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Combat Zone Introduction to Vocabulary

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1 Combat Zone Introduction to Vocabulary

2 Ambush (verb) Meaning to attack from a place of hiding Example
If someone tried to ambush me, I would feel…

3 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
How might a soldier get ambushed? A soldier might get ambushed by…

4 Complicated (adj) Meaning hard to understand or deal with Example
Something that is complicated is learning to drive.

5 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What’s something that you find easy that others think is complicated? Something that I find easy that others think is complicated is…

6 Hesitate (verb) Meaning to pause Example I never hesitate to …

7 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
Why might someone hesitate before diving into a pool? Someone might hesitate before diving into a pool because…

8 Peril (noun) Meaning Danger Example
People put their lives in peril when they go rock climbing.

9 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What are some perils that high school students face? High school students face perils such as…

10 Ponder (verb) Meaning To think about carefully Example
A question that I ponder all the time is…

11 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What’s an important life decision that you might ponder? An important life decision that I might ponder is…

12 Think-Pair-Share Whether to go to war or not is a decision that a president must… If you don’t move right away, you… The soldiers were attacked in an … The fire put everyone in the building in… It takes a lot of thinking to solve a problem that is …

13 Site (noun) Meaning a place Example
A site where you might see sports being played is…

14 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What is your dream vacation site? My dream vacation site is…

15 Reality (noun) Meaning what is happening for real Example
A good way to turn a dream into reality is by…

16 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What is a good way to turn a dream into reality? A good way to turn a dream into reality is by…

17 Certainly (adv) Meaning without any doubt Example
The sun will certainly rise every day.

18 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What are examples of things that will certainly happen in any given day? _________ will certainly happen today.

19 Inscribe (verb) Meaning to cut or carve words or letters on something
Example People inscribe names on…

20 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What might you inscribe on a sports trophy? On a sports trophy, you would inscribe…

21 Peer (verb) Meaning To look hard at something that is difficult to see
Example I might peer over my shoulder if…

22 I can tell what a word means by how it is used.
What’s the difference between peering and watching? The difference between peering and watching is..


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