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Published byMadeleine Pamela Curtis Modified over 8 years ago
Central Administration Spring 2013
Test Security Spring 2013 2 Disclaimer * The information presented in this eCourse pertains to all grade level State Assessments and testing roles. * Requirements vary depending on the role you will have on the campus during testing. Please Note: This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate manuals.
Legal Requirements and Terminology
Legal Policy, TEC, and TAC Governing Test Security Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 39, Subchapter B Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 Subchapter 101, Assessment Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Federal law protecting the privacy of student education records Texas Penal Code 37.10 – Tampering See 2013 Test Security Supplement at Test Security Spring 20134
2013 Test Security Supplement, p. 3 Test Security Spring 20135
2013 Test Security Supplement, p. 4 Test Security Spring 2013 6
Definition of Terms Security - Test security is the responsibility of every staff member on a campus. This means that no test or answer document has been viewed inappropriately, duplicated in any manner, captured electronically, discussed, hand-scored, reviewed, thrown away or misplaced. ALL testing personnel MUST be trained before handling testing materials. No person may review, discuss, duplicate, or alter the contents of the tests or student responses before, during, or after the administration. Confidentiality No one has viewed the test or given any prior instruction to any student so as to provide an unfair advantage. Protect the confidentiality of students’ personal information on the answer documents. Test Security Spring 2013 7
Definition of Terms CONTINUED Secure Test Materials Precoded and hand-gridded answer documents are secure materials because they contain confidential, identifying student information. Test booklets Reference Charts, Graph Paper and Scratch Paper – If written on ALL secure materials must be kept in locked storage at all times when not in use. Nonsecure Test Materials Test Administrator Manuals Reference Charts (unused) Blank answer documents. Test Security Spring 20138
Definition of Terms CONTINUED First-Hour Check – within the first hour of a test administration, all test materials and testing areas will be checked. Personnel on your campus will check for the following: Each student has the correct test and the correct accommodations (if applicable) Test Administrators have read aloud directions verbatim from the correct Test Administrator Manual No instructional materials that would assist students are posted in the room or available at students’ desks Materials not allowed during testing are unavailable, including reference resources and cell phones Seating is arranged appropriately Start Time was recorded on Seating Chart Telecommunications Policy was read aloud to examinees Test Administrator is ACTIVELY MONITORING Test Security Spring 2013 9
Keys to Maintaining Test Security
Key Reminders of Test Administrator Responsibilities READ the Test Administrator (TA) Manuals Observe all rules regarding test security and confidential integrity of the state testing system Administer the tests in strict compliance with the directions in the TA Manuals Supervise and actively monitor testing Do not provide any unauthorized assistance to students during testing Do not view the test, discuss the test, or score a student test before, during or after testing Report testing irregularities and security violations immediately to your Campus Testing Coordinator Prepare statements for submission to TEA if you are involved in a testing irregularity or test security violation Test Security Spring 201311
Key Reminders of Test Administrator Responsibilities, Continued Verify that all calculator memories have been cleared Verify there are a sufficient number of allowable reference materials (dictionaries) Ensure all instructional aids and materials are covered Make sure that all desks are cleared of books and other materials that are not required or allowed for the test Ensure each student is issued the appropriate test and has the correct, corresponding answer document TA should personally distribute test materials to each student- do NOT allow students to pass materials to one another Verify students have the answer document with their name on it Make sure that each student has written his/her name on the test booklet before you collect it Test Security Spring 2013 12
A note about writing on the student’s test booklet or answer document… Test Security Supplement, p. 13 Test Security Spring 201313
Key Reminders of Test Administrator Responsibilities, Continued Seating Charts Complete a seating chart for each test session Start and stop times must be recorded on the seating charts The names of all Test Administrators/Monitors involved in the test session must be recorded on the seating chart Seating charts must include the names of students testing and the students’ locations in the room Seating charts must also be completed for test sessions involving students who changed testing locations as well as seating information for any late-arriving examinees Test Security Spring 201314
Key Reminders of Test Administrator Responsibilities, Continued Answer Document Reminders: Periodically students should be reminded to record their responses on the answer documents. TA states, “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document. Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document”. Before a student leaves the room, the TA must review the completed answer document to be sure the student has recorded answers as instructed. Quickly scan answer document only to verify that responses are marked. May not look at or comment on answers to individual test questions or point out individually skipped test questions. If the student has not recorded their responses on the answer document and time remains in the 4 hour time period, the TA must say, “You have not recoded all of your responses on the answer document. Please go back and mark your answers on it now.” Only students can erase stray marks or darken response ovals. It is strictly prohibited for any testing personnel to do so. Test Security Spring 201315
Key Reminders of Test Security and Confidentiality Students must remain seated during testing. Students are not allowed to talk to one another once test materials are distributed. Students are not allowed to return to a subject-area test administered on a previous test On the Writing and STAAR Modified English EOC assessments students are not allowed to return to any portion (section) of the test administered on a previous day It is permissible to encourage students to stay on task. Answering Students’ Questions TA may answer questions about test directions or procedures. TA are never allowed to answer any questions related to the content of the test itself. If a student asks a question that you are not permitted to answer, you may respond, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” TA are not allowed to do the following unless specifically directed to do so by TA procedures: Translate test questions or passages Rephrase or add information to questions or prompt Discuss test questions with anyone before, during, or after testing Score test questions or discuss with students how they performed. Test Security Spring 2013 16
