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Counting and Sampling in Lattices: The Computer Science Perspective Dana Randall Advance Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Counting and Sampling in Lattices: The Computer Science Perspective Dana Randall Advance Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counting and Sampling in Lattices: The Computer Science Perspective Dana Randall Advance Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology

2 Counting and Random Sampling Question: In polynomial time, can we: decide if there is one? find one? count them? sample one at random? In general: Y N ?/Y Eg., Perfect Matchings

3 What about matchings on lattices? On the lattice

4 What about matchings on lattices? On the lattice

5 “Domino tilings” What about matchings on lattices? On the lattice

6 What about matchings on lattices? Q: How many? “Domino tilings” On the lattice

7 What about matchings on lattices? ≥ “Domino tilings” On the lattice Q: How many?

8 ≥ 2 (Area/4) total tilings. What about matchings on lattices? ≥ “Domino tilings” On the lattice Q: How many?

9 What about matchings on lattices? Q2: What does a typical one look like? “Domino tilings” “Lozenge tilings” On the lattice Q: How many?

10 Counting and Random Sampling Question: In polynomial time, can we: decide if there is one? find one? count them? sample one at random? In general: Y N ?/Y Eg., Perfect Matchings On lattices: Y

11 Other Computational Problems in the Sciences Some (unrelated?) problems: Nanotechnology - self-assembly Computer sciences - sampling/counting (e.g., image segmentation) Physics - phase transitions Chemistry - colloids

12 A A A C GG G T A A Nanotechnology Universal model of computation using “Wang tiles” DNA-Based self-assembly [Seeman, Winfree,…….] Construction based on Watson-Crick complementarity A B GCATTGCATT CGTAACGTAA GCATTGCATT AATTCAATTC C C A T T T A A T C

13 Physics Phase transitions: Macroscopic changes to the system due to a microscopic change to some parameter. e.g.: gas/liquid/solid, spontaneous magnetization High temperature Criticality Low temperature Simulations of the Ising model

14 Chemistry Colloids: mixtures of two types of molecules. Must not overlap. Low densityHigh density ? (See poster by Sarah Miracle and Amanda Streib!)

15 Computational Problems in the Sciences Some (unrelated?) problems: Nanotechnology - self-assembly Computer sciences - sampling/counting (e.g., image segmentation) Physics - phase transitions Chemistry - colloids … Simulating the Ising Model (and other spin systems)

16 Lattice models Colorings (Potts Model) Matchings Independent Sets The Ising Model Goals: Efficiently sample and approximately count.

17 Counting and Sampling An FPRAS* for f takes input x, ε, δ, and produces A s.t. Pr [ (1−ε)f(x) ≤ A ≤ (1+ε)f(x) ] ≥ 1−δ and runs in time polynomial in |x|, ε−1 and log(1/δ). (*Fully Polynomial Randomized Approximation Scheme) An FPAUS generates samples from some distribution μ with probability π s.t. ||μ,π|| ≤ δ, and runs in time polynomial in |x| and log(1/δ). (*Fully Polynomial Almost Uniform Sampler) Exact Counting ⇒ Exact Sampling ⇓ Approximate Counting ⇐⇒ Approximate Sampling (FPRUS) (FPAUS) “self-reducible”

18 Main Questions Is the problem efficiently computable (in polynomial time)? Which problems are “intractable”? Does the “natural” sampling method work? Give me *any* fast solution! Is *this* sampling algorithm efficient?

19 E.g., if Ω = indep. sets of a graph G, connect I and I’ iff |I I’| = 1. Markov chains Step 1. Connect the state space. State space Ω ( |Ω| ~ c n ) ~

20 Basics of Markov chains Starting at x: - Pick a neighbor y. - Move to y with prob. P(x,y) = 1/∆. - With all remaining prob. stay at x. Transitions P: Random walk on H (max deg in H) Def’n: A MC is ergodic if it is: Irreducible - for all x,y  Ω,  t: P t (x,y) > 0; (connected) Aperiodic - g.c.d. { t: P t (x,y) > 0 } =1. (not bipartite) (The “t step” transition prob.) H x y

21 The stationary distribution  Thm: Any finite, ergodic MC converges to a unique stationary distribution π. Thm: The stationary distribution π of a reversible chain satisfies the detailed balance condition: π(x) P(x,y) = π(y) P(y,x). 

22 E.g., For  > 0, sample independent set I with prob.: π(I) =, where Z = ∑ J |J|.   0 2 1 |I| Z Q: What if we want to sample from some other distribution? Sampling from non-uniform distributions Step 2. Carefully define the transition probabilities.

