400.

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2 Structures and Forces Types of Structures Describing Structures Mass and Forces Loads and Stresses Misc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Types of Structures Piling or forming similar materials into a particular shape or design.

4 $100 Types of Structures What are Mass Structures?

5 $200 Types of Structures The best example of this type of structure is a football helmet.

6 $200 Types of Structures What is Mix and Match?

7 $300 Types of Structures Bicycles, igloos, jig-saw puzzles, a basketball, are all examples of this classification of structure.

8 $300 Types of Structures What is manufactured or (man-made)?

9 $400 Types of Structures Two useful features of this type of structure are they make great containers and use very little building material.

10 $400 Types of Structures What is a shell structure?

11 $500 Types of Structures This type of structure is relatively easy to design and usually have a skeleton of very strong materials.

12 $500 Types of Structures What is a frame structure?

13 $100 Describing Structures The purpose of a structure.

14 $100 Describing Structures What is function?

15 $200 Describing Structures Sometimes builders have to consider the look of the structure.

16 $200 Describing Structures What is Aesthetics?

17 $300 Describing Structures A structure that is constructed to withstand much larger loads and forces than would normally occur.

18 $300 Describing Structures What is Margin of Safety?

19 $400 Describing Structures This type of joint includes thermo- setting and solvent based glues.

20 $400 Describing Structures What are Adhesives?

21 $500 Describing Structures Name 3 of the 4 things a designer must consider when choosing materials.

22 $500 Describing Structures What are - cost - appearance - environmental impact - energy efficiency

23 $100 Mass and Forces This never changes, no matter where in the universe you are.

24 $100 Mass and Forces What is mass?

25 $200 Mass and Forces One kilogram of mass is equal to this amount of Newton Force.

26 $200 Mass and Forces What is 9.81 N or (10 N)?

27 $300 Mass and Forces Gravitational force depends on these two factors.

28 $300 Mass and Forces What is mass (size) of an object and the distance between two objects.

29 $400 Mass and Forces This is the most common type of instrument/scale for measuring mass.

30 $400 Mass and Forces What is a balance?

31 $500 Mass and Forces The name of the man who first wrote about the Theory of Gravity.

32 $500 Mass and Forces Who is Sir Isaac Newton?

33 $100 Loads and Stresses These lead to internal forces being created within a structure.

34 $100 Loads and Stresses What are External Forces?

35 $200 Loads and Stresses This internal force involves stretching a material by pulling its ends apart.

36 $200 Loads and Stresses What is tension?

37 $300 Loads and Stresses A changing or non-permanent force acting on a structure. This includes people, force of a wind, snow on the roof etc.

38 $300 Loads and Stresses What is a Live Load?

39 $400 Loads and Stresses This internal force is caused by bending or tearing a material.

40 $400 Loads and Stresses What is Shear Force?

41 $500 Loads and Stresses Spider silk, pound for pound, is one of the strongest materials in nature. It is even stronger than steel and this material used in bullet proof vests.

42 $500 Loads and Stresses What is Kevlar?

43 $100 Miscellaneous This device can change the amount of force needed to move or separate objects or materials.

44 $100 Miscellaneous What is a lever?

45 $200 Miscellaneous This structure uses a “keystone” to help distribute weight.

46 $200 Miscellaneous What is an Arch?

47 $300 Miscellaneous Re-enforced concrete is an example of this type of material?

48 $300 Miscellaneous What is Composite Material?

49 $400 Miscellaneous Nails in wood, mortar and bricks, rely on this force to help keep the structure stable and together.

50 $400 Miscellaneous What is friction?

51 $500 Miscellaneous All objects have this characteristic. It determines whether an object is stable or unstable.

52 $500 Miscellaneous What is Center of Gravity?

53 Final Jeopardy Topic Foundations

54 Final Jeopardy These are the three stratergies used by engineers/builders/designers to create a firm foundation

55 Final Jeopardy Answer What are - find something solid - make a solid layer - spread the load

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