Key Reminders of Test Security and Confidentiality, Continued Do NOT discuss any aspect of the test Do NOT ask students “How do you think you did?” or “Was there anything you think we didn’t prepare for”? Both of these approaches invite students to tell you specifics about the test. Testing personnel providing an oral administration have an added responsibility of maintaining confidentiality of the test content. TEA requires that everyone be trained and sign a security oath before handling secure test materials or participating in the administration of a state assessment. After a student finishes their test and their test materials have been collected, students are allowed to quietly read books or to leave the testing room. Students may not read books while taking a break or eating lunch during testing or between the sections of a test. If students move to a different testing location, students are not allowed to carry their own testing booklets to the new room. Students must place their answer documents inside their test booklets. The TA must collect and carry all test booklets and accompany the students to the new testing room while ensuring that they do not discuss the contents of the test. Seating Charts and Materials Control Forms must be created for the subsequent testing location. Test Security Spring 201317
Key Reminder: Electronic Devices The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices during testing is not permitted. Prior to each test session Pasadena ISD’s Telecommunication Device Policy must be read aloud to the students. Test Security Spring 201318 Policy for Telecommunication Devices During Testing: For all students testing, there will be a zero tolerance policy for any telecommunication devices including cell phones, PDAs, iPods, etc. that are visible or heard during testing. If the Test Administrator or Monitor sees or hears any of these devices after testing begins, the device will be confiscated. The answer document could be marked unscorable, meaning the student’s test will not be scored and the student loses this opportunity to pass the required tests. X
Key: Everyone Actively Monitors What is Active Monitoring? Watching students during testing. Testing personnel are focused on the students and not elsewhere. Monitoring the time and communicating the time remaining to test to the examinees. Walking around or in clear view of students to better observe what students are doing. Are students: Working on the correct section of the test? Marking answers on the answer document? Not using cell phones? Not talking or communicating with other students? Working independently? If a district determines that an examinee has been involved in an attempt to cheat on a state assessment - either providing or receiving assistance - the district is required to invalidate the student’s test. Additional disciplinary action may also be taken at the district level. Test Security Spring 2013 19
What constitutes a lack of Active Monitoring? Working on the computer or doing email. Reading a book, magazine, or newspaper. Grading papers or planning lessons. Leaving the room without a trained substitute Test Administrator/Monitor in the room. Leaving students unattended during lunch or breaks (when testing is in progress). Reading the test over a student’s shoulder. Evaluating student responses during testing. Test Security Spring 201320
KEY: Test Administration Directions All test administration directions must be read aloud verbatim to examinees. Test administration directions must be followed exactly. Test Administrators who do NOT read the directions to examinees verbatim risk the chance that students’ tests will not be scored. TEA must be informed, evaluate the circumstances, and make the decision regarding whether a student’s test can be scored or not scored. On the day of testing make sure you have the correct Test Administrator manual. Test Security Spring 201321
Key Reminders for Testing Personnel No unauthorized viewing of test content No scoring or changing student responses No checking for strategies No discussion of confidential student information No erasing stray marks or darkening response ovals No discussing the test(s) with students No individuals other than students during an assessment may perform calculations, solve or respond to test items. Safety of students and staff is the first consideration. If a disruption or emergency occurs, contact a Campus Testing Coordinator and/or Administrator immediately. Test Security Spring 201322
KEY: Prepare the Testing Environment Testing rooms should be well lighted, well ventilated, quiet and comfortable. Each student must have enough space in which to work, and no aspects of the room’s environment should hinder any student’s test performance. Each student should be sufficiently separated from other students to work independently without distraction. A “Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted outside the testing room. Bulletin boards and instructional displays that might be a source of direct answers must be covered or removed during testing. A clock or stop watch must be available to monitor four-hour time period. Test Security Spring 2013 23
Key: Test Session Time Limits* Students are to be provided 4 hours to complete their STAAR assessment * Does not apply to TAKS or TELPAS Use a clock or timer 4-hour time period beings after the TA has read directions and tells students to begin working on their tests Once the 4-hour time period has ended, TA will instruct students still testing to put their pencils down and close their test booklets Tests must be completed within the same school day, and start and stop times for each session must be recorded on the seating chart Must communicate to students each hour how much time remains to complete their tests Communicate orally or in writing It is permitted for examinees to be reminded more frequently during the last hour Students are not allowed to transfer responses onto their answer document after the four-hour time period has ended. Test Security Spring 2013 24
Key: Test Session Time Limits*, Continued If student(s) take a break that requires the time clock to be stopped, the stop and restart times for the individual or group of students must be recorded on the seating chart Breaks included in the 4 hour time limit are (Do NOT stop the clock): Water breaks, bathroom breaks, snack breaks, short physical or mental breaks. Breaks NOT included in the 4 hour time limit are (STOP the clock): Lunch, emergencies, relocation of student, medical breaks. Student must be monitored during breaks Lunch Students are allowed to stop testing and take a supervised lunch Students must place their answer documents inside their test booklet and test booklets must be collected and placed in locked storage. Students must be monitored by trained testing personnel and are not allowed to discuss test content Stop and restart times must be recorded on seating chart Test booklets must be properly secured while students are taking breaks. For example, locked in a file cabinet or cabinet. Leaving tests unsecured in a locked room. Test Security Spring 2013 25 * Does not apply to TAKS or TELPAS
Honor Statements EOC and TAKS Assessments On EOC and TAKS assessments students will be asked to sign an honor statement immediately prior to taking a state assessment. The following language is what appears on a student’s answer document: If a student asks if he or she must sign the honor statement, tell the student, “That decision is up to you. Signing the honor statement is not required, but you are expected to follow the testing rules even if you do not sign it.” Test Security Spring 201326 By signing my name, I agree that I will not give or receive unauthorized assistance during the test. I understand that giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during the test is cheating and may result in the invalidation of my test results.