23 The Metropolis Algorithm Propose a move from x to y as before, but accept with prob. min (1, π(y)/π(x)), (and with all remaining probability stay at x). [MRRTT ’53] π(y)/∆π(x) ( if π(x) ≥ π(y) ) 1/∆ For independent sets: min(1, ) I   I {v} min(1, -1 ) π(y) (|I|+1) /Z π(x) (|I|) /Z = == 1 π(y) π(x) x y π(x) P(x,y) = π(y) P(y,x)

24 Q: But for how long do we walk? Basics continued… Step 1. Connect the state space. Step 2. Carefully define the transition probabilities. Starting at any state x 0, take a random walk for some number of steps... and output the final state (from  ?). Step 3. Bound the mixing time. This tells us the number of steps to take.

25 The mixing rate Def’n: The total variation distance is ||P t,π|| = max __ ∑ |P t (x,y) - π(x)|. x  Ω y   Ω 2 1 A Markov chain is rapidly mixing if  (  ) is poly(n, log(  -1 )). (or polynomially mixing) Def’n Given , the mixing time is  = min { t: ||P t’,π|| < , t’ ≥ t }. A

26 Spectral gap Let   >    ≥  …  ≥   Ω   be the eigenvalues of P. Gap(P) = 1 - | 2 | is the spectral gap. Thm: (Alon, Alon-Milman, Sinclair)   ≤ log ( )  ≥ log ( ). Gap(P) 1 2 Gap(P) | 2 | 1 π*π* 1 2 

27 Bounding Convergence Time Techniques: Coupling Flows and paths Indirect methods Insights from physics Problems: Colorings Matchings Independent sets Ising model

28 Ex 1: Colorings Given: A graph G (max deg d), k > 1. Goal: Find a random k-coloring of G. MC COL : (Single point replacement) Starting at some k-coloring C 0 Repeat: - With prob 1/2 do nothing. - Pick v  V, c  [k]; - Recolor v with c, if possible. The “lazy” chain If k ≥ d + 2, then the state space is connected. (Therefore π is uniform.) Note: k ≥ d + 1 colorings exist. (Greedy) 

29 Coupling Once they agree, they move in sync (x t =y t x t+1 =y t+1 ) Couple moves, but each simulates the MC y0y0 Start at any x 0 and y 0 x0x0 Simulate 2 processes:

30 Def’n: A coupling is a MC on Ω x Ω: 1)Each process {X t }, {Y t } is a faithful copy of the original MC, 2)If X t = Y t, then X t+1 = Y t+1. Coupling T = max ( E [ T x,y ] ), where T x,y = min {t: X t =Y t | X 0 =x, Y 0 =y}. x,y The coupling time T is: Thm:  (  ) ≤ T e ln  -1. [Aldous’81]

31 Consider a shortest path: x = z 0, z 1, z 2,..., z r = y, dist(z i,z i+1 ) = 1, dist(x,y) = r. Path Coupling Coupling: Show for all x,y , E[  (dist(x,y)) ] ≤ 0. Path coupling: Show for all u,v s.t. dist(u,v)=1, that E[  (dist(u,v)) ] ≤ 0. [Bubley, Dyer, Greenhill’97-8]  E[  (dist(x,y)) ] ≤  i E[  (dist(z i,z i+1 )) ] ≤ 0. 

32 Path coupling for MC COL Thm: MC COL is rapidly mixing if k ≥ 3d. [Jerrum ’95] Pf: Use path coupling: dist(x,y) = 1. x y ww E[∆dist] ≤ ( (k-d)(-1) + 2d(+1) ) = (3d - k) ≤ 0. 1 2nk 1   v = w, c  C \ {,, }: ∆dist = -1, Cases:  v  N(w), c  {, }: ∆dist = +1 (or 0)  o.w.: ∆dist = 0. 2d

33 k-colorings On Z 2: MC col is fast when: k ≥ 8 [Jerrum] k ≥ 6 [BDG, AMMV] k = 3 [LRS] On Z d: MC col is slow for k=3 for large d [GKRS, Peled]

34 Ex 2: Sampling matchings MC MATCH :  Starting at M 0, repeat :  Pick e = (u,v)  E - If e  M, remove e; - If u and v unmatched in M, add e; - If u matched (by e’) and v unmatched (or vice versa), add e and remove e’; - Otherwise do nothing. e u v u v e e’ e u v

35 Sampling Matchings MC MATCH is rapidly mixing if # NPM < poly # PM. [Jerrum, Sinclair] There is an FPRAS (and FPAUG) for matchings on any bipartite graph. [Jerrum, Sinclair, Vigoda]

36 Conductance and flows Ω [Jerrum-Sinclair, Lawler-Sokal]  = min  (S). S  Ω, π(S)≤1/2 S S C  (S) = ∑ π(s) P(s,s’) ∑ π(s) s  S, s’  S C sS sS Thm: ≤ Gap(P) ≤ 2  22 2 (Thm: Coupling won’t work! [Kumar-Ramesh’99])

