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GREEN EARTH Global Warming Project for 8th Grade Science Introduction

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1 GREEN EARTH Global Warming Project for 8th Grade Science Introduction
Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

2 Introduction You and your team have been chosen to inform the President of the United States of America about the topic of Global warming. It is your team’s responsibility to report and present accurate data so that the President is up to date on this important topic. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

3 Task You and your team will research various topics that relate to Global Warming. You and your team will present this information either by Power Point or posters. You and your team will also need to type several documents using Word. You and your team will be given computer time to complete most of this project and will have to work efficiently or it will be finished on your own time. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

4 Process First, you will be assigned a team of either 3-4 members.
Second, you will choose a part of the project. If the members of a group cannot choose their parts the teacher will do so. Third, spend at least four days researching and working on topics. Fourth, present your group’s findings to the President of the US (teacher and class). Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

5 Process continued Member 1: Global Warming Consultant:
Research the topic of global warming Find the cause and effect Find pictures and charts to support research Create a short story (at least a page) or cartoon that demonstrates what was learned/its effects and its future prevention. You should also include any information on the debate about global warming. You will need at least 5 references to complete this task. Rubric for this member Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

6 Process continued Member 2: Greenhouse Designer:
Research the greenhouse effect and summarize your findings. Create a diagram on poster board to visually show the class how the greenhouse effect works Create a mini working model of the greenhouse affect using house hold materials and real, live plants. (I can supply a thermometer). Write a short, fictional story of how life on Earth would be if there was no greenhouse effect. You need at least 3 references to complete this task. Rubric for this member Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

7 Process continued Member 3: Sea Level Consultant
Research the possibility that global warming can cause a rise in sea levels. Make a map and visually show the class at least ten major cities that would be affected by a rise in sea level and what will happen to these areas. Explain the affects that this would have on marine wildlife. Give examples of marine animals and their habitats that will be most affected. Explain ways to prevent these changes from happening. Create a colorful poster to educate the public about this problem. You will need at least 3 references to complete this task. Rubric for this member Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

8 Process continued Member 4: Energy Alternative/Conservation Consultant: Research and find at least 5 different energy alternatives and give a detailed description of each alternative. Create 5 small, colorful posters to promote these energy alternatives using pictures from the internet hand draw them or create a PowerPoint. Choose which one you think is the best alternative and write and present a news report on your choice. Create a handout for the class on 10 ways that we can easily conserve energy everyday. You will need at least 3 references to complete this task. Rubric for this member. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

9 Evaluation Rubric for Member 1/Global Warming Consultant: Return to
1. A presentation of research (using power point or posters) to show findings on the summary of information as well as its causes/effects. Charts will be needed to support these details. No set amount of slides or posters, recommend at least 5. Presentation should be at least 3 minutes. Worth 40 points 2. Presentation should include several pictures on every slide or poster. Worth 20 points 3. Presentation of short story (1 page) will be done verbally or cartoon strip (hand drawn) on poster board (with brief explanation). Need to hand in short story typed, carton can be done on poster board and handed in. Presentation should be at least 1 minute. Worth 30 points 4. Reference sheet containing name/date/period and list of 5 sources used for task will be typed and handed in with rubric. Worth 10 points Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

10 Evaluation Rubric for Member 2/Greenhouse Designer Return to Member 2
1. Presentation of hand drawn diagram (on poster board) with captions explaining to class how greenhouse works. Presentation should be about 3 minutes. Worth 35 points 2. Presentation of working mini model of greenhouse using household materials to demonstrate how greenhouse effect works on Earth. Presentation should be at least 1 minute. 3. Presentation of short story (1 page) to class. Need to hand in typed copy of short story. Presentation should be at least 1 minute. Worth 20 points 4. Reference sheet containing name/date/period and list of 3 sources used for task will be typed and handed in with rubric. Worth 10 points Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

11 Evaluation Rubric for Member 3/Sea Level Consultant- Return to
1. Presentation of research (using power point or posters) to show findings on the research to support these details. At least 3 slides or posters. Presentation should be about 3 minutes. Worth 35 points 2. Presentation should include a map to indicate cities at risk and pictures to demonstrate research. Worth 20 points 3. Presentation on marine animal life affected and ways to prevent. A colorful poster to educate the class on the problem of marine life and sea levels rising (include pictures). Presentation should be about 3 minutes. 4. Reference sheet containing name/date/period and list of 3 sources used for task will be typed and handed in with rubric. Worth 10 points Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

12 Evaluation Return to Member 4 Rubric for Member 4 Energy Alternative/Conservation Consultant: 1. Presentation of research (posters) to show research findings and pictures of 5 energy alternatives. At least 5 posters will be needed for this. Presentation should be about 3 minutes. Worth 40 points 2. Presentation of news report (1 page) will be done verbally. Need to hand in news report typed. Presentation should be at least 1 minute. Worth 25 points 3. Typed handout on “10 ways to conserve energy.” Hand this to me. 4. Reference sheet containing name/date/period and list of 5 sources used for task will be typed and handed in with rubric. Worth 10 points Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

13 Conclusion You and your team have now successfully completed your task to educate the President about this topic. You and your team learned about this very relevant topic and worked as a team to accomplish this project. You and your team have gained a valuable experience on an extremely important topic of your future. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Extra Information

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