Keys to Returning Materials to Campus Coordinator After test administration Account for all materials before and during test check-in NO DROP-OFFs ALLOWED! For each day of testing, there MUST be an individual check-in of each Test Administrator’s materials. This one-on-one process minimizes distractions to ensure focus on test materials. Count test booklets, answer documents, etc. and both parties initial the Materials Control Form for “IN”. Every time test materials change hands, they must be signed for on a Materials Control Form. TEA recommends that both the Coordinator and testing personnel initial each time the materials are checked “OUT” or “IN”. To support this recommendation, the District requires both to initial for each transaction. Test Security Spring 201327
Key: TEA Training Modules TEA provides three online training modules: ◦ Module 1 - Active Monitoring ◦ Module 2 - Distribution of Test Materials ◦ Module 3 - Proper Handling of Secure Materials PISD requires all testing personnel–Campus Coordinators, Campus Administrators, Test Administrators, Monitors, and so forth to view the modules. If testing personnel have never viewed the modules, they must complete them this year prior to testing. Individuals are not required to view them again this year if they have previously participated. Individuals will receive a certificate of completion for each module. Provide a copy of your certificates to your Campus Coordinators. 28Test Security Spring 2013
TYPES OF IRREGULARITIES Test Security Spring 201329
Testing Irregularities TEA divides testing irregularities into two categories: Serious Irregularities – purposeful, deliberate, intentional Procedural Irregularities – clerical, accidental (human error) Test Security Spring 201330
Serious Irregularities Test Security Spring 201331 ***Serious Irregularities could lead to potential referrals to the Educator Certification and Standards Test Security Supplement, p. 19
Procedural Violations Eligibility Errors: Test Security Spring 201332 Eligible students are NOT tested. (TELPAS is the #1 occurrence.) A LEP student who was required to be assessed on a TELPAS domain who was NOT rated in that domain Ineligible students WERE tested. Review STAAR-Alternate and STAAR-Modified Participation Requirements Newly enrolled students who must retest are not provided a retest opportunity for STAAR EOC
Procedural Violations Individualized Education Program (IEP) Errors: Test Security Spring 201333 Accommodation errors Test Version errors – a student is administered a regular STAAR test instead of a STAAR Modified or vice-versa A LEP student who was exempt from one or more domains was rated in that domain
Procedural Violations Test Security Spring 201334 Improper Accounting for Secure Materials: Testing personnel lost completed answer documents, test booklets, or other secure materials A Test Administrator did not return testing materials following each day’s administration Secure materials were not returned to the District in time for shipping deadlines
Procedural Violations Test Security Spring 201335 Monitoring Errors: Test Administrator left the room unmonitored when students’ secure materials or secure online administrations were open and visible Test Administrator did not verify that a student recorded his/her responses and accepted a blank answer document Test Administrator did not read the test administration directions. Test Administrator did not actively monitor and did not detect improper use of an accommodation or cell phone Test Administrator did not actively monitor and therefore did not ensure students worked independently during testing Students were not properly monitored during lunch or a break
Procedural Violations 36 An unauthorized person transported test materials (untrained person or a student) Test Administrator did not issue correct materials or allowed students to use nonallowable materials Test Administrator did not use the correct Test Administrator manual Student was allowed to test beyond the four-hour limit Untrained personnel administered or handled test materials Test Administrator failed to remove or cover all instructional displays. Other Procedural Errors:
Reporting Irregularities All incidents must be reported All personnel have an obligation to report testing irregularities or suspected irregularities to the Campus Testing Coordinator or Campus Administration. 37Test Security Spring 2013
38 What tools will help me prepare for testing? Know the policies – dictionaries, calculators, time limits! May need extra training sessions if you are new staff or if providing specialized test administrations Read the appropriate Test Administrator Manual
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