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FOOD ADDITIVES From Written by Teri Micke Ag Student Texas A&M GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany the Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum.

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1 FOOD ADDITIVES From Written by Teri Micke Ag Student Texas A&M GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany the Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Course 02431 June, 2002

2 LAWS v 1906 - Federal Food and Drug Act-prohibited misbranded/ adulterated foods v 1938 - Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act - Replaced 1906 law and added to it

3 v 1950 - Oleomargarine Act - required labeling of margarine to distinguish from butter v 1958 - Food Additive Amendment - to prove safety of food additives

4 FDA v Food and Drug Administration v determines efficiency & toxicity of additives

5 3 LEVELS OF TOXICITY 1. acute: immediate effects 2. subacute: effects from high does over a short time 3. chronic: effects from low does over long time

6 LETHAL DOSE v written as LD # v acute kills 1/2 of population so it is LD 50

7 CLASSIFICATIONS 1.flavor enhancers - MSG (monosodium glutamate) 2.flavoring agent - extracts 3.texture enhancers - glycerine, sorbitol, mannital, propylene glycol

8 4. sequestrants-react with natural metals in food to prevent spoilage/ discoloration during processing 5.colorants

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