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53 rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 20 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14 th AIAA Non-Deterministic.

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Presentation on theme: "53 rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 20 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14 th AIAA Non-Deterministic."— Presentation transcript:

1 53 rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 20 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14 th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference 13 th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum 8 th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference Structures and Materials: Shortening the Journey from Concept to Flight April 23-26, 2012 Sheraton Waikiki Honolulu, HI

2 SDM Excellent Organizing Committee SDM Amazing Ann AmesTechnical Papers Manager Cathy CheneveySenior Event Manager Steven G. Russell53 rd SDM General Chair Stephen B. Clay53 rd SDM Technical Chair Robert M. TaylorStudent Papers Technical Chair Dave WielandStructures Jonathan BlackStructural Dynamics Gary SeidelMaterials Brian RobbersDesign Engineering Eric P. FahrentholdSurvivability Todd GriffithWind Energy Adaptive Structures Conference General Chair: Edward V. White Technical Chair: David F. Voracek Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference General Chair: Thiagaraja Krishnamurthy Technical Chair: Gianluca Iaccarino Gossamer Systems Forum General Chair: Sergio Pellegrino Technical Chair: James D. Moore Multidisciplinary Design Optimization General Chair: Vladimir O. Balabanov Technical Chair: Karen Willcox ASME - Gregory M. Odegard ASCE - Wieslaw K. Binienda


4 SDM Keynote Speakers SDM Keynote – Larry Ilcewicz, Federal Aviation Administration, “Composites Safety and Certification Initiatives”SDM Keynote – Larry Ilcewicz, Federal Aviation Administration, “Composites Safety and Certification Initiatives” SDM Lecture – Professor Michael Hyer, Virginia Tech, “Tailoring of Composite Structures Using Spatially-Varying Fiber Orientations”SDM Lecture – Professor Michael Hyer, Virginia Tech, “Tailoring of Composite Structures Using Spatially-Varying Fiber Orientations” SDM Awards Luncheon – David Trop, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, “The Innovation Imperative: Commercial Airplanes”SDM Awards Luncheon – David Trop, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, “The Innovation Imperative: Commercial Airplanes” ASC Keynote – Professor George Lesieutre, Penn State University, “Adaptive Structures: The Journey to Flight”ASC Keynote – Professor George Lesieutre, Penn State University, “Adaptive Structures: The Journey to Flight” GSF Keynote – Professor Vaios Lappos, University of Surrey, “Gossamer Systems for Satellite Deorbiting: The CUBESAIL and DEORBITSAIL Space Missions”GSF Keynote – Professor Vaios Lappos, University of Surrey, “Gossamer Systems for Satellite Deorbiting: The CUBESAIL and DEORBITSAIL Space Missions” MDO Keynote – Natalia Alexandrov, NASA Langley Research Center, “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: What Remains To Be Done”MDO Keynote – Natalia Alexandrov, NASA Langley Research Center, “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: What Remains To Be Done” NDA Keynote – Professor Sankaran Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University, “Uncertainty Quantification in System Risk Assessment and Decision Making”NDA Keynote – Professor Sankaran Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University, “Uncertainty Quantification in System Risk Assessment and Decision Making” ASME Lecture – Professor Norman Werely, University of Maryland, “Adaptive Energy Absorption for Transportation Systems Using Magnetorheological Fluids”ASME Lecture – Professor Norman Werely, University of Maryland, “Adaptive Energy Absorption for Transportation Systems Using Magnetorheological Fluids”

5 SDM 2012 Awards Aerospace Design Engineering Award: Ronald Hughes, RaytheonAerospace Design Engineering Award: Ronald Hughes, Raytheon Survivability Award: Joel Williamsen, Institute for Defense AnalysesSurvivability Award: Joel Williamsen, Institute for Defense Analyses Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize: Professor C.T. Sun, Purdue UniversityWalter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize: Professor C.T. Sun, Purdue University Gossamer Systems 2011 Best Paper Award: Hirotaka Sawada, Osamu Mori, Nobukatsu Okuizumi, Yoji Shirasawa, Yasuyuki Miyazaki, M.C. Natori, Saburo Matunaga, Hiroshi Furuya, Hiraku Sakamoto “Mission Report on the Solar Power Sail Deployment Demonstration of IKAROS”Gossamer Systems 2011 Best Paper Award: Hirotaka Sawada, Osamu Mori, Nobukatsu Okuizumi, Yoji Shirasawa, Yasuyuki Miyazaki, M.C. Natori, Saburo Matunaga, Hiroshi Furuya, Hiraku Sakamoto “Mission Report on the Solar Power Sail Deployment Demonstration of IKAROS” ASME/Boeing Structures and Materials 2011 Best Paper Award: Michael Lawson and Jayant Sirohi, University of Texas, “Measurement of Deformation of Rotating Blades Using Digital Image Correlation”ASME/Boeing Structures and Materials 2011 Best Paper Award: Michael Lawson and Jayant Sirohi, University of Texas, “Measurement of Deformation of Rotating Blades Using Digital Image Correlation” ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Prize: Professor Norman Werely, University of MarylandASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Prize: Professor Norman Werely, University of Maryland 2012 Student Paper Awards2012 Student Paper Awards −Jefferson Goblet Student Paper Award −American Society for Composites Student Paper in Composites Award −Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures −Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures

6 SDM SDM Award and Lecture Issue The SDM Award is Part of an Awards CycleThe SDM Award is Part of an Awards Cycle −Starnes Award +Ashley Award −SDM Award −Crichlow Award −SDM Award −Starnes Award + Ashley Award −etc The SDM Lecture is Presented at Each SDM ConferenceThe SDM Lecture is Presented at Each SDM Conference The SDM Award Recipient Traditionally Provided the Following Year’s SDM LectureThe SDM Award Recipient Traditionally Provided the Following Year’s SDM Lecture Unusual Circumstances Have Perturbed the CycleUnusual Circumstances Have Perturbed the Cycle −2011 Crichlow Award Presented in 2012 −2011 Crichlow Award Recipient Was the 2009 Starnes Award Recipient and the 2008 SDM Lecturer −No SDM Award Presented in 2012 −2012 SDM Lecturer Not Currently a Major Award Recipient How Can We Get the Process Back on Track?How Can We Get the Process Back on Track?

7 SDM Keynote Speakers SDM Keynote – Larry Ilcewicz, Federal Aviation Administration, “Composites Safety and Certification Initiatives”SDM Keynote – Larry Ilcewicz, Federal Aviation Administration, “Composites Safety and Certification Initiatives” SDM Lecture – Professor Michael Hyer, Virginia Tech, “Tailoring of Composite Structures Using Spatially-Varying Fiber Orientations”SDM Lecture – Professor Michael Hyer, Virginia Tech, “Tailoring of Composite Structures Using Spatially-Varying Fiber Orientations” SDM Awards Luncheon – David Trop, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, “The Innovation Imperative: Commercial Airplanes”SDM Awards Luncheon – David Trop, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, “The Innovation Imperative: Commercial Airplanes” ASC Keynote – Professor George Lesieutre, Penn State University, “Adaptive Structures: The Journey to Flight”ASC Keynote – Professor George Lesieutre, Penn State University, “Adaptive Structures: The Journey to Flight” GSF Keynote – Professor Vaios Lappos, University of Surrey, “Gossamer Systems for Satellite Deorbiting: The CUBESAIL and DEORBITSAIL Space Missions”GSF Keynote – Professor Vaios Lappos, University of Surrey, “Gossamer Systems for Satellite Deorbiting: The CUBESAIL and DEORBITSAIL Space Missions” MDO Keynote – Natalia Alexandrov, NASA Langley Research Center, “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: What Remains To Be Done”MDO Keynote – Natalia Alexandrov, NASA Langley Research Center, “Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: What Remains To Be Done” NDA Keynote – Professor Sankaran Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University, “Uncertainty Quantification in System Risk Assessment and Decision Making”NDA Keynote – Professor Sankaran Mahadevan, Vanderbilt University, “Uncertainty Quantification in System Risk Assessment and Decision Making” ASME Lecture – Professor Norman Werely, University of Maryland, “Adaptive Energy Absorption for Transportation Systems Using Magnetorheological Fluids”ASME Lecture – Professor Norman Werely, University of Maryland, “Adaptive Energy Absorption for Transportation Systems Using Magnetorheological Fluids”

8 Click to Edit Master Title StyleSDM Session Allocation Structures had the most papers 33 7-paper sessions 16 to 17 concurrent sessions 76% acceptance rate 749 abstracts accepted

9 SDM Palm Springs 2004 Austin 2005 Newport 2006 Honolulu 2007 Schaumburg 2008 Palm Springs 2009 Orlando 2010 Denver 2011 Honolulu 2012 Total abstracts 693709817953753716750629992 Accepted 595579684708583602640542750 Uploaded 493496587602555519553460649 Student papers -28372225785698157 Sessions -102109123115124125103130 Acceptance rate -82%84%74%87%82%83%86%76% Historical Perspective

10 SDM Acceptance Rate   Typical ~ 84%   2007 Hawaii ~ 74%   2012 Hawaii originally ~ 71%   2012 Hawaii increased to ~ 76%   33 extra abstracts in 7-paper sessions   Five 7-paper sessions in final agenda   Extra briefing rooms on Tues/Thur pm Palm Springs 2004 Austin 2005 Newport 2006 Honolulu 2007 Schaumburg 2008 Palm Springs 2009 Orlando 2010 Denver 2011 Honolulu 2012 Accepted 595579684708583602640542750 Uploaded 493496587602555519553460649 % Withdrawn 1714 15514 1513.5 Withdrawal history

11 11 2013 SDM Conference 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 8-11 April 2013 Boston, MA Boston Park Plaza Hotel &Towers General Chair, Anthony M. Waas  E-mail: Technical Program Chair, Ajit K. Roy  E-mail: Abstract Deadline: 5 September 2012

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