37 Matchings on Lattices v

38 Markov chain for Lozenge Tilings Repeat:  Pick v in the lattice region;  Add / remove the ``cube’’. at v w.p. ½, if possible. v v

39 Markov chain for Lozenge Tilings The state space is connected. The stationary distribution is uniform over tilings. Thm: The lozenge Markov chain is rapidly mixing. [Luby, R., Sinclair], [Wilson], [R.,Tetali] v v

40 v v Markov chain for Lozenge Tilings


42 Repeat:  Pick v in the lattice region;  Add/remove the “tower of height h” at v. w.p. 1/2h, if possible. Tower chain for Lozenge Tilings

43 To couple: Choose corresponding points and the same direction. 1 2 Do nothingMove w/ prob 1/4

44 Comparison [Diaconis,Saloff-Coste’93] unknown P known P _ w z For each edge (x,y)  P, make a path  x,y using edges in P. Let  (z,w) be the set of paths  x,y using (z,w). _ x y Thm: Gap(P) ≥ Gap(P). _ 1 A A = max { ∑ |  x,y | π(x)P(x,y) } 1 Q(e) e   xy e _ 

45 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings

46 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings

47 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a 2 x 2 square;

48 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a 2 x 2 square; Rotate, if possible;

49 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a 2 x 2 square; Rotate, if possible; Otherwise do nothing.

50 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a vtx and a color;

51 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a vtx and a color; Recolor, if possible;

52 What about other models? Potts model Dimer model Domino tilings 3-colorings Pick a vtx and a color; Recolor, if possible; Otherwise do nothing. These local chains are also rapidly mixing on domino tilings and 3-colorings.

53 Goal: Given, sample ind. set I with prob: π(I) = |I| /Z, where Z = ∑ J |J|. Ex 3: Independent Sets MC IND : Starting at I 0, Repeat: - Pick v  V and b  {0,1}; - If v  I, b=0, remove v w.p. min (1, -1 ) - If v  I, b=1, add v w.p. min (1, ) if possible; - O.w. do nothing.

54 When  is small (sparse case) Conjecture: Fast for < 3.79 G = Z 2, (fixed or toroidal boundary).   ≤ 1 [Luby, Vigoda]   ≤ 1.68 [Weitz]   ≤ 1.24 [van den Berg, Steif] MC IND is fast on Z 2 when:   ≤ 2.38 [RSTVY] (strong spatial mixing)

55 When is large (dense case)  > 80 [BCFKTVV]  > 6.19 … [R] MC IND is slow on Z 2 when: Conjecture: Slow for > 3.79 G = Z 2 (with toroidal boundary).

56 large  there is a “bad cut,”... so MC IND is slowly mixing.  Slow mixing of MC IND on Z 2 (large ) (Even) (Odd) 1 0 ∞ SSCSC #R/#B n     (n   n/2) 

57 Ex 4: Ising Configurations c The local chain: Pick a site and a spin and update with the appropriate Metropolis probability. SlowFast Fast [Lubetzky, Sly] ?

58 Tempering: w.p. 1/2: Do a LEVEL move: Fix i ; update  w.p. 1/2: Do a TEMP move: Fix  ; update i  =  x [M+1]  i =   (( ,i)) =  i (  ) / (M+1) iMiM ^ ^ Alternative: Simulated Tempering?  M =   M-1  M-2  0 =0 Thm: Tempering is fast for Ising on K n, for all . [Madras/Zheng] … But not for Potts. [Bhatnagar, R.]

59 Other approaches… Z = ∑  e -  H(  ) = ∑ H  G … Thm: There is an FPRAS for the Ising model that estimates Z (for all , all G). [Jerrum, Sinclair] based on the “high temperature expansion” Thm: There is an FPAUS for the Ising model to sample from  (all , all G).  [R., Wilson] based on the “random cluster respresentation” + JS

60 Conclusions Techniques: Coupling: can be easy when it works Flows: requires global knowledge of chain; very useful for slow mixing Connection to physics: can offer tremendous insights Open problems:... Indirect methods: top down approach; often increases complexity

61 6vtx / 8vtx: Consider MC 8vtx where  (x) = {#sources+sinks} /Z. Open Problems 3-Colorings: MC col is fast on Z 2 when k=3 or k ≥ 6. What about k=4 or 5? SAWs: Is there an FPRAS / FPAUG? There is an efficient “testable algorithm.” [R., Sinclair] Fast: = 0,.9 < < 1.1; Slow: large ? Matchings: FPRAS / FPAUG on non-bipartite graphs?

62 Thank you